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Sunday, November 30, 2014

F1 - 230101

When must a passage plan be prepared? Before the voyage commences
A barograph is an instrument which records continuous: pressure and pressure tendency

You are standing the wheelwatch when you hear the cry, "Man overboard, starboard side". You should instinctively Give full right rudder

A falling barometer is an indication of: bad weather to come

A squall line of sharp changes of wind, is very often associated with: cold front
When making a Scharnow turn, the Rudder is put hard over and the initial turn is maintained until about 240° from the original
Buys Ballot's Law says that if a seafarer faces the wind in the  southern hemisphere then the area of low pressure will be: To the left
During which month do most tropical storm form in the northern hemisphere: August
It is a particular professional knowledge regarding own ship various methods available and how to change over to secondary from
primary methods. It is the knowledge on  steering and conning
Fast moving high clouds  are in indication of: bad weather to come
From the following, what would be the maximun effect of barometric pressure on tidal heights? 0.3 meters
In principle of shiphandling which factor that a master or a pilot has no direct control of the ship Shallow water factor
Frontal  depressions move in families, each depression following its predecessor  but in: a slight lower latitude
If an observer is facing the wind in the northern hemisphere,where does the low pressure ie? To the right
When going astern in a right-handed propeller ship and need to maintain the ship's heading, the rudder would be place at Rudder to
starboard enough to compensate the swing
This type of screw is principally used by fast coastal craft and some classes of aircraft carriers. The propeller revolve in the same direction,
so as to facilitate engine installation. This propeller is Triple or multiple screw
If an observer  is facing the wind in the northern hemisphere, where does the high pressure lie? To the left
it is a propeller which is almost invariably right-handed. When the ship is driven ahead, the propeller revolves in a clockwise direction,
when viewed from astern. To go astern the rotation os the propeller is reversed. It is Single screw
this propeller consist of the screws that are out-turning, are right-handed on the starboard side and left-handed on the port side, this type
of propeller is  Twin screw

Sunday, November 30, 2014 F1 - 230102

If the atmosphere contains less  water vapour than it is capable of holding at  that  temperature,it said to be: saturated
If you are facing into the wind in the Southern Hemisphere,where would an area of low pressure lie? To your left
Using a sea anchor with the survival craft will __________. reduce your drift rate
In an anti- cyclone in the northern hemisphere,the surface wind circulation: clockwise, with  the wind across the isobars at an angle
towards the lower pressure
In an area with very high atmospheric pressure, the tides will: be lower than predicted
In meteorology, isobar are  lines joining places having the same: pressure
When steering a tow downstream around the shape of a sand bar, and staying on the proper side of the buoys, an operator should be
cautious of __________. eddies under the bar
In the Northern Hemisphere, the wind at  sea level rotates around a depression in: an anticlockwise direction at a small angle to the
isobars inwards towards the center
In the Northern hemisphere, which direction will  the wind be from just before a warm front arrives? ESE
A ship is having a slow speed, by using the backing maneuver, the ship is considered to be dead on the water when the quick water
reaches the amidships
In what direction does the wind  blow around a cyclonic storm in the Northern hemisphere Anti - clockwise
In what latitude do tropical revolving storms generally originate? 0 to 25 degrees
A ship is not turning around the center of gravity, but another point. What is the point called? pivot point
A ship is turning around a point called the "pivot point". What is the position of this invisible point when the ship is "dead" in the water?
About same position as the center of gravity.
In which area will the isobars be spaced closest,given the wind speed indicated? 40 kts
A single-screw vessel going ahead tends to turn more rapidly to port because of propeller __________. sidewise force
Your vessel is off a lee shore in heavy weather and laboring.  Which action should you take? Put the sea and wind about two points
on either bow and reduce speed.
In which direction do jet streams normally travel? North to South
In which direction does the Coriolis force deflect winds in the  Southern hemisphere? To the left
Your vessel is backing on the starboard screw, and going ahead on the port screw.  The bow will __________. swing to starboard

