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3-Day, 5-Pound

Detox Miracle!
Welcome to your three-day adventure, where you’re eating very clean, organic mini-meals,
6 daily, and you’ve got everything you need, right in the package.
Day 1, 2, and 3 Instructions
Drink a pint of water first thing, when you wake up. Drink 2 quarts of water by bedtime.
Each day, you’ll choose 4 proteins and 2 Superfoods. Six times a day, every 2-3 hours, shake 1 Superfood OR Protein into
8 oz. water, and drink. OR you may wish to eat every 4-5 hours, with 1 meal being two Proteins shaken together in 16 oz.
water, and 2 meals being 1 Superfood and 1 Protein shaken together in 12 oz. water.

Detox Reactions
Take careful note of your weight loss, but also how your joints feel, what your sleep is like, and what “detox reactions”
you may have. Impurities leave your body through the neurological system (especially caffeine!), kidneys, liver, colon,
and other organs of elimination! Some common “detox reactions” (or Herxheimer reactions) are below in the FAQ---
just remember, it’s fairly common (at least 18% experience an unpleasant reaction), it’s temporary, and it’s the sign of
weakness leaving the body!
If you are a man, an athlete, or underweight, you may want to augment these 6 mini-meals with green smoothies. This
is the only thing, besides water, allowable on the detox. We give you a simple recipe, below, to add green smoothies to
your day. They will add more bulk, more cleansing ingredients, and few calories, to your diet. In fact, if you need more
food, you may wish to add 1 or 2 of your protein servings, to the green smoothie. And have the Superfood drink mixes as
Legal Cheats
1 Tbsp. chia seed, stirred into water (hunger disappears in 15 minutes)
Green smoothie (up to one full recipe below, see back for recipe)
Please continue taking medications or supplements prescribed to you. Do not drink coffee or other stimulants, as you are
detoxing your neurological system of caffeine and chemicals.
Cleansing Habits to Assist Your Detox
There are several things you can do to “get things moving,” especially if you feel sluggish, or if certain body systems
seem “plugged up,” during the process of increased elimination. Massage your transverse colon with a tennis ball, or
a deep, circular touch. (Start in your lower right abdomen just above the pubic bone, move across the abdomen just
under the belly button, and down on the left side to the pubic bone.) Dry skin brush twice a day, using a natural-bristles
inexpensive skin brush. Get a massage. Do a professional colonic every day or just one day. Jump on a mini-rebounder
while massaging the lymph nodes in your neck. Get in an infrared sauna for 20-30 minutes at 140 degrees or higher. Any
or all of these habits will help speed up your elimination process and decrease the chance of an unpleasant “Herxheimer
reaction” when one or more bodily systems gets backed up.
Green Smoothie Recipe
2 cups filtered water
Add organic greens of any kind to the blender until, blended, the mixture comes to the 4 cup line
Add fruit (bananas, berries, apples, etc.) to the blender until, blended, the mixture comes to the 5 ½ cup line
Optionally, add 1 or 2 servings of organic, raw, plant-based protein, any flavor. Optionally, add 2 scoops of Sprouted Flax
or TriOmega.
Blend until smooth. Pour into jars, and serve, or keep in the fridge for up to 48 hours.
What if I get a headache, or diarrhea, or I am dizzy or have less energy?
Many experience an increase in energy while they detox, but at least 18 percent of people who undergo a detox protocol,
according to our research, do have an unpleasant physical or emotional reaction as impurities begin leaving the body at an
accelerated rate.
The foods you are eating are high in potassium, and you are eating no table salt. This often shifts cellular salts balance to
eliminate sodium in the cells, and increase potassium levels. While this is a good thing, and helps decrease inflammation
and water retention in your cells and joints, a too-rapid fluctuation can result in electrolyte shifts, and you may feel dizzy
or weak. This is more likely for people with a lot of inflammation (such as swollen, painful joints) and/or who normally
eat a lot of table salt (which is toxic and causes water retention).
These most common “Herxheimer” reactions (detox symptoms) include headache, digestive changes (diarrhea or
constipation), feeling tired, sleeping more or less, rashes, dizziness, blood sugar fluctuations, and mood swings.
Generally, allowing yourself extra sleep (at night, or a nap during the day), a massage or colonic to get things moving out,
drinking extra water, and some patience with the process, can help ease symptoms.
These detox reactions are common, and aren’t generally evidence that something is wrong. Rather, it is the temporary
reaction of the body as poisons leave through various avenues. If symptoms persist, however, or you are concerned
that they indicate a more serious problem, you are of course advised to abandon detoxing and seek the care of a trusted
This was great! So what is my next step?
We recommend continuing the weight loss and cleansing at a sustainable, steady, but slower pace by making 1 quart
of green smoothie every day, an “automated” breakfast or lunch.
You may also wish to do our 26-day Detox, which is a more committed program where you eat quite a bit more, and all
the recipes and shopping lists and support are provided for you. The average weight loss is almost 13 pounds in this

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