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English Test .

2nd grade
“Science and technology” and “Our school”
LCRSH-Nancagua English Department

Mark Grade: 2nd grade

Teacher: Rosa Duarte Vargas May ___________, 2017

Estimated time: 70 minutes Total score: 40 points Your score:

Reading comprehension, Listening comprehension, Language (Present and Past habits), Vocabulary (Computers and
home gadgets)
IMPORTANT: Do not make any kind of corrections. They will be considered wrong.


Many children in Victorian England would never go to school. Nannies used to look after them,
and a governess used to teach the children at home.
Then, when the boys were old enough, they would go away to a public school such as Eton or
Rugby. The daughters used to stay at home and learn singing, piano playing and sewing.
At school, children would often be scared of their teachers because they were very strict. Children
as young as thirteen helped the teacher to control the class. In schools before 1850 you would
see a single teacher instructing a class of over 100 children with the help of pupils called
Lessons used to last from 9am to 5pm, with a two - hour lunch break. Because classes were so
large, all the pupils had to do the same thing at
the same time.
The teacher gave the command, and all the children opened their books. At the second
command they began copying sentences from the blackboard.
Victorian lessons concentrated on Reading, Writing and Arithmetic.
Children used to learn to write on slates. Paper was expensive, but slates could be used again
and again. Children used to bring sponges to clean them. Older children learned to use pen
and ink by writing in “copybooks”. Teachers used to give dictation, reading strange poems
which the children had to spell out correctly.
The pupils used to use an abacus to help them with their math. Children would have to pass
inspections in math, reading and writing before they could move up to the next class or

a. Read the text quickly. What type of text is it? (1 pt)

i. A tale ii. A piece of news iii. An extract from a book

b. Read the text again and find the following information (4 pts)

1. The name of two public schools: _______________________, __________________________

2. Time at which classes started and ended: ______________________, ____________________
3. Name of students who helped teachers: _________________________
4. Subjects that students learned: __________________, __________________, ____________________

c. These sentences are all false. Explain why (5 pts)

1. All children in Victorian England went to school.

2. Girls learned the same as boys but at home.

3. Classes had very few students.

4. All students used to write on slates.

5. Students used to use a calculator in math classes.

II. LISTENING COMPREHENSION: “Grandparents’ games”

a. Listen to the recording. Who are the speakers? (1 pt)

i. A girl and her grandparents. ii. A girl, her mother and her father. iii. Three friends.

b. Choose the correct alternative (4 pts)

1. We loved playing chess / chase.

2. I fell down the stairs / tree and really hurt my knees.
3. We used to invent stories / tales about princesses.
4. We used to have drawing / rowing competitions.

c. Check ( ) the activities that are mentioned. Put an X to the ones that were not (5 pts)

1. Climbing trees ____ 2. Collecting stamps ____ 3. Drawing pictures ____ 4. Listening to music ____ 5. Playing football ______

III. LANGUAGE: Past habits

a. USED TO. Complete the dialogue with “used to” or “didn’t used to” and the verbs in brackets (5 pts)

SUSAN : How was your life different when you were younger?
PETE : It was very different! To begin with, I ________________________________________________ (not watch) TV
at night, and I ________________________________________________ (play) outside with my friends.
SUSAN : What kind of music did you use to like?
PETE : I ________________________________________________ (listen to) pop music.
SUSAN : Did you use to read books?
PETE : No, I ________________________________________________ (not read) books, I
________________________________________________ (read) comics.

b. PAST AND PRESENT HABITS: Complete the sentences using “Used to” or present simple and an appropriate verb (5 pts)

1. I ________________________________________ to the cinema a lot. I don’t anymore. I prefer watching movies at home.
2. What cartoons ________________________________________ when you were a little child?
3. Sue was very bad at sports. However, she ________________________________________ volleyball at school now.
4. I never________________________________________ sweets. My parents didn’t let me.
5. I ________________________________________ the newspaper every day because I like being informed about what is
happening around me.

a. COMPUTERS AND HOME GADGETS. Complete the crossword (10 pts)

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