Sunday, November 30, 2014 F1 - 230103

Your vessel is backing on the starboard screw, and going ahead on the port screw.  The bow will __________. swing to starboard
What level of visibility does "poor" indicate in a weather forecast? Between 1000-2000m
What weather conditions are likely to result from the movement of warm air mass over a relatively colder sea surface? Fog
Your ship is going full astern and making sternway. Where will the "pivot point" be located? No wind, current. Somewhere aft of the
center of gravity, but it is impossible to pin-point the exact location
Your ship is going full ahead as you start to slow down. Where is the position of the "pivot point" now? No wind, current. It will move
aft as the ship slows down
Sea waves will  increase in height in certain conditions. From those listed, which is NOT one of hose conditions? When they travel with
a current
Showery precipitation is most   likely to be produced by; cumulus or cumulonimbus  clouds
Your ship is drifting in open sea with temporary engine malfunction. You are equipped with precise navigation equipment. What should
you do in this situation? Use the opportunity to plot direction and rate of drift for later use
What is the main factor which can make actual tidal heights and times different from the predicted heights and times? Wind
What is the minimum sea water temperature necessary for a hurricane to develop? 26°
Your ship is dead in the water with the rudder amidships. As the right-handed screw starts to turn ahead, the bow will tend to go
__________. to port
A vessel shall, so far as is practicable, avoid crossing traffic separation lanes. But if obliged to do so shall cross the general direction of
traffic flow. on a heading as nearly as practicable at right angles
A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall so far as practicable: keep clear of the traffic separation line or separation zone
You have made a turning test on full speed in deep water. You are now going to make a test in shallow water. Do you think the turning
diameter will be the same? No, the turning diameter will be increased in shallow water.
The times of civil twilight are tabulated in the Nautical Almanac.  These times are: The LMT when the sun's center reaches 6° below
the visible horizon before sunrise and after sunset
The visual range corresponding to the term "moderate visibility" used in weather bulletin is: 2 to 5 nautical miles
Tropical maritime air is usually: Cold, wet and stable
Your ship is equipped with a single, right-handed fixed screw. Steaming full ahead you reverse the engine to stop the ship. How will the
ship react?  No wind or current. She will most likely sheer to starboard and gradually loose headway
What distance must visibility be reduced to before water vapour is classed as fog? 2 km
What do you tightly spaced isobars indicate? Strong winds
Your ship is equipped with a right-handed propeller. As you go full astern from full ahead, the ship is sheering to starboard. Is there
anything you can do to reduce the change in heading? Put the rudder hard to port to reduce the water flow to the right side of the
Your ship has right handed propeller and is on half ahead when you put her full astern to stop her. Do you think the rudder will have
any effect while the ship is making headway? Yes, by putting the rudder hard starboard. it will shield water flow to the starboard.
side of the propeller and vice versa to port. This will effect turning of the ship.
At night you notice, in addition to other lights, two yellow lights in a  vertical line in which flash altermately  every second. What  does
this indicate? A fishing vessel hampered by her purse seine gear
At nigh, in addition to her sidelights, what else must a sailing vessel show? A stern light
At sea during the day you see a vessel displaying two black cones wih their points together.What does this indicate? A vessel engaged
in fishing
Your engine is going astern and you pick up sternway. The rudder is midships, and you are operating on a single, right-handed fixed
screw. How will your ship react? She will most likely change heading to starboard
You want to stop your ship as quickly as possible without too much change in the heading. What can you do to achieve this? Use the
rudder hard over both sides while reducing engine power, so-called "high frequency rudder cycling".
What wind speeds are likely when a weather forecast predicts an imminent Force 8 gale? Over 34 knots
When a marine thermometer is used to take air temperatures, it should be hung: in a screen sited to windward
You have made a turning test on full speed in deep water. You are now going to make a test in shallow water. Do you think the turning
diameter will be the same? No, the turning diameter will be increased in shallow water.
The eye of a tropical revolving storm in an area with light wind but with seas that are: very high and confused
The most accurate sea surface temperature would be obtained from a: water sample obtained in an insulated bucket
You have anchored in a mud and clay bottom.  The anchor appears to be dragging in a storm.  What action should you  take? Drop the
second anchor, veer to a good scope, then weigh the first anchor.
A power driven vessel observes the stern light of another power-driven vessel on a steady bearing and reducing range on the port bow.
Which vessel must give way? The observing vessel
You are sailing in shallow water, with 15% Under Keel Clearance. With full RPM, what will your speed be compared to deep water?
For a power driven of 100 meters in length and 20  meters beam, what is the maximum height above the hull that the forward
masthread light can be carried? 12 meters
For a which types of vessel should a fishing vessel not impede the passage in arrow cahnnel of fairway? Any other vessels navigating
within  the narrow cahnnel  or fairway
You are sailing in shallow water, with 15% Under Keel Clearance. How will the stopping distance be, compared to deep water? longer
Sunday, November 30, 2014

F1 - 230104

How should a vessel cross a traffic separation lane? On  a heading as nearly as practical art right angles to the direction of traffic

If a vessel is being towed alongside on the starboard side of the towing vessel, what lights should it show? Sidelights and sternlight

If a receiving station cannot distinguish a signal sent by flag hoist it should __________. keep the answering pennant at the dip

If another ship does not appear to be taking sufficient action to avoid a collision, what should you do according to the Collision
Regulation? Sound 5 short and rapid blast on the whistle

If the two vessel approach each other on collision course, what is meant by " the critical period" The period when action to prevent a
collision has to be taken

A vessel in distress should send by radio telephone the two tone alarm signal followed immediately by the __________. spoken words
"Mayday, Mayday, Mayday"

If another ship does not appear to be taking sufficient action to avoid a collision, what should you do according to the Collision
Regulation? Sound 5 short and rapid blast on the whistle

If the two vessel approach each other on collision course, what is meant by " the critical period The period when action to prevent a
collision has to be taken "

According to the "Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act", your radiotelephone log must contain __________. a summary of all
distress calls and messages

If you have a main engine failure, what shapes would you exhibit? Two black balls in a vertical line

If you hear a fog a signal forward of the beam,Rule 19 states must: reduce to minimum steerage way

Which statement about transmitting distress messages by radiotelephone is INCORRECT? It is advisable to follow a distress message
on 2182 kHz by two dashes of 10 to 15 seconds duration.

A message warning of a tropical storm should be sent as a(n) __________. safety message

If your ship is in collision and the ships are locked together, which of the following should not always be done? Go full astern to
release the ships

If your ship is in collision in the waters of a foreign nations, which of the following is NOT a legal responsibility for the MASTER? Go as
soon as possible to the nearest appropriate port to report to the authorities

A message giving warning of a hurricane should have which prefix when sent by radiotelephone? Securite Securite Securite

If you wished to transmit a message by voice concerning the safety of navigation, you would preface it by the word __________. Securite

The VHF radiotelephone calling/safety/distress frequency is __________. 156.8 MHz   (channel 16)

In a traffic separation scheme a vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of: any vessel following a traffic lane

In a traffic separation scheme a vessel of less than 20 meters  in length or a sailing vessel shall not impede the safe passage of: a power
driven vessel following a traffic lane

The radiotelephone safety message urgently concerned with safety of a person would be prefixed by the word __________. Pan pan

