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Amine Recovery Unit (ARU)

E. Bayanjargal
Хий цэвэршүүлэх технологи
ГТБҮ–т хүхэр, CO, CO₂ агуулсан хийг цэвэршүүлэх олон арга байдаг.

1. Абсорбцийн арга
• Физик абсорбц –уусгагчид уусгах
• Хемосорбц: абсорбентын идэвхитэй хэсэгтэй H₂S, CO₂ урвалд орох
• Физик –химийн абсорбц холимог
2. Адсорбцийн: хатуу биетэд H₂S ба CO, CO₂-ыг шингээх.
3. Каталитик арга: H₂S - ыг исэлдүүлж хүхэр гарган авах.

Эдгээрээс Монгол ГТБҮ-т хемосорбцийн аргыг ашигласан.

Энэ аргаар гидроцэвэрлэгээ, гидрокрекинг, висбрекинг, хий ялгах зэрэг
процессуудаас гарсан хий дэх H₂S ба CO₂, COS, CS₂-ыг аминаар салгадаг.
[1]. Б. Бямбагар., “Нефть ба хийн боловсруулалтын технологи”, ШУТИС-ийн сурах бичиг, 2008 он
[2]. Ц. Багмид, “Газрын тос боловсруулах үйлдвэр” илтгэл, 2019 он
Process description
Before elemental sulphur can be recovered in the SRU, the fuel gases need to be separated from the
hydrogen sulphide.
• This is typically accomplished by dissolving the hydrogen sulphide in a chemical solvent (absorption).
Solvents most commonly used are amines.
• Dry adsorbents such as molecular sieves, activated carbon, iron sponge and zinc oxide may also be

[3]. Dr. Subham Paul, Lecture for Training Program on “Petroleum Refining Technology”, CSIR-Indian Institute of
Petroleum, Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248005, India, (11.11.2019 – 27.12.2019)
Flow scheme of amine treatment unit in refinery
1. In the amine solvent
processes, amine solvent is
pumped to an absorption
tower where the gases are
contacted and hydrogen
sulphide is dissolved in the
2. The amine-hydrogen
sulphide solution is then
heated and steam is stripped
to remove the hydrogen
sulphide gas.
3. The fuel gases are
removed for use as fuel in
process furnaces in other
[3]. Dr. Subham Paul, Lecture for Training Program on “Petroleum Refining refinery operations.
Technology”, CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248005,
India, (11.11.2019 – 27.12.2019)
Flash tank separator
Typical amine solvents for ARU
The main solvents used are MEA (Mono ethanol amine), DEA (diethanol amine), DGA (diglycol amine), DIPA (Di-
isopropanol amine), MDEA (Methyl diethanol amine) and a number of proprietary formulations comprising mixtures of
amines with various additives. One important issue concerning the selection of the type of amine is the selectivity
concerning H2S and CO2.
• MEA has had a wide spread use, as it is inexpensive and highly reactive. However, it is irreversibly degraded by
impurities such as COS, CS2 and O2, and therefore is not recommended to use when gases from cracking units are
• DEA is more expensive than MEA but is resistant to degradation by COS and CS2 and has obtained a wide spread
• DGA is also resistant to degradation by COS and CS2 but is more expensive than DEA and has the disadvantage to
absorb also hydrocarbons.
• DIPA, which is used in the ADIP process, licensed by Shell. It can be used for selective H2S removal in the presence of
CO2 and is also effective in removing COS and CS2.
• MDEA is nowadays most widely used, MDEA has a similar characteristic as DIPA, i.e. it has a high selectivity to H2S,
but not to CO2. As MDEA is used as a 40 - 50 % solution (activated MDEA) in water, this has also potential energy
savings. Because of the low selectivity for CO2 absorption DIPA and MDEA are very suitable for use in Claus Tail gas
amine absorbers, as these do not tend to recycle CO2 over the Claus unit. MDEA is applied as a single solvent or as in
proprietary formulation comprising mixtures.
[3]. Dr. Subham Paul, Lecture for Training Program on “Petroleum Refining Technology”, CSIR-Indian Institute of
Petroleum, Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248005, India, (11.11.2019 – 27.12.2019)
Монгол ГТБҮ-т сонгосон хемосорбцийн арга
Хемосорбцийн аргыг 1960 онд АНУ-ын “Шелл Ойл” компани анх
боловсруулсан. Технологийн уг арга нь жингийн 62%-д сульфинол, 30%-д
диизопропаноламин (ДИПА-хемосорбент) ба 8% ус агуулсан комплекс шингээгчийг
ашиглах бөгөөд энэ комплекс шингээгч нь хий дэх хүчиллэг компонентуудыг шингээх
физик абсорбент болдог.
Технологийн давуу талууд:
• Абсорбентийн шингээх чадвар өндөр, 30-120м3 /м3 (Моноэтаноламины хувьд 25-
30м3 /м3 )
• Бага даралтад шингээгдсэн компонентууд десорбцид ордог
• Нефтийн хийн хольцоос H₂S, CO₂-шингээхээс гадна COS, CS-ийг гүнзгий цэвэрлэдэг
• Абсорбентын алдагдал бага
• Абсорбентын сэргээлтэд зарцуулах энерги бага

[1]. Б. Бямбагар., “Нефть ба хийн боловсруулалтын технологи”, ШУТИС-ийн сурах бичиг, 2008 он
Chemical reaction in amine treating process

[2]. Ц. Багмид, “Газрын тос боловсруулах үйлдвэр” илтгэл, 2019 он

[3]. Dr. Subham Paul, Lecture for Training Program on “Petroleum Refining Technology”, CSIR-Indian Institute of
Petroleum, Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248005, India, (11.11.2019 – 27.12.2019)
1. Operating difficulties
• Foaming
• Failure to meet gas specification
• Solvent losses
• Corrosion
2. Degradation of amines during sour gas treating
3. Safety and environmental issues
Ашигласан номзүй
[1]. Б. Бямбагар., “Нефть ба хийн боловсруулалтын технологи”, ШУТИС-ийн
сурах бичиг, 2008 он
[2]. Ц. Багмид, “Газрын тос боловсруулах үйлдвэр” илтгэл, 2019 он
[3]. Dr. Subham Paul, Lecture for Training Program on “Petroleum Refining
Technology”, CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248005,
India, (11.11.2019 – 27.12.2019)

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