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Superior Model School

Time: 1hr Subject: Mathematics Max Marks: Class: 6


Q. 1 Fill in the blanks.

I. The symbol ϕ represents the ____________________.

II. A singleton set is a set having _________________ elements.

III. Proper subset is represented by ________________.

IV. Set A={ 1,2,3 } is a _______________ of B= {1,2,3,4 }.

V. Universal set for A={ 1,2 } and B= {3,4 } is _________________.

Q. 2 Choose the correct option.

I. Number of subsets can be created from A={ 1,2,3 }
(a) 2 (b) 5 (c) 3 (d) 8
II. A set of numbers less than 20 is
(a) A={ 1,2,3 , … ,20 } (b) B= {1,3,5 , … , 19 }
(c) C={ 1,2,3 , … ,19 } (d) D= { 2,4,6 , … ,20 }
III. The set of whole number is
(a) finite set (b) infinite set (c) empty set (d) unit set
IV. How many subsets contains a power set of empty set?
(a) infinite (b) three (c) two (d) one
Q. 3 Mart true as T and false as F.
I. a ∈ {a , b , c }

II. { a , b , c } {1,2,3 }

III. { 1,2 } ∉ { 2,3,4 }

IV. c ∉ { 2,3 , c }

V. 8−( 4−2 ) =( 8−4 ) −2

VI. 15−12=12−15
Q. 4 Write short answers.
I. Define infinite set. Give example.





II. Write all possible subsets of A={ 1,2,3 }.





III. What is universal set? Give example.





IV. Define natural number. Give its example in set form.




Superior Model School
Time: 1hr Subject: Mathematics Max Marks: Class: 6

I. Q. 1 The control room of our body is
(a) heart (b) stomach (c) brain (d) liver
II. The most sensitive part of our eye is
(a) retina (b) cornea (c) pupil (d) lens
III. The olfactory nerve links
(a) eye and brain (b) nose and brain
(c) ear and brain (d) tongue and brain
IV. Which sense organ also functinas as a sense organ for temperature
(a) nose (b) tongue (d) ear (d) eye
V. The largest sense organ of the human body is
(a) nose (b) brain (c) ear (d) eye
VI. Stomata open to allow _______________ the plant.
(a) sugar into (b) sugar out of (c) carbon dioxide into (d) light into
VII. Which is correct for leaves to make food?
(a) flat surface (b) presence of large numbers of stomata
(b) thick layer of mesophyll cells (d) all of these
VIII. Respiration takes place in _______________ of cells.
(a) chloroplasts (b) mitochondria (c) nucleus (d) cell membrane
IX. The process by which plants make their foods
(a) photosynthesis (b) digestion (c) breathing (d) chlorophyll
X. Which of the following is not the part of eye
(a) retina (b) pupil (c) iris (d) ear drum
Q. 2 Match the relevant terms.
Skin Olfactory nerve
Nose Taste buds
Ear Cochlea
Eyes Retina
Tongue The largest organ
.3 Write short answers to the following questions.
I. Describe the structure of human with the help of diagram.
II. Write a note on sense of smell.
III. What is a microscope? Explain its use.
Q. 4 Label the diagram below.

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