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Parang, Calapan City

Contact Number: 0936 - 943 - 9874



Teacher: JANINNE D. VILLA DEL REY Subject: Mathematics

Date Most Essential Learning Competencies

The learner…
 illustrates quadratic equations.
June 30,2020  solves quadratic equations by: (a) extracting square roots
 solves quadratic equations by: (b) factoring
 solves quadratic equations by: (c) completing the square
July 01, 2020
 solves quadratic equations by: (d) using the quadratic formula.
 characterizes the roots of a quadratic equation using the
July 02, 2020
 describes the relationship between the coefficients and the roots
of a quadratic equation.
 solves equations transformable to quadratic equations (including
July 03, 2020
rational algebraic equations).
 solves problems involving quadratic equations and rational
July 03, 2020
algebraic equations.
 illustrates quadratic inequalities
July 06, 2020  solves quadratic inequalities.
 solves problems involving quadratic inequalities.
 models real-life situations using quadratic functions.
 represents a quadratic function using: (a) table of values
July 07, 2020
 represents a quadratic function using: (b) graph
 represents a quadratic function using: (c) equation
 transforms the quadratic function defined by y = ax2 + bx + c into
July 08, 2020
the form y = a (x – h)2 + k.
 graphs a quadratic function: (a) domain; (b) range; (c) intercepts;
July 09, 2020 (d) axis of symmetry; (e) vertex; (f) direction of the opening of
the parabola.
 analyzes the effects of changing the values of a, h and k in the
July 09,2020
equation y = a (x – h)2 + k of a quadratic function on its graph.
 determines the equation of a quadratic function given: (a) a table
July 10,2020
of values
July 10, 2020  determines the equation of a quadratic function given: (b) graph
July 10, 2020  determines the equation of a quadratic function given: (c) zeros
July 10, 2020  solves problems involving quadratic functions.
Second Quarter
 illustrates situations that involve the following variations: (a)
 illustrates situations that involve the following variations: (b)
July 13, 2020
 illustrates situations that involve the following variations: (c)
 illustrates situations that involve the following variations: (d)
 translates into variation statement a relationship between two
July 14, 2020
quantities given by: (a) a table of values (and vice versa)
July 14, 2020  translates into variation statement a relationship between two
quantities given by: (b) a mathematical equation (and vice
 translates into variation statement a relationship between two
quantities given by: (c) a graph (and vice versa)
 solves problems involving variation.
 applies the laws involving positive integral exponents to zero and
negative integral exponents.
July 15, 2020  simplifies expressions with rational exponents.
 writes expressions with rational exponents as radicals and vice
 derives the laws of radicals.
July 16, 2020  simplifies radical expressions using the laws of radicals.
 performs operations on radical expressions
 solves equations involving radical expressions
July 17, 2020
 solves problems involving radicals
Third Quarter
 determines the conditions that make a quadrilateral a
 uses properties to find measures of angles, sides and other
July 20,2020
quantities involving parallelograms.
 proves theorems on the different kinds of parallelogram
(rectangle, rhombus, square).
 proves the Midline Theorem.
July 21, 2020
 proves theorems on trapezoids and kites.
July 22, 2020  solves problems involving parallelograms, trapezoids and kites
 describes a proportion.
July 23, 2020  applies the fundamental theorems of proportionality to solve
problems involving proportions.
 illustrates similarity of figures.
July 24, 2020  proves the conditions for similarity of triangles. 1.1 SAS
similarity theorem
 proves the conditions for similarity of triangles. 1.2 SSS
similarity theorem theorems
 proves the conditions for similarity of triangles. 1.3 AA
similarity theorem
July 28, 2020
 proves the conditions for similarity of triangles. 1.4 right
triangle similarity theorem
 proves the conditions for similarity of triangles. 1.5 special right
triangle theorems
 applies the theorems to show that given triangles are similar.
July 29, 2020
 proves the Pythagorean Theorem
July 30, 2020  solves problems that involve triangle similarity and right triangles
Fourth Quarter
 illustrates the six trigonometric ratios: sine
 illustrates the six trigonometric ratios: cosine
 illustrates the six trigonometric ratios: tangent
July 31, 2020
 illustrates the six trigonometric ratios: secant
 illustrates the six trigonometric ratios: cosecant
 illustrates the six trigonometric ratios: cotangent
August 03, 2020  finds the trigonometric ratios of special angles.
August 04, 2020  illustrates angles of elevation and angles of depression.
 uses trigonometric ratios to solve real-life problems involving
August 05, 2020
right triangles.
August 06, 2020  illustrates laws of sines and cosines.
August 07, 2020  solves problems involving oblique triangles.

Prepared by:


Teacher I

Checked by:

Head Teacher III


Principal III

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