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"What can the world do to solve the problem of technological waste?

In the 21st century, it is unavoidable to produce tons of electronic waste in our
daily lives due to the rapid development of technological industries. For instance, our
unrecyclable battery from our smart phones and the battery from all of the electric
vehicles. Many scientists from different countries engage in inventing various electric
products every day in order to build up an ideal electric society to reduce the gas
emission and promote renewable recourses which are considered to be affordable
and beneficial to everybody. Nevertheless, they neglect one of the serious problems
that is “e-waste” at the end of the whole process. I believe this might be a huge
problem in the near future if people still do not take it as a concern.
From my perspective, if people are able to make everything to be renewable
energy, they might be capable to solve the problem of those harmful disposals after
the manufacturing process. First of all, I personally think that people should stop
promoting how perfect electric vehicles are and they should strike a balance
between sustainable energy and non-renewable resources to try to lower the
negative impact for humans.
Secondly, it should be demanded by law globally to limit and set the goals of the
amount of that technological garbage every year. Once it is mandatory, I believe
everyone will start paying attention to this issue immediately and start reflecting on
what they have done to the world at the moment.
Last but not least, I do believe that “education” is a place where it can be
effectively changed our future. Every educator should take it as a responsibility to
educate people from different places about the disadvantages of those renewable
recourses. If people are educated well, they will be realized such severe problem.
In conclusion, everyone should start thinking how to cope with this issue as fast as
possible because it will become a huge trouble to our next generation and to our
Earth in the following years.

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