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The foundation failure and righting of the Transcona Grain Elevator in 1913 is a truly remarkable case history
made famous by its collapse during filling after foundation pressures exceeded the bearing capacity of the
underlying clay foundation soil. The following photographs and documentation provides a record of the bearing
capacity failure, how the original designers struggled to understand the cause and most remarkably, how
ingenuity and determination led to the successful righting of the 20,000 ton structure. It provides an account of
the landmark work carried out in the 1950's ending with a modern perspective made possible by finite element
modelling techniques.

This historical account would not have been possible without the enthusiastic support of Mr. Bill Parrish Sr. who
kindly provided permission to use the original construction photographs and access to the original elevator,
which is now owned and operated by Parrish and Heimbecker. The photographs were originally presented in
the Heritage Room at the Canadian Geotechnical Society Conference in Winnipeg in 2003. The interest shown at
that time by the delegates was instrumental in the Society's determination to preserve such valuable
information from our past.

Two files are provided. The first file contains a photographic record of the failure and righting. The photographs
carry short explanatory captions. Because of the large file size, it is recommended that this document be
downloaded first before viewing. The second file contains selected papers or articles which may be difficult to
locate and a list of references that may be of assistance to those wishing to research this case study further. The
file has been bookmarked for convenient access - simply ‘click’ the bookmark symbol at the upper left of the

FILE 1 - Photographs
Pages Content
1 Introduction
2-102 Historical Photographs

FILE 2 – Related Publications

Pages Content
1 Introduction
2-8 Manitoba Free Press, October 20, 1913
9-32 The Failure and Righting of a Million Bushel Grain Elevator, Allaire, A., 1916
33-39 Transcona Grain Elevator Failure: Eye Witness Account, White, L., 1953
40-48 The Bearing capacity Failure of the Transcona Grain Elevator, Peck, R. & Bryant, F., 1953
49-55 The Foundation Failure of the Transcona Grain Elevator, Baracos, A., 1957
56-64 The Transcona Grain Elevator Failure: A modern Perspective 90 Years Later, Blatz, J. & Skaftfeld, K., 2003
65 References
A. Baracos. The Engineering Journal, Engineering
l l : r j i : : : _ . . :

Institute of Canada, Vol. 40, pp. 973-977 and 990.

: ,.. ,

..''TheFoundation Failure of
the Transcona Crain Elevator
A. Baracos, M.E.I.C.
Departrnentof ()iail Engineering,Uniticrsityof Nltntitobu

i : i , , , : , : ::