Inshore traffic zones shall not be used by which of the following vessels? One that can safely use the appropriate lane within the

Is anchoring permitted in a narrow channel? It should be avoided if at all possible

How is the International Code Signal of distress indicated? N.C

Looking straight ahead at night you observe the masthead lights and both side lights of another vessel.What action should be taken?
Each ship alter course to starboard

On nearing a bend in a narrow cahnnel and the way ahead is obscured,you hear a prolonged blast.What should be your response. One
prolonged blast

A bell or gong, or other device having similar sound characteristics shall produce a sound pressure level of not less than ________110 dB
at 1 meter

The Rules concerning the display of lights starts and ends under which of the following? sunset to sunrise

Referring to Annex II of the Collision Regulations; additional signals for fishing  vessel in close proximity.What does the signal"one
white light over one red light" mean? I am hauling nets

 Which is NOT a distress signal? Vertical motion of a white lantern at night

Which communications functions must all vessels be capable of performing under GMDSS as defined by the International Maritime
Organization? Distress alerting to and from vessels, search and rescue coordination, on-scene communications, signals for
locating, Maritime Safety Information, general and bridge-to-bridge communications.
Sunday, November 30, 2014 F1 - 230105

The bearing is steady. The range is 5 miles, reducing slowly. What action would you take? Sound one short blast and alter course to

The International Regulations for Prevention of Collision at Sea includes: instructions on action to take while plotting a ship by

The AMVER system for vessels in the Gulf of Mexico is administered by the __________. U.S. Coast Guard

The observed vessel sounds three short blasts.  What does: I am operating stern propulsion

The range is 7 miles and constant.  The bearing is steady.  What action would you take? Maintain course and speed

AMVER is a system which provides __________. Position reporting service

When making VHF radio calls to nearby stations, what level of transmitting power should you use? Low power

The white light shown must be so fixed as to show an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon.  What is the size of this arc? 225 deg.
(20 points of the compass)

To which traffic separation schemes does Rule 10 apply? Those adopted by the International Maritime Organization

When sending and receiving messages on the marine radio, confusion over unusual words can be avoided by using the __________.
Standard phonetic alphabet

Which satellite system promulgated Maritime Safety Information? SafetyNET

How is "radio silence" imposed? By the Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) controlling the distress communications on that
frequency or channel

What is this vessel's fog signal? One prolonged blast followed by 2 short blasts at interval not exceeding two minutes

What kind of vessel may sound a fog signal consisting of four short blasts? A vessel engaged on pilotage duty

How does a coast radio station communicating by HF radio normally identify itself? By its call sign

The AMVER system for vessels in the Gulf of Mexico is administered by the __________. U.S. Coast Guard

AMVER is a system which provides __________. Position reporting service

Vessels as far as possible should avoid anchoring: in a traffic separation scheme or in areas near it's terminations
What additional lights does a vessel constrained by its draught have to show? Three red lights in a vertical line

When making VHF radio calls to nearby stations, what level of transmitting power should you use? Low power

What would a vessel do to highlight a danger to another vessel, especially at night Direct a search light in the direction of the danger

Sunday, November 30, 2014 F1 - 230106

What do these three red lights indicate? A vessel constrained by draught

When sending and receiving messages on the marine radio, confusion over unusual words can be avoided by using the __________.
Standard phonetic alphabet

What is the duration of a "short blast" on the whistle? one second

What is the duration of a prolonged blast? 4-6 seconds

When communicating on the radiotelephone using plain English, what procedure word indicates the end of my transmission and that a
response is necessary? Over

If you are transmitting a distress message by radiotelephone you should __________. use English language

Any person maintaining a listening watch on a bridge-to-bridge radiotelephone must be able to __________. speak English

What is a routeing measure aimed at the separation of opposing streams of traffic by establishing traffic lanes called? Traffic
separation scheme

What is the best way to monitor the risk of collision in poor visibility? Monitor the radar display and post a lookout

You are piloting a vessel, which is required to have a radiotelephone, on the navigable waters of the United States. You must __________.
All of the above

What signal shall a vessel sound when nearing a bend or an area of narrow channels or fairway where other vessels may be obscured
by an intervening obstruction? One prolonged blast

When proceeding along a narrow channel a vessel should: keep to the outer limit which lies on her starboard side

You wish to communicate by radiotelephone with a foreign vessel using the International Code of Signals. This is indicated by the signal
__________. "Interco"

When proceeding in a narrow channel, you hear a vessel astern sound two prolonged blast followed by two short blast.  What does this
signal indicate? The other vessel intends to overtake you on your port side

When should a sailing vessel keep out of the way of a power driven vessel? When the sailing vessel is overtaking

What is the International Code signal for calling an unknown station using flashing light? AA AA

When should a vessel not under command display the sternlight? When making way through the water

When taking action to avoid collision under Rule 8, you should avoid: a succession of small alterations of speed or course

The radiotelephone safety message urgently concerned with safety of a person would be prefixed by the word __________. Pan

When two power-driven vessels, in sight of each other, are crossing so as to involve risk of collision, avoiding action must be taken by:
the vessel which has the other on her own starboard side

When two ships are on reciprocal courses, what is meant by the "approaching vessel's relative speed"? The sum of the speed of the
two vessels

A crew member is lost overboard in fog. What is the most suitable method of returning the ship to a reciprocal course on its original
track? A Williamson turn

A ship turns around a point called the 'pivot point'. What is the usual position of this point when the ship is at full sea speed? At about
1/4 of the ship's from yhe bow

The signal "AS" when used in signaling by the International Code of Signals means "________________". Wait

When using the International Code of Signals to communicate, the end of a radiotelephone transmission is indicated by the signal
__________. AR

