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The following contract is to prepare the area in the rear of the home for installation of an 18 foot mountain
loch pool that is expected to be delivered on Monday July 20th. In preparation for the install there is an area of
landscaping that needs to be cleared and bushes removed. After the landscape is cleared the groound will be
worked over and sand installed to make a level base for the pool. We will also install 12 blocks in correspondence
to the posts for stability as instructed by the company providing the pool. The costs for materials for this stage
328.00 plus taxes, estimated to be 350.00 total. The labor is $425.

Stage 2 will be a separate issue addressed by myself being the installation of electrical with conduit and 2
weather resistant outlets. They will be up to code and sealed from damage from the elements and if at any time this
year they become faulty or nonworking I guarantee a return to fix the issue at no charge. I do not forsse this being a
reality but for your piece of mind Im including this in the contract. The cost for materials is lower then originally
planned, at $125. The labor for the installation remains $150.

At this point I will get into payments. I usually require the materials to be paid for and 50% of the labor,
however since this will be done over the weekend and delivery of the pool is expected on monday this will be a fast
moving project. The labor to erect the pool, $600 can be paid upon completion. The material total for the job will be
$475 which can be paid via Paypal, Facebook pay cash or check. I prefer the electronic payment so both parties
have an undeniable digital reciept for this transaction. The remaining labor for sage one and two, $575 can be
broken down to $200 at the agreement of the start date and the remainder on Monday after the stages are
completed. In total the up front costs would be $675. The balance of $375 due after completion expected by the end
of the day Monday, weather permitting. If we are able to agree on this this evening and payment can be made I will
get ll the materials tomorrow and begin clearing the landscape by afternoon. We will return on Sunday with a crew
to finish the pool preperations and at the same time I will be installing the electrical. There is a chance of afternoon
storms on both Sunday and Monday which is why I state that weather permitting we will be ready to begin
installing the pool by Tuesday morning. That should be a one day event and you should be able to schedule water
delivery if needed. I am willing to retun on the following day to inspect and observe the filling if you would like. At
that time the remaining labor, $600 can be settled as well. To be on the side of caution I project the completion of
our work to be no later then Wednesday. However we will have to see how the weather unfolds and adjust

As a standard operating procedure this paragraph is a WAIVER OF LIAIBILTY, for you as the homeowner.
During the project at all times the homeowner is waived of any and all liability for injury to any of the employees of
MC HANDYMAN SERVICES. Furthermore it is the express responsibility of the contractor to pay any compensation
for any damages possibly incurred. Mchandyman services hereby relieves the the home owner of any liability for
my tools and equipment in case of damage or possible theft. In short there is no possibility of any suit being
brought forth against you or your insurance and all liability and responsibility financially or otherwise is the sole
burden of MCHANDYMAN SERVICES,Mathew Lofland self propietor.
All checks or payment shall be made to Mathew Lofland 120 e Cedar st Springfield Illinois.

All payments will be accompanied by a written reciept as well as the electronic record of paypal or
facebook inc. Payment will be considered as agreement to this contract and both parties are bound to its contents.
We thank you for the opportunity to meet and discuss this project and are hopeful it is agreeable and the end result
will be satisfactory for you. Please contact me at or at 217-408-8813 if you would like
me to come this evening and get this under way tomorrow.
On a personal note Happy Anniversary to you both.

Mathew Lofland 07/17/2020

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