,:.T-'HE IVIETHODS of soil nrechanics by the Division of Buildiug Rescarch conjtrnction with <-rneof the world's
.",1'''1 , O"u"tonment itt the past twenty- and the University of Manitoba repre- largest railroad yards to facilitate
l''iive years have lnade possiblethe dc- sents the fulfilment of that promise. rapid grain movemeltt and to give
:'. termitrationof the rrltimate bearing Owing to the necessity of com- relief to tlre Wiunipeg railroaclyards.
t:,,.',crpacity ol soils. The safety factor ' plcting other otrtstanding soil and The plan of the elevator is shorl:ir
necessaty for sound engineering forridation studies, it rvrs trot urrtil
:i,i:, in Fig.:1. It consistsof a dryer hortse
,:.,-prscticeprecludes corrclaLion of the late in the summer of f952 that the l8 by 30 by 60 feet high' wotk-.
:described could be house 70 by 96 by 180 feet lrigh,
,.',ultimat" bcaling caPacity with thc work hetein jt
,i'irrrid",nt"u,determination of thc bear' startecl. Only tlterr rl'as found that and the birr house 77 by I95 bY 102
i,:r,,iugpressurcs for tlre impending fail- some time previously trvo soil borings feet high, all constructed mninly o[
ure, Thus only on rare occasions had been prit down at the site of t)re
.i.:', reinforced conct:ete' The fotrndation
l.i.,wheu actual failtrre occurs is a cor- elevatol unde! the dirbction of Pro- failure occun'ed under thc bin house
i;ir::t;lition possible.The foundation fajl- fcssor R. B. Peck, of .the University rvhich wai designed for storing o116'
::;i:iiudin 1913 of a inillion-bushil grain of Illiuois. Unforturtgtely, it ',vasdren rnilUon bushcls of grain. It consistsof
rril elevator at Transcona, a ferv miles too late to correlatc .the proposed 65 cirbular bins arranged l3 in each
Winnipeg, Manitoba, provides Canadian investigatlon with Dr. of 5 rows irrnniug rrot'tlt arrd south.
;rruch all opportunit)" It is the purpose Peck's work but it rvas decided to The 48 . intefstices:between bins ale
'to lalso used for storing grain. A raft
l:,,,,::of tt,is paper corrclate thi data probeed as planned.
!,iion tle foundariorr frrilue of the Dr, Peck has trow Published his foundation, of reinforcccl conCrete 2
Transcona grain elcvaior with a rc- results2, accornllanied by 3ri eye-
:ii.'. feet tlick, supports the l>ius antl the
t ;i:cently completed ficld ancl labora- ionvcvor .h-rnnelsrrnder the bins' The
,...,tori .soilmcchanicsin vesti gation using denth to,the bottom of the footings
Al{hough thc foundatiori failuri of *"t tS fcet belorv the grourid sr.rr-
..lii1!1a111s51rnalytical rnethods. thb Trairsctrrta grain elcvator oc' :
:i.i, At the BrrildingRcsearchCortgress curted rs long aio as 1913, tbe
f,r'ce.:Tlre clesign bcaling Pressure
ij;:held in London, England, irr l95l' conditions iirvolved have since [re' tuas 6,600 Ib. per.square foot bascd
:i:ji:a'rrotable paper on "Thc Bcnring quently been discussed in con- on loacl bearing tcsts for rvhich the
i;:::'.Capacity of was presented by nection u'ilh soil mechanics.prob'
'l'he data . ".e lrro longer arailable. I)errl
'l'ranscona lcms. autltor describesa recent
iii.,Dr. A. \\/. Skemptou' The rveight of ,the bin hotlse rvas very
investigation made iointly b1' the
elevator failurc rvas rrscd by this Division of Building Rescardh, nearly 20,000 tons.
