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Pontifical Javeriana University

English 7-8
Ana María Patiño Ladino
Second task

The investment project arises around the problem studied by the ONU, on the projection of growth
of the rural and urban population, which has triggered the urbanization and illegal appropriation of
rural areas of different countries around the world. On the one hand, this estimates a problem at a
global level, about the poor planning and disorganized urbanization of rural areas. On the second
hand, it presents a problem from the qualification of urban habitability, based on migration and
displacement processes, understanding social vulnerability as a problem to be treated.

The main structure of change arises from understanding the consequences of this critical and
challenging challenge. Due to assuming the challenge, the architecture plays that role of solving
migration problems, providing an ephemeral quality architecture: Modules made from lower water
consumption, and the implementation of renewable energy. The business idea is structured then,
through the design of temporary emergency housing, solving population growth and poor quality of

In order to explain its feasibility and viability, it is argued on its character as a sustainable solution,
Firstly, by the implementation of the solar panels in the modules. Secondly, by a very profitable
business idea: energy. The investments required to realize the business idea are mainly followed by
all those who share the feeling of making a change.

Besides that, what makes this business idea unique, is the fact that is build neither on a whim nor in
the search of money, but in improving the living conditions of people, based on the fact that is a
global emergency. So, the company will emerge as a global solution, to help every country
immersed in immigrants problems, to stop “protecting” them in low quality unsanitary emergency
camps and rather give them quality and decent temporary architecture.
Next in the tank Is a solution for migration

Hello shark, I greet you that you are seeing me. I

introduce myself, my name is Ana María Patiño,
and I am from Bogotá, Colombia. I want to invite
you to join this adventure called archisolutions. I
am going to start by telling you what this project
is about. This project arises from the latent
concern about the processes of illegal migration
and illegal urbanization, which is an issue that
concerns my fiel of study, architecture. This
problem has not only been identified by the UN,
but by different government entities around the
world. What is happening is that many countries
are being involved in migratory crises, people,
due to lack of government planning, appropriate
the rural and urban areas of the cities, this is the
only thing that leads to a lack of space, poor
hygiene, poverty , crime, among others.

For this reason, arquisolutions proposes a

provisional answer to that problem, which
although does not affect us directly, it does so
There are two types of people who are affected
by this problem, immigrants, and resident
citizens, and to that extent the company
intends to solve both.

Arquisolutions emerges as the leading company

in urban emergency housing planning.

Emergency housing, is a type of housing of small

dimensions, but which has the defect that are
mostly deplorable. Thus, a type of quality
emergency housing is proposed, which allows the
government to solve migration problems, while
being able to afford more permanent solutions.

You will ask yourself how it becomes a

profitable business, I answer that you achieve it
through one of the most profitable
If you take into account that is a modular
proposal, you may realize that when you put one
salr panel on one modulr and you multipliie by
hundred or by a thousand, you are not just
covering the energy supplies for the house, but
also you are generating a solar farm that will
produce big amounts of energy, PUSA so by this
operation the project becomes nos only
sustainable, but productive.

businesses in the world: energy. The energy

applied to these housing modules, through solar
panels and through the optimization of energy
processes. This allows me to ensure high
profitability and viability.

With your investment, the project is allowed to

invest in materials necessary for the construction
of each module. I invite you to join this
adventure, all that is needed is people who share
the feeling of wanting to help the world through
small actions that can cause a great change, all I
am looking for is three hundred million pesos,
and I am offreing the 20 percent of the company.

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