If you receive the signal over radiotelephone of "Romeo Papa Tango" while using the International Code of Signals, you should __________.
repeat your last transmission

When two whistles are fitted on a vessel and are placed more than 100m apart, what is the usual arrangement for giving maneuvering
and warming signals? Only one of the whistles is sounded

When underway, what is the principal threat to the ship? To have a collision with another ship

You are calling another vessel by radiotelephone using the International Code of Signals. He responds with the words "Alpha Sierra".
This indicates that __________. he cannot accept traffic immediately

When signaling a course using the International Code of Signals, the signal __________. always indicates a true course unless indicated
otherwise in the message

Sunday, November 30, 2014 F1 - 230106

What is the smallest area containing all possible survivors and search object locations? Possibility area

Severe Tropical Storm has a wind force of: wind force 10 to 11

Tropical Depression has a wind force of: wind force 7 or less

When should you use distress flares and rockets? Only when there is a chance of their being seen by rescue vessels

Typhoon, Hurricane or Cyclone has a wind force of: wind force 12

In the Northern Hemisphere, which area of the hurricane is the dangerous semicircle? to the right of the storm's track

An airplane should NOT send which signal in reply to a surface craft? Opening and closing the throttle

Which of the following signals, used or exhibited either together or separately, indicate distress and need of assistance? i. the
radiotelegraph alarm signal ii. A continuous sounding with any fog-signaling apparatus iii. Rockets of shells, throwing green I and II

Which equipment is not a source of locating signals? Survival craft VHF transceivers that provide a beacon on 121.5 MHz

 In the North Atlantic Ocean, the highest frequency of tropical cyclone occurs during: August, September and October

"Monsoon" is the most striking example of a wind system produced by: alternate heating and cooling of a land mass

What is the action that a GMDSS Radio Operator should take when a DSC distress alert is received? The operator should immediately
set continuous watch on the radiotelephone frequency that is associated with the frequency band on which the distress alert
was received.

Which of the following area is the name "CYCLONE" used? any of the choices

In the Southern Hemisphere, what is the usual sequence of direction in which a Tropical Cyclone moves? Southwest, South and

If there are a number of survivors in the water after abandoning ship, they should __________. form a small circular group to create a
warmer pocket of water in the center of the circle

An East wind on the coast of Sardinia. Bentu De Soli

Briza is: any of the choices

 Which signal is recognized as a distress signal? A smoke signal giving off orange colored smoke

A name for squall in the East Indies. Brubu

A gentle breeze in the Hebrides. Kaver

Which step should be taken, if possible, when the vessel must be abandoned because of a distress situation? Place the SART and
EPIRB in the "ON" position and secure them to the survival craft.

You are trying to rescue survivors from a wrecked vessel on fire.  You should approach __________. to windward of the wrecked vessel

Tropical storms DO NOT occur in which ocean? South Atlantic Ocean

Sunday, November 30, 2014 F1 - 230107

In the Northern Hemisphere, if your  vessel is caught in the dangerous semi-circle, the best course of action is to bring the wind: on the
starboard bow, hold course and make as much headway as possible

What is the smallest area containing all possible survivors and search object locations? Possibility area

When should you use distress flares and rockets? Only when there is a chance of their being seen by rescue vessels

If your vessel is maneuvering to escape from a navigable semi-circle in the Northern Hemisphere, the best course of action is to bring
the wind: on the starboard quarter, hold course and make as much headway as possible
If you have determined that your vessel is in the navigable semi-circle in the Southern Hemisphere, the best course of action is to bring
the wind: on the port quarter, hold course and make as much headway as possible

An airplane should NOT send which signal in reply to a surface craft? Opening and closing the throttle

When sending a DSC call, the vessel's __________. position will automatically be sent if the vessel is sending a "Distress Hot Key"

What does the DSC control unit do if the GMDSS Radio Operator fails to insert updated information when initiating a DSC distress alert?
It will initiate the DSC distress alert and default information will automatically be transmitted.

If a GMDSS radio operator initiates a DSC distress transmission but does not insert a message, what happens? The transmission will
be made with "default" information provided automatically.

Which action should be taken on receipt of a GMDSS Distress alert? All of the above

Which action should you take after sending a false Distress alert on VHF? Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-16.

In the Rocky Mountain region, this foehn wind is known by which name? Chinook

On the west coast of the U.S., a strong, hot, dry wind blows through a pass and down a valley of that name in Southern California. Santa

What is the fundamental purpose for imposing radio silence? To ensure that interference on a particular frequency or channel to
communications concerning emergency traffic is minimized

When can routine communications be resumed when radio silence has been imposed? Routine communications can resume after
the Rescue Coordination Center transmits a message on the frequency or channel being used for emergency communications
stating that such traffic has concluded.

What is meant by the term "radio silence"? Stations not directly involved with the on-going Distress communications may not
transmit on the distress frequency or channel

Whether your vessel is in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, what is the best course of action if your vessel is determined to be on
storm track behind. avoid center by the best practicable course

It is a warm dry wind which initiates from horizontally moving air encountering a mountain barrier. Foehn  

How is "radio silence" imposed? By the On Scene Coordinator (OSC)

What is the most appropriate action for a GMDSS Radio Operator to take in a distress situation where immediate help is needed, but the
vessel is not sinking nor needs to be abandoned? Transmit Distress call by MF/HF, VHF or INMARSAT.

What should you do when you see a person fall overboard at night? Call for help and keep the victim in sight

At 0000H you fix your position and change course to 180˚T At 0100H, you again fix your position, and it is 1.5 miles north of your DR
position. Which statement The current is northerly is true?