li, author as one of his exanrples an<l is N.R.C.. end tlre University of
"Field General Description of Soils
Data Manitoba,
iiii,,,'ln"l"0.a in his table of Gl'eatcr Winnipeg lics in the basin
!':il!oh Ultimate Bearing Capacity of
il,,Ctovt". The table, ltorvover, q'as irt- witnr:ssaccolnt of the failure by Mr. of the glacinl Lake Agassizwhich ex-
istcd durirrg thc recessiorrof the \\'is-
il1.:complcteas presented,rvith data on L, Scott White3. The investigation
consin ice sheet' Cenerally, in tbis
i,i inctuol soil properties rni.ssingfor two norv to be describedrvas rather more
area, the soils maY be convenientlY
iiii::strrictures,one of them the Transt extensive. than, dre Amer:ican sfudy;
i:iir.,.gmrelevator. the. two bcirg .generally complernen' srouDcd as follo'rvs'Tlre top 10 fect
fr less consistof relatively rcccnt de'
iii.'i,'''Aoott.r speaker on the same pro: tal')', agreement betrveen the' vCrious posiis of organic soils,flood-dcposited
:;1i'; ls l)r'. Skcmpton was R. F. tesi reiults being reasonably close;
i.;.i'..Legect,r\r.8.r.c., Director of thc ever-rthough cai'ried out quite inde' iilts and siliy clays and outu'ash {rom
hiehcr' grourtcl,arrd moclifietl lacirs-
i1l;q"iiion of Builtling Researcli of thc ' r;errdentlyexcept for a chcck by. t'he
ottawa. at,thor on a ferv of dre soil samples uilre <leposits.Under these ale forrnd
il:i:liNational Rescarch Council, "special
gbtained by Dr. Peck. 4O feet^ or less of glacirrl lake de-
iqi,las,n" was spcaking'about
iil'ri,,Forirxlation Problemsjn Cairada'l,Mr. uosits forming hvo distinct layers of
GeneralDeicription bf the Structuro approiimately equal thickness. The
iii';I,egg.t also rrscd the Transcona cle-
Dcvclopment . of Canada's top laver is a brorvn clay and is dis'
il,,.vitor as an example! In discussion,
part of this tfuictlv vuvcd lvith rnany fractional
iiiithe desirability of cornpleting the rvheat.lands in the
ili 1"5t" in Dr. Skempton's paper was century restilted in seiibus cougestion inch-ihick Iayers of silt spaced l-rc-
'trv<:en li)zers of clay X inch or more
stressed. Mr.
i::'.'; Lcgget thcreupon of the \4/innipeg railroad yards dur-
at the meeting to expcdite ing peak periods of grain .lnovement, thick. The bottom laYer is I $re|:
fi,,'tbe study of this forrndation failure' Conitruction was therefore stirted irr colorired clay, softer than the over'
elevdtor in lying material and having numerorts
iii'Ttrit paper prepared coopcratively 19ll on the Transcona
iil :'
calcareons silt pockets and containing ber: 18, when 875,000 bushels of house. Photographs taken
after the
limestone gravel and stones at the wheat were stored, a vertieal settle- failule show that the greatest
greater depths. Beneath the clays are rnent of a foot was noted witlrin an heaval.occurred on the
west side and
found glacial deposits of rock flour, hour after movement had been de- was considerably more thau 5 feet.
silts, sands and gravel. The upper tected. The structure then began to Calcultitions based on the dead
portions *'ere deposited as .the gla- tilt to the lvest and within 24 hours weight of tbe bin house, 20,000
cier receded and are underlain bv was resting at an angle of 26' 53' and 875,000 bushels of
rvheat at 60
