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Anatomy of a Premise Line™:

Log Line Worksheet

High-Concept Premise — 7 Components

1. High level of entertainment value

2 High degree of originality
3. High level of uniqueness
4. Highly visual
5. Possesses a clear emotional focus
6. Targets a large target audience
7. Sparks a “what if” question

The log line is your high-concept stated in a single (short) sentence.

Step 1: Define the high-concept:

! What is the entertainment level/value? (Express this as best you can.)

! How is this an original take on a familiar context?

o Familiar Context:

o Original Take:

! How is this a unique idea?

© 2015 Jeff Lyons Page 1 of 2

Copying or distributing without written permission from the author is prohibited.

Anatomy of a Premise Line™:

Log Line Worksheet

! How is this a visual idea?

! How is the root emotion underlying the premise? (fear, anger, humiliation, rage, shame, etc.)

! Describe the target audience:

! Write the “what if” question:

! Write the hook: (Keep concise and visual.)

Step 2: Write the log line

! Final Log Line: (Write as one short sentence.)

Step 3: Write the tagline

! Write a tagline: (Base it on the root emotion and the high concept.)

© 2015 Jeff Lyons Page 2 of 2

Copying or distributing without written permission from the author is prohibited.

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