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3/8/2020 Kinetic and Potential Energy Crossword - WordMint

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Work, Energy, and Power


4 5

7 8

9 10

11 12









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2. form of energy involved in 15. the force that opposes motion 1. friction converts kinetic energy to 10. the sum of kinetic energy and all
weighing fruit on a spring energy between two surfaces that are in 4. the net work done on an object is forms of potential energy
3. a stretched rubber band or a contact equal to its change in kinetic and 12. the gravitation force is called a
stretched or compressed spring are 17. stored energy potential energy 14. SI unit of work
examples of which potential energy 19. states that energy cannot be 5. energy that is stored in chemical 16. he unit of power equal to one
6. a push or pull created nor destroyed, but only bonds joule of energy transferred in one
11. the sum of an object's potential transformed from one form into 7. a roller coaster track is an example second
and kinetic energy another of a 18. the product of the force exerted
13. work done in a certain amount of 20. the ability to do work 8. friction and air resistance is an on an object and the distance the
time example of what type of force object moves in the direction of the
9. energy of a moving object force 1/1

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