subglacial drift which has been acted from the vertical and the west side Ib. pel bushel, give a unit uniformly
on by thc full rveight of the ice sheet. was 24 feet below its original posi- distributed pressure of 6,200
'fhe lb. per
subglacial drift is highly consoli- tion. The east side had risen 5 feet square foot on the cla1,rvherrfaili,rre
dated and supports rnany of the above original elevation. Eye witness took place.
heavier stmctures in the Winnipeg accountss'* stated that the structure The opelations to right tbe struc-
area. The total thickness of the drift acted monolithically with only a few tule have been reported in detail by
is about 10 feet but.varies consider- superficial cracks appearing. Its com- Allaire5. The struchrre has been iir
ably from this value. The entire area ing to lest, approximately 24 hours successfuluse since its position rvas
i.sunderlain by Ordovician limestone. after the movement began, corres- restored.
ponded rvith tlre cupola falling off
Descriptionof Failure the top of the structure. Field and LaboratoryInvestigation
The storage of grain in the bin It was reported that during the Figure I shorvs the location of
house'"r'asbegun in September,1913, failure, the soil around the stmcture seven test holes used to obtain sam-
with considerablecare taken to dis- rose to a height of 5 feet above the ples for the laborati:ry tcsts. Holes 4
tribute the grain unifomrl)'. On Octo- grouncl surface around'the entire bin and 7 ivere sufficiently r.emoved
from the stmcture to avoid distur-
bances caused b)' the failtrre and the
righting operations.
The remaining holes u,ere locatetl
nealer the stl'ucture, sorne 60 feet
fi'om the bin house. in an effor.t to
ascertainthe effects of failure. It was
realized, horvever, that these holes
rvould show the effects of almost 40
yeals of contiutredpurnpirrgthat has
taken plrrce since the bin house rvas
righted. Pumping ha.sbeen necessarv
to keep the bottom of the bin housc
dry, After righting, the bin house
was approximately 34 feet belorv the
prairie grade. It w'as not considered
practical to place the test holes any
closer to the structure as the entire
area nearer the building rvas di.s-
turbed by tunnelling, excavation,
etc., during the righting operations.
To keep the bins dry, a l2-foot-deep
tlench had, iu addition, been ex-
cavated around the bin house on all
Above: West side of elevator, showing tilt and soil upheaval. Below: East side but the south side, further discour-
following foundation fdlure; earll' stages of rigbting operations are shown under aging test holcs any closer to the.
way. (Photosr Foundation Company of Canada Limited.)
structure th:rn those indicated.
The holes rvere bored to refusal
at a depth between 40 to 50 feet
where the dense and coarse glacial
deposits were encounLered.A dia-
mond drill adapted for taking thin
wall Shelby tubes 2 jnches in diam-
eter was used for boring and sarn-
pling. Samples approximaiely 2th feet
Iong u'ere taken at 5-foot intervals
or Iess w'here changes in soil rvere
AII samples were examined in the
labolatory and notes made on colour,
stratification, etc. On each sample,
moishrre contents, density, degree of
satrrration, and unconfined compres-
sion strengths were determined. On
representative samples, grain size,
Atterberg linrits, undrained quick tri-

