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Worship based around John 4

Opening reflection
The shouts are too loud
they so often deafen my ears.
War, famine, destruction, death -
the sufferings of the world glide past my soul.
I have heard too much to care.

But then you, O God,

you stand in the midst of the world's woe,
and the shapes of those who suffer are no longer faceless,
for you have bequeathed to them your own face,
their pain is etched with the lines of your passion.
And I shall proclaim:
I had heard, but now I see.

The people are too many,

They blur together in my imagination,
Races, colours, faiths and languages -
their shifting kaleidoscope dazzles my vision
I am made giddy by their infinite variety.

But then you, O God,

you are the still point round which all revolves,
in you both light and shadow find an equilibrium:
you paint into life our many-peopled world,
your love refracts us into a rainbow of hope:
And I shall proclaim:
I had heard but now I see.

Taize chant: Ubi caritas

Bible reading: Isaiah 41.17-18

One who said, ‘I am the eternal water’
dwelt among us
living with us
sustaining us.

To receive a cup of the living water

Is not only to cleanse ourselves
But also to cleanse all the waters,
River and well, lake and ocean
And to share them with all.

Imaginative ‘reading’ of John 4 followed by introduction to the Bible study.

Bible study in small groups.

…. Followed by singing of Santo, Santo, Santo….

Final prayers
Come to the waters,
all you who are thirsty:
children who need water
free from diseases,
women who need respite
from labour and searching,
plants that need moisture
rooted near the bedrock,
find here a living spring.
O God, may we thirst
for your waters of justice,
and learn to deny no one
the water of life.
(‘Dear Life’, Morley, Ward and Wild, Christian Aid)

Peace is flowing like a river….

Prayer of intercession
O God, who gives us the water of life through Jesus Christ:
We pray for those who have an eternal longing to be at one with you;
We pray for those who thirst after peace, those whose lives are parched by war,
whose hearts are torn by grief;
We pray for all in our human family who cry out for basic necessities for survival,
and for those who have given up on crying out;
We pray for those who live in the darkness of fear, guilt, doubt, or fearful
circumstances within their daily living;
We pray for your Church, which thirsts after visible unity and reconciliation;
We pray for local congregations and Christian communities that long for renewal
and deepened commitment and service;
We pray for those who have caught a new vision of the community of women and
men in the Church;
We pray for all who have drunk of the living water and yet who search for ways to
share the water of life.
(From an Indian liturgy)

Those who sow in tears, shall reap with shouts of joy(Psalm 126)
'You have no tears? Buy tears from the poor. You have no sadness? Call those suffering
poverty to moan with you. If your heart is hard and has neither sadness nor tears, with
alms invite the needy to weep with you.' (Jacob of Saroug)

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