At 1000H you fix your position and change course to 180˚T At 1030H, you again fix your position, and it is 0.5 miles south of your DR
position. Which statement is true? The current is southerly

Immediately after abandoning a vessel, lookouts should be posted aboard liferafts to look for __________. Survivors in the water

A body will be observed at lower transit only : if the body is circumpolar

After abandoning ship, you should deploy the sea anchor from a liferaft to __________. Stay in the general location

Which step should be taken, if possible, when the vessel must be abandoned because of a distress situation? Place the SART and
EPIRB in the "ON" position and secure them to the survival craft.

When abandoning ship, after launching the motor lifeboat you should __________. stay in the immediate area
You must shore up the collision bulkhead due to solid flooding forward. The bulkhead approximates an inverted triangle. The center of
pressure of the shores on the bulkhead should be located __________. approximately two-thirds of the way up the bulkhead

At lower transit, the body's altitude is at its minimum bearing North or South. What will be the LHA? 180 deg.

You are trying to rescue survivors from a wrecked vessel on fire. You should approach __________. to windward of the wrecked vessel

You are underway when a fire breaks out in the forward part of your vessel. If possible you should __________. put the vessel's stern
into the wind

Monday, December 1, 2014

F1- 230109

It is a propeller which is almost invariably right-handed. When the ship is driven ahead, the propeller revolves in a clockwise direction,
when viewed from astern. To go astern rotation of the propeller is reversed. It is _______. single screw

It is a particular professional knowledge regarding own ship various methods available and how to change over to secondary from
primary methods. It is the knowledge on: Steering and conning

What is the purpose of the anti-clutter "sea" control on the radar? Reduce the sea echoes

Insufficient space between the hull and bottom in shallow water will prevent normal screw currents resulting in ______. All of the above

X-band radar is the name for __________ radar and S-band is the name for __________ radar. 3 cm - 10 cm

What does RADAR stand for? Radio detection and ranging

In which situation could a vessel most easily capsize? running in the trough

In twin screw engine installation while going ahead, maneuvering qualities are most effective when the tops of the propellers blades
both turn: outboard from the center

The components that generate the radio-frequency energy in the form of short powerful pulse is the: Magnetron

In shiphandling, which action will reduce the yawing of the vessel in a following sea? Shifting weights to the stern

What is the IMO requirement for ARPA detection? Performance not inferior to the radar display

In shiphandling in heavy weather, you notice your vessel's screw is being lifted clear of the water and racing. One way to correct this
would be to _____. decrease speed

An increase in temperature with an increase in altitude would tend to cause: Super-refraction

In shiphandling in heavy weather you have your bow meeting the seas. Which measure should NOT be taken to reduce pounding? Add
ballast in the after peak

In a Polar region with very cold wind blowing over warmer sea, you would expect__________ . Sub-refraction

A large ship close by may cause _________ . Multiple echoes

In shiphandling in heavy weather, you notice buckling in the midships deck plating of your vessel. To relieve the strain, you could _____.
all of these

In ship handling, you notice that your rudder response has become sluggish and your speed has decreased. This are signs that you have:
entered shallow water

Which of the following radar displays is not stabilized? Ship's head-up, Relative motion

Does the COLREGS give any preference to ships equipped with ARPA? Yes
Monday, December 1, 2014 F1 - 230110


Most naval ships and some merchant vessels are fitted with steam turbines in which the astern power is equal to what part of the ahead
power. half

Mooring with two bow anchors has which major advantage over anchoring with one bow anchor? The radius of the vessel's swing
will be shortened

What does "ECDIS" mean? Elecronic chart display and information system

ECDIS is set with performance standard by IMO called: DX 90

A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall so far as practicable: keep clear of the traffic separation line or separation zone

A vessel which can only safely navigate within a narrow channel or fairway shall not be impeded by: sailing vessels, fishing vessels,
vessels less than 20m or crossing vesssels

This is the ship's electronic data base used in the ECDIS Sytem Electronic Nautical Chart

At what height above the hull should the forward anchor light be placed on a vessel of 50 meters or more in length? 6 meters

At what minimum height above the hull should the mastlight on a power driven vessel of length 60 meters and beam 9m be carried? 9

The Component of the IBS which contains the heart of the whole sysytem is the: Chart data base

The Component of the IBS that allows a navigator to see an integrated navigation and tactical display and to avoid navigational hazard

ECDIS must have the capability to preserve the record of the track for the previous __________.12 hours

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding automatic identification systems (AIS) ? AIS can be used to make passing
arrangements via ship-to-ship text messaging but a vessel operator is not relieved from the requirement to sound whistle
signals or make arrangements via bridge-to-bridge radiotelephone.

For a which types of vessel should a fishing vessel not impede the passage in arrow cahnnel of fairway? Any other vessels navigating
within the narrow cahnnel or fairway

How should a vessel cross a traffic separation lane? On a heading as nearly as practical art right angles to the direction of traffic

An ECDIS is required to display which information? Soundings

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding automatic identification systems (AIS)? AIS provides near real-time
information regarding another vessel's speed over ground and heading regardless of visibility.