,74 T H E . E N G I N E I R , I N GJ O U R N A L _ J U L Y , I 9 5 '
oxials .under :constant load itrcre-
rserrts, specific gr:rvity, and consoli-
dation tests rvere pcrforrned. The rrrr- 4
confined cornpression and the rur-
draincd hiaxial tests lvere nerfonned
on undisturbed sarnples hlnmed to .
1.5 inchesdiameterand epproxinrate-
ly 3.0 inches long. Both the field
rirrd lnboratory testing were con- * * q t t

dircted during the autirnm of 1059

and winter of 1952-1953.
, Typical results of the tests are /o!4 6
shtlvn in the Log of test lrrrle 4,
Fig. 3. No tests wele performed on
the material above l0 feet in holes 1,
2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 where fill placed
r i

iluring the righting of the elevator
was encourlteled.Hole 4 showed the | _ IL.'J
-/6ua\( |
silts and .silty clays as they probably
wer-e ovet the entirc area plior: tr.r
the excavation for tlie foundations. I
.oar/oil or 7€s7 HOLts

Below the lO-foot level io a depth Fig. I. Plan of the Transcona elevotor.
oI 20.5 fect in hole 4; dnd fro'n 25
to 28 feet in the other holcs, a brorvn deptlr of 40 to 45 feet frorn the strr- 'counteied in holes l, 3, arrd 7 and
highly stratified or varved silty clay ftce, a highly plastic grey silty o)ay the traniition layel u'ire as follorvs:
was found. The strntification or u,as found with numelous tan-col:
varves were rnore or Jesshoriiontal orrred calcareous silt pockets and
'l'his s t r c n g t l(rl b . Z s q . f t ..) ... 164l
and consistedof laycrs of silt of frac. linrestonepebbles. nraterial had
tional inch in thickrress betq'eer,r about the sanre moisture contelrt hs Liqrrid linii , 75.9
blosely spaced layers of clay upproxi- the overlying brown silty clay and Plastic lirnit 22.8
mately Yl inch thick. Average test re- a lorver uniohfined compressive )vloisturecontent (j[) 49.9
sults for this material lvere as,follorvs: sh'ength. Iil holes l, 3, arrd 7 the M.l.T. grninsizegroupilg (%)
Unconfincd cr>mpressive bottom few feet of the grcy silty clay clay 38.7; silt 44.5;
werc foutrd to be very moist and,soft. sand 13.0; !{rivel 3.8
strcngth ( lb./sq.ft. ) 2160
Liqrrid limit 85.3 I'Iole-s I and 7 showcd no distinct Unit weightof soil (lb,/cu. ft,) lI0
Plastic limit 29.3 bounrlary betrveen the gley silt and Bccruse of the wide variation irr
Moisture content (%) 52.4 the underllng glacial drift. About 3
\.l.LT. grairr size glouping (%) thc bottom grey silty clay and thc
feet of a mixture of both materials tr,ansition la1,st, ' no qverage vahres
clay 49.4; 42.8;
sand 7,4: gravelo.4 forrned a tiansition layer. Average ale grven.
Unit x,eightof soil (lb.zcu.ft.) 107 test results fof thq grey sillv clay
tlndcr the' brown silty ilay to a excluding the very moist material en- All the sanrplesbclorv the l0-foot
dcpth showcd completc or near corn-
pleic safuration. Tlvclve uudrained
triaxial tests on .sanrplesfr<.rnrltole 2
confirmed. a negligible :rngle.of in-
ternal .friction for this type of. load:
]4.".,.- irrg. The consolidationtest results (for
samples from hole 4) indicate a de-
crease irr conrpressibility with in-
cr'eused depth. Swelling pressurei
determirred by per:mitting undis.
' t
:s rA!!
trrrbetl sainples to swell under ..a
srnall lorrd.antl determining the prcs.
srrre reguired. to return the scmple
to its origirtal volume, ruge from 560
rurtg oatDi b
to 2050 l!; per, squirre foob and are
r a,o' ! t1'pical of the . Greater Winnipcg
clayS which contain. aborrt. 30 peri
t[rY cLAt
cent of. the clay minerals
- - / srltt claY
(montrnorillonitc)- Prcionsolidation
rtruil -
trg locaEls t*J-
ftr$! J
u.tocf,aE presbuies:are trot accrrrately deter-
ao,!' -asd af,!' mined on these clays but indicate
SECTIONT}frOIJCH NORTITENOOF BINI{OUSE that they are sonrewhat in excess of
FtcnRE2 overburden pressurps probably due
'-=---_-.--:_ to desiccation. The void ratio pres-
[lli ALLAII€. A.lC.l. t irisaaltora ata.a. ttra
sure curves are show]r in Fig. .5.


'': ''j '. i: ::'' : : ' i

' : , . '
,,The glapigl' drjftlvas encountered where gu :. ultimate unit. bearirrg ul'e corruneirces, is a rise of soil
,at a'depth of 40 to 45 feet. The capacity on both iides: ot tlre footing attri-
ghange frorn rnaterial deposited dur- c : cohesion 'to !'edgC
buted acdon". Complete
:irig the rccession of the ice sheet to V : rrnit rveight of soil lhilure is associated rvith a firrdrer
the subglacial drift appeared to bc B : rvidth of fo<rting lnrge rrpheaval orr the side to which
indicrrte<i by a decrease in mojsture d : depth of cover on the buildiirg tilts.
corrtent apptoaching .or below the footing Stsbility.Analysis
'plastic limit. Up to 4 feet of thc less
.F'or long continuous footings, the A general.examinationof the actual
dense drift were found. Boring l'e- quantities Nc, N(, and No are pure faihu'e and test' data shows that the
frisal was eniountered in the sub- nunrbers depending ou t-he angle of iailure r4,asionsistent with the bear-
glncial drift corresponding to the internal friction, 0, Their. values are 'l'he
ing capacity theory. undrained
depth to which the north end of the given in most modern soil mechanies quick triaxial tcst confirmed a rregli-
bin house settled follou'ing the .fail- or foundalion texts. gible angle of intcrnal friction. The
l,ure. Nunerou.s stones pr-et'enteil : 0, Nu cornposite curve along which tl.rb soil
shength and consolidation tests froni _ For the special case of +
becornesunity and Nr.: 0. The equa- failed would have theoreJically ex-
being performed on the glaciul drift. tion thus becomcs: tcndecl,to a depth .equal to about
Tho following data, however, rvere (2) one-half dre foundation width or 38%
obtained: fect bclow tlie bottoin. of the foun-
Natutal moisture Prandtl, in an early form of bqua-
dation. Since the dense glacinl till
contentrarrge(S) . . . tion (2) evaluated Nc as 5,14 and
10.0- 13.4
l\{oistdensity(lb./cu.ft.) 157. -143 occurred. at approiimately the same
il-iqrrid linrii; average. . .. l'erzaghio gives 5.? for'general sheai
21.0 depth, it did not prevont the frrll de-
faihire and 3;8 arbitrarily fol local
P l e s t i c l i m i at ,v e r t r g.u. . . . f f . 9 . velopment of this cuwe.
M.I.T. graiu sizegrorrping(S) sh<:arfailu'e. The general shear fail-
blay^(rockflorrr),8.0;silt 3i].6; ure appligs when tJre stress-sbain It may also be noted that the soil
sand3?.3;gtrrveJ 28.I crirve (from laboratory test5) is of upheaval all arqund the forindations
'fhe "edge
test holes were not extcuded the lypb shorvn in Fig. 4aj or. is due to eft'ect" at the start of
to tJrc underlying :limestone, Eight approached rvhen negligible yariation ai]u'e nctuall), occurred. Allaire6,re-
test holes bored by the owners of exists in both loading and soil con- pbrti an upheaval of 5 feet. Photo-
;dre building have shown, however, ditions. graphs ioiifii"m that frrrther large up-
that the limestone bedrock was at a heaval consistent .with theory oc-
For .rectangularfootirrgs the vnlue
depth of approximately 50 feet. curred bn the side to which the sLruc-
of Nc has been shown by analytical
ture tilted. The actual direction of
TheoreticalBearing Capacity methods, model studies and a shrdy
tilting is not impoltant as even a
Thc rclatively rapid loading of the of nctual failures to be. a functi<rn of
very minor ecceDtriqity in loading
elevator on saturated clay. con'es- L d
or valintiort in soil condition could
:porrds to the laboratory undrained ..- and -, rvhere' L, : length of
cause a failure to either side.
quick triaxial test for rvhich tle un- t s B
confined compression test j.s a .spt:cial footing, Receutly, Skempton' has Thc rrcarcsttest lroles to tle struc-
case. For such conditibns it is iecog- given the following formula: tule on the side of ti[ing were 63
hizdd that t}e arrgle of intelnal frii- N" * 5(tr+ B/'L). (L + d/58) . (3) feet distant ancl from the examina-
tion is negligiblc and thus the colre- tion and testing of undisturbecl sam-
The theory for equation (l) as-
ples, the sr:il appeared to be un-
,sion is equal to half the urrconfined sumes that the soil fails along a com-
compressivestrength. posjte curve as shorm in Fig. 48; affected by tlre failurc. Although the
i In general the rrltirnate unit bear- Althoigh the theory is beyond failure occtrrted nearly 40 fears ago,
&e it is ,not believed that the loss in
,ing capacitv of a soil may be ex- scolie of this report, it may be noted
pressed by: strengh. of the .soil re.sulting floin
that rvhen C.: o, the coinposite curvb
, B the failure has beerr ibgaihecl. Tests
extencls to a depth below the bottom
gu = Nic { Nrycl * W"u ., (1) of the footing equal to approximate- on .similai Lake. Agassiz do
i l), onelralf the footing width. As fail- not intlicate any cxtensive thixohopic
str:engtliregain for this mnterial. Al-
tlrough no i'ernoulded shength tests
. : '
. . {drtutl
' were performeil, it has been.genelal-
. !iltai! ?^itt.Lr }:€ uMxFlEo
alfttdtx ta.t ly fourrd tliat remoulding reqults in a
loss o[ one-half of the strength of
the Winnipeg clays.
It is alio reasqrtable to assrrmethat
becausc of the natru'e of thc labora-
tory itress-stiain curves and the pre-
cautions taken to assurc rrniform load-
iug of the elevator'; that the Terzaglri
gendr-alshear conditions rvere satis-.
fied, 'lt is questionable, however,
whether the assumption of local shear
val'" : 3.8) woultl have. been
appUcrble had the stress-strain
curves been different.
R@l{ lo IELIY'TUOZ lEitlifitof, The undrained quick triaxial test
confirmed that the angle of intemal
Fig. 3. Typicnl test hole log. ('l'est.hole 4. ) friction n'as negligible aud that equa-