At sea during the day you see a vessel displaying two black cones wih their points together.What does this indicate? A vessel engaged
in fishing

Chart information details to be used in ECDIS should be the latest edition of information originated by a government-authorized
hydrographic office and conform to the standards of (the) __________. International Hydrographic Organization

The database information that should be shown when a chart is first displayed on ECDIS is the __________. standard display

Which data must ECDIS be able to record at one-minute intervals? Course made good history

Which information must automatic identification systems (AIS) automatically provide to appropriately equipped shore stations, vessels
and aircraft? Vessel's course

If a vessel is being towed alongside on the starboard side of the towing vessel, what lights should it show? Sidelights and sternlight

If a vessel is being towed alongside on the starboard side of the towing vessel,what lights should it show? Sidelights and sternlight

While underway, a vessel over 100,000 gross tons wi

th an automatic identification systems (AIS) is expected to broadcast all of the following information every 1 to 10 seconds EXCEPT
__________. name of vessel

Inshore traffic zones shall not be used by which of the following vessels? One that can safely use the appropriate lane within the

Is anchoring permitted in a narrow channel? It should be avoided if at all possible

While underway, automatic identificat

ion systems (AIS) broadcast all of the following information every 1 to 10 seconds EXCEPT the __________. ship's scantlings

Chart information details to be used in ECDIS should

be the latest edition of information originated by a government-authorized hydrographic office and conform to the standards of (the)
__________. International Hydrographic Organization

Raster-scan chart data is __________. a digitized "picture" of a chart in one format and one layer

ECDIS units incorporate Digital Chart Data Formats, which include __________. vector and raster

For a power driven vessel less than 30 meters in length and 5 meters beam, at what height above the hull should be the mastlight be
carried? not less than 6 meters

For a power driven of 100 meters in length and 20 meters beam, what is the maximum height above the hull that the forward
masthread light can be carried? 12 meters

An ECDIS is required to display which information? Soundings

An ECDIS is required to display which information? Hydrographic data, RADAR targets, ARPA vectors

Monday, December 1, 2014 F1- 230111

In ship handling, which of the following statements concerning the handling characteristics of a fully loaded vessel as compared with
those of a light vessel is FALSE? A fully loaded vessel will maintain her headway further

With regards to ARPA, what does the "lost target" warning tell? Target can no longer be plotted

It is the term used at the instant an electro-magnetic wave is passing by an obstruction between two places? Diffraction

In shiphandling in heavy weather you have your bow meeting the seas. Which measure should NOT be taken to reduce pounding? Add
ballast in the after peak

In shiphandling in heavy weather you have your bow meeting the seas. To prevent pounding, you should _______. decrease speed

What is equivalent to one complete oscillation? Cycle

You are the OIC on the bridge of a power-driven vessel and notice a large sailing vessel approaching you from the stern. You should:
hold your course and speed

An indirect radar echo is caused by a reflection of the main lobe of the radar beam of the observer’s vessel. Which of the following is
NOT a characteristic of indirect echoes? They always appear on a bearing of 90º from the true bearing of the contact.

When using the ARPA in heavy rain, which action should you take? Navigate as though the effective range of the radar has been

If it becomes necessary for a stand-on vessel to take action to avoid collision, she shall NOT: turn to port for a vessel on her own port

A vessel approaching your vessel from 235˚ relative is in what type of situation? overtaking

This is a radar transponder which emits a characteristics signal when triggered by ship's radar RACON

How can rescue personnel detect that a SART is transmitting in the immediate vicinity? The SART's blips on the PPI will become arcs
and eventually become concentric circles.

Which of the following factors must be taken into account when determining safe speed? the maneuverability of the vessel

Which of these vessels is NOT a vessel "restricted in her ability to maneuver" as defined in Rule 3 of the Collision Regulations? a vessel
whose anchor is fouled

When using an ARPA, what should you consider in order to evaluate the information displayed? Navigational constraints may
require a target vessel to change course.

Which of these vessels is "not under command" as defined in Rule 3 of the Collision Regulations? a vessel whose anchor is fouled

The following are vessels "not under command" EXCEPT: a vessel engaged in mine-clearing operations
The radar control that reduces weak echoes out to a limited distance from the ship is the __________._ sensitivity time control (sea-
clutter control)

According to the collision regulations, all of the following are considered engaged in fishing EXCEPT a vessel______. trolling

The term "vessel constrained by her draft" means a power-driven vessel which because of her draft in relation to the available _____ of
navigable water is severely restricted in her ability to deviate from the course she is following. depth and width

Which ARPA data should you use in order to determine if a close quarters situation will develop with a target vessel? Relative track

Your ARPA has automatic speed inputs from the log. Due to currents, the log is indicating a faster speed than the speed over the
grounds. What should you expect under these circumstances? The targets true course vector will be in error.
Monday, December 1, 2014 F1- 230112

A composite great circle route is not as short a distance as a great circle route, but it is sometimes used instead. Why?

A free gyroscope is said to have "three degrees of freedom". From those listed, which is NOT one of these? Latitude axis It avoids high
latitudes where ice may be found

A vessel may use any sound or light signals to attract the attention of another vessel as long as __________. the signal cannot be
mistaken for a signal authorized by the Rules

A gyro compass on a high-speed craft often takes time to settle correctly when altering course. What causes this problem? The change
in the (large) value of the latitude course and speed error when altering course

A light giving 4 flashes, which has sectors showing two different colours, could have an abbreviated description: Fl(4) WR 15s 15m

Which signal, other than a distress signal, can be used by a vessel to attract attention? Searchlight beam

Which light(s) is(are) AMONG those shown by a 200-meter vessel at anchor? Any available working lights to illuminate the decks

A position line on a chart is defined as a line: somewhere on which the observer is situated

Which vessel would NOT sound a fog signal of one prolonged and two short blasts? A vessel being towed

Which signal may be sounded ONLY by vessels in restricted visibility? Four short blasts

You are underway on the high seas in restricted visibility. You hear a fog signal of one prolonged and two short blasts. It could be any of
the following EXCEPT a vessel __________. being towed

Your vessel is backing out of a slip in a harbor. Visibility is restricted. You should sound __________. one prolonged blast only

After all the adjustments have been made of the sextant, any remaining error is called: index error