T H E I N O I N E E R I N GJ O U R N A L - J U L Y , t 9 5 '
,.,. ,
.,.: ]r: ,: : .,:,i,:.::.,'::t,,':'t..,:.t.,:,,,::,,

tion (zJ was valid. SirbstituHon,in

equation (3) with:
B :77, L : 195, and d -: 12 (all in
feet) gives N" : 5.56. The ultimate I
bearing capacity is tlrus giverr by: t,
It was difficult, bolvever, to ascer- \
tain what'value
shorrld be used in (5), The values
of the cohesion

for the browr silty clay or the grey

siltv clay alone would be unjustifiable
high and Iow respectively since the unt gru_
failule plane pa.ssed through both
materi;rls. Use of the avelige un-
confined compressive strength value F/62./28 4.4 F/ /i /Jt2,.a 1 A
of 1850 lb. pet square foot for'both
.Terzagtr't C-)/e.ta /q 4 Ttzoorc/)co/ Qnyott/e hlurc Currc
the brown and grey silty.clays frorn
Itoles 4 and 7 appears the most itilrifi- Figurc 4,
able. The same value for the remain-
ing test holes I, 2, 3, 5, and B, nearer
to the building, was 1933 lb. Per
sqtrarc foot antl probably reflects the
effects of consolidationcausedby tlte
contirrrrouspumping from under the
bin house for a period of almost 40
vears. Moishrre contents and detns-
ities for thc grey silty clay rvhen
compared for holes 4 and 7 with
thoseof l, 2, 3. 5, and 6, al.soindicate
thc effects of cousolidation
Holes Hqlet
4,7 L,2, 3,
5' B
c o n t e n t ( % ) . . . .. 5 f . 9 48.9
'Averagc nroistdensity
( l b . / c r r . f t . .). . . . . 1 0 7 . 8 1 1 2 . 9
The average irnconfined compt'es-
sive strength values of 191)3 lb. per
square foot for holes L, 2, 3, 5, and
6, and 1850 lb. per square foot for
holes 4 and 7, do not. include the
lorv values florn the 35- to 4O-foot
depth from ho-les I and 3, and hole
7 respectively. The difl'crencc iri the
values of cohesion, density, and
nroisture content menlioued, hqw-
ever, arc small aud could sirnply re-
flect statistical accuracy.
Results of substitution in eqtration Fis. 5, Consolidation tpst results, holc 4,
(5) are showr iri Table :I. The unit
u,eight, Y, of the soil covering. the
footirrgs rvas taken as 107 Ib. per
cubic foot anrl the cohesion as half
the unconfincd compressiver.strength. Table I
Discussion _
Avd.rirgeuncon- ultimate
The ultimate tJreorctical be,rring Baseclon rcirilts for: fined cvrnpressive bearing
capacity at 8420 lb. per square:foot . stren'gth . capacity
using the most jushfiable value of iur- , (lb/sq.ft. ) ( lb/sq.ft. )
confined compressive strength; 1850 B r o w n s i l t yc l a y * a l l h o l e s: , . . . . . . 2I60 7280
Ib. per squale foot is rernalkably Crey silty clay - all holes . . 164r 5840
close to t}e actual bearing capacity Brown and grey silty clay
at failure of 6200 Ib. per sqtiarr;foot. all holes 1933 6660
Thc correlation is even better than h o l c sl , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 . . . . . 1960 6730
statistical considcrations of the data h o l e s4 , 7 . . . . . ls50 6420
(t'ontinuedon page 990) Noter.actual ultinrate bearing capacity : 6200 lb,zsq. ft,

Tl{E INGTNEIRIXG JOURNAT'-JULY; I957 977...,,.i.;,.