All gyro compasses, when on the eqautor, should have: no latitude error

You are in sight of a power-driven vessel that sounds two short blasts of the whistle. This signal means that ______. the vessel is
altering course to port

Apart from ensuring navigational safety at anchorage, what should the OOW do? Monitor the VHF for orders for the vessel

At sunrise and sunset, the effect of atmospheric refraction is to: reduce he sun's apparent vertical diameter

The light which may be used with a vessel's whistle must be __________. a white light

A light used to signal passing intentions must be an __________. an all-round white light

Monday, December 1, 2014 F1 - 230112

Damping in azimuth in a gyro compass produces: a setting position exactly on the meridian

Damping in tilt in a gyro compass produces: an error which varies with latitude

Which signal is sounded ONLY by a vessel in sight of another? One short blast on the whistle
Distance on a chart is measured using: latitude sacle

Which whistle signal may be sounded by one of two vessels in sight of each other? One short blast

Which signal is sounded ONLY by a vessel in sight of another and NOT in or near an area of restricted visibility? One short blast

Charted depths are always measured below: chart datum

Curves on chart showing values of equal variation are called: Isogonic

Which signal is required to be sounded by a power-driven vessel ONLY? A signal meaning, "I am altering my course to starboard."

Vessel "X" is overtaking vessel "Y" on open waters and will pass without changing course. Vessel "X" __________. will not sound any
whistle signals

From those listed, which is NOT a reason for having the standard magnetic compass high up and on the certerline in the ship? In order
to reduce the chance of damage

When two vessels are in sight of one another and NOT in or near an area of restricted visibility, any of the following signals may be
given EXCEPT __________. four short whistle blasts

What whistle signal, if any, would be sounded when two vessels are meeting, but will pass clear starboard to starboard? No signal is

You are in sight of another vessel in a crossing situation, and the other vessel sounds one short blast. You are going to hold course and
speed. You should __________. sound no whistle signal

From those listed, the best and target to use for radar ranging is a: cliff face

From those listed, which are " soft iron" corrector? The spheres

Two power-driven vessels are crossing within one half mile of each other, with Vessel "P" as the stand-on vessel, and Vessel "Q" as the
give-way vessel. Vessel "P" sounds two short blasts on the whistle. What signal should vessel "Q" sound? Five short and rapid blasts

From those listed, which is NOT a way of destroying magnetism? Placing another magnet next to it with unlike poles together

Vessel "A", a power driven vessel underway, sights vessel "B" which is a vessel underway and fishing. Which statement is TRUE? Vessel
"A" must keep out of the way of vessel "B" because "B" is fishing.

The prohibition against displaying lights which may be confused with required navigation lights applies __________. From sunset to
sunrise and during restricted visibility

When can an officer of the watch deviate from the Rules of Road? To avoid immediate danger

From those listed which should be the preferred method position fixing for greatest accuracy and certainly of position? taking a radar
and visual bearing

From those listed, the best and target to use for a radar bearing is: an isolated feature

Your intention is to overtake a vessel moving in a parallel course in a narrow channel. As you approach the other vessel's stern _______
the vessel will drift together
From those listed, which of the statement about the poles of a magnet is TRUE? The red pole will attract a blue pole and is the north
seeking end

You are transiting a narrow channel. What can happen in this situation? The bow will be pushed away from the bank

Great circles appear as straight lines on: gnomonic charts

Heeling error is at its maximum when the course are: north or south

You intend to overtake a vessel in a narrow channel. As you approach the other vessel's stern __________. the vessels will drift together

Monday, December 1, 2014 F1- 230113

What is the position obtained by applying only your vessel's course and speed to a known position? Dead-reckoning

How should tidal predictions be made for stretches of coastline between Secondary Ports? By using a co - tidal line chart

If a ship has a permanent magnetism with a blue pole forward, the deviation caused will be; zero on north and south, east on easterly,
west on westerly courses

What is the position obtained by applying estimated current and wind to your vessel's course and speed? Estimated position

If a ship has permanent magnetism with a blue pole to port, the deviation caused will be: zero on east and west, west on northerly,east on
southerly courses

If a ship has permanent magnetism wit a red pole forward, the deviation caused will be: zero on north and south,west on easterly,east on
westerly courses

A barometric pressure reading of 29.92 inches of mercury is equivalent to __________.1013.25 millibars

If a ship is built in a yard while heading east, the poles of permanent magnetism will be: red to port and blue to starboard
Apparent altitude is sextant altitude corrected for __________. inaccuracies in the reading and reference level

Where can the data relating to the direction and velocity of rotary tidal currents be found? Tidal Current Tables

What is the speed of sound in the water? 1.5 kilometers per second

If a ship is built a yard while heading south,the poles of permanent magnetism will blue to the bow and red to the stern be:

What is the frequency of the low frequency pulse of the echo sounder? 24 kHz

If the axis of a free gyroscope in a north latitude is horizontal and pointed to the east of north of the meridian,it will: dry east and tilt up

If the axis of a free gyroscope on the equator is horizontal,the northerly end of the spin axis will: tilt up if to the east of the meidian

On an echo sounder, which of these is used to draw a line on the paper to mark a specific time of an occurrence? Event marker

If the true transit bearing of two leading lights is red off the chart and the compass bearing of the two lights, when in transit,is taken,then the
difference between the two bearings so obtained is the: compas error

In an echo sounder, what converts the electrical signal into sound? The transducer

When the water salinity increases, what happens to the speed of sound? It increases.

What is the nature of the beam transmitted by echo sounder? Directional

If the OOW is in doubt as to the Pilot's actions or Intentions,what must he do? Seek clarification from the Pilot, notify the master and
take corrective action ///////////// If the trace is not correctly centered,error may occur when: measuring bearings

Monday, December 1, 2014 F1- 230114

Which of these is an echo sounder transducer type? Magnetostriction

Which of these may cause false echoes in an echo sounder? Turbulence from the interaction of tidal streams with solid particles in

The magnetic equator is: the line joining places where the dip is zero

The magnetic force exerted at any point in the magnetic field varies: inversely with the square of the distance from the magnet

What is a phenomenon in which the axis of an object wobbles when torque is applied? Torque-induced precession

What is an error in a gyrocompass caused by rapid changes in course, speed and latitude causing deviation before the gyro can adjust
itself? Stream error

Which statement about the Flinders bar on a magnetic compass is correct? It compensates for the error caused by the vertical component
of the earth's magnetic field.

In what direction does the axis of the gyro- compass wheel point? True North

In which publication can information on ship reporting be found? ALRS

Your vessel's heading is 330°pgc and 345°psc with a 2°E gyro error. What is the deviation on this heading? 3°W

In which publication can information on VTS be found? ALRS

Incoming target echoes are detected by the: mixer cyrstal

The shortest distance between any two points on earth defines a __________. Great circle

Latitude on the terrestrial sphere is comparable with what on the celestial sphere? Declination

Which chart covers a large area? Small scale chart

Isogonic lines are lines on a chart indicating: Points of equal variation

Latitude,course and speed error of a gyro compass: applies to all gyro compasses

The revision of a chart is printed on what area of the chart? Lower left center

The visibility of lights indicated in the charts is in nautical miles for: Charted range of the light

Magnetic compass deviation changes with: heading

A Mercator Chart is a Cylindrical projection

Which chart symbol indicates that the bottom is coral? Co

Magnetic variation changes its value with: the vessel's position on the earth

What publication contains ocean current information for voyage planning from Tokyo to San Francisco? Sailing Directions
Monday, December 1, 2014 F1 - 230114

What do you call the altitude after applying the Dip and index error? Apparent altitude

Marine radar wavelenghts are measured in: centimeters

Most commonly,ship's radar operates in the: X- BAND

A phase correction is applied to observations of: Planets

When using GPS, you may expect your position to be accurate 95% of the time within a radius of __________ meters. 100 m

When navigating using DGPS, you may expect your position to be accurate to within a radius of __________ meters. 10 m

Over what length of time a diesel powered vessel should be slowed down from full sea -speed to maneuvering speed? 1 hour

Precession in relation to a free gycroscope is: the change of dirction of the spin axis when a force is applies at right angles to the

The angle between the grid and magnetic meridians is called grid variations or __________ . Grivation

The reaction of a gyro compas to an applied force is known as: Precession

A navigational instrument used to indicate direction. It is designed to measure course and bearing. Compass

Radar does not transmit continuously because it would: prevent detection of targets

Radio signals travel a approximately a speed of: 300 milion meters per second

The compass rose on a nautical chart indicates both variation and __________ . Annual rate of variation change

Sidereal hour angle is defined as the angular distance of an hour circle: West of the First Point of Aries

Sounds waves will travel through: gases, liquids and solids

The standard Atmospheric pressure in millimeters of Mercury is: 760

Your ship is steaming at night with the gyro-pilot engaged when you notice that the vessel's course is slowly changing to the right.
What action should you take FIRST? switch to hand steering

Secondary Ports associated with Standard Ports are classed in that way because the tidal curves are similar:

Should the OOW, who is escorting the pilot to the pilot ladder, be equipped with a walkie-talkie for communication with the bridge?

How many degrees north or south of the Tropic of Cancer is the Arctic Circle? 44° 06’ North

Automatic device for steering a vessel by means of control signals received from a gyro compass is called _____. gyropilot

The free gyroscope are turned into gyro compasses by utilizing gravity:

The frequency of a radio wave is: the number if wavelengths which pass a given point in one second

What is the length of a nautical mile? 6,076 feet

The GPS system uses: UHF radio signals

The horizontal distance between the adjacent crest of a radio wave is called: the wavelength

The interval between the sun’s upper limb being in the horizon and its center being 12° below is called: Nautical twilight

The dividing meridian between zone descriptions +4 and +5 is _____.67° 30’ W

The " equation" of time" is the interval between apparent time and mean time

The " magnetic variation" is the angle between: the geographic and magnetic meridians

Physical checks of gyro, azimuth circle and pelorus are the following EXCEPT: alignment of peloruses with fore –and-aft line of the

The commonest use of the ABC tables is to find the azimuth of a celestial body. These tables can also be used to: find the initial
course in a great circle sailing calculation

The correction of atmospheric refraction as applied to the observed altitude of a body: decreases with altitude

The bending of a wave as it passes an obstruction is called _________. diffraction

The earth is said to be in "aphelion" on approximately: 4th July

The earth is said to be in "perihelion" on approximately: 1st January

While voyage planning and navigating, a mariner must refer to both texts and tables. Tables includes the following EXCEPT: Sailing

The effect of gravity control makes the axis of the gyroscope: move anti-clockwise around a central position in an ellipse

The first point of Aries is the point on the celestial sphere where: the ecliptic cuts the equinoctial on the sun's apparent path from
south to north

In the IALA Buoyage System, what is the color of an East Cardinal Mark? Black band above and below yellow band

The angle between the magnetic north and the true north is : Variation Who is responsible for the voyage plan? The navigation

The axis of a free gyroscope is pointed at a star. From those listed, which is not correct? The axis cannot be distributed from this
direction while the rate of spin is
maintained /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////When relieving the helm, the new
helmsman should know the __________. Course per magnetic steering compass

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