The Transcona Grain Elevator
( 977)

can .sultstantiate.Reasonal:lecorr.ela- engiueer,and tlieil pelmissionfor the

tiou, hoq'ever', is gairred.using the .sinking of the test holes orr their
other average cohesion valuei as propelt), is grrrteftrlly acknowledged.
shorvn in Table L Thi.s is in soite The test borings were put clorvn by
of srrch fac.torsas purnpiug that may the special soil boring creu, trnder
htve causcd soil changes sincc' the Mr. E. Hargcst of the Manitoha De-
failure. parlment of Public Wor.ks,The author
Difficult to explain is the length is indebted to the Foundatiorr Com-
,-rf Lime, 24 hour.s, rvhirfi elapsed pany of Canada l.irnited for the pho-
Irom the hmc motion began trntil the tographs rvhich serve ts illustrations.
building came to rest. The plastic Thc soil tesling was carried out by
naturc of the soils and the gradual Mr. !t{. Bozozuk in the soil mech-
ttansfer of load frour the upper stiffer arrics laboratory of the Univclsity of
clays to the scrfterunder:lyingrnaterial Mirnitoba and to him tlre author. r.e-
rnay be responsible. The slorv fail- cords his thanks as alsoto Dean A. E.
ure and the varves in the brown IUacdonald, rr.s.r.c. and to Mr. R.
clay do not Rppear to have invali- F. Legget, wr.r.r.c., Director of the
dated the theoretical forrnrr-la. Division of lluilding Research, Na-
To thc engiueer,it is most reirssur'- tional ResearchCouncil, with whose
ing that the study of the Transcoua approval tbis peper is p-ublishcdas a
elevator failule arrd similal studie! ioint conhibution ftonr the University
reported fol the foundation failures of lr,fanitobannd tlre Divisior.
on clays in rvidely separated a!'eas,
verily thc prcsent theories. The ad- Roferences
vantagesof being able to predict the l. Skelnpton, A. W, The Bcaring Capaclty
ol Clays. Building- 1 9Research
51. Congress,
ultinrate bearing crrpacity from a soil London. I:180-tm.
study ale
With the informn- 2. Peck, R. B. and F. G. Bryant. The
Bearing Capacity Failure of the Trans-
tion norv available and the additional .ona Elevator. Gdoiechnique, III:2Ol -
208. 1953.
studies beirrg made on settlerhtnts, 3. Scott White. L. TrarEcona Elevdtor
foundationson clay may be designed Failure: oye-wltne$ Account. G6o-
techrlque. III:209-214. 1953.
rvith leasonable knorvledge of the
4, winDipeg Free Press. October 20, 1913.
sal'ety factors irrvolv€d and the ftr- 5. Allaiie, A. Thc Failure and .Rlghting
ture behnviorrr of the structure. of a Mllliou-bushel Elevatot.
Trans. Anrer. Soc. Civil Englneers, Vol.
80. Deccmber 1016.
Acknowlcdgements 6. Terzaphi. K. Theoretical Soil Mecha-
ni^s. Art.4?. John Wiley and Sons, fnc.
The irrterestin this investigation o[ 1943.
t h e Canadinn Pacific Railwrry, ?. Berser. L. and J. GnaedinFer. Thixo'
traDic strength of Clays. A.S.T.M. Bul-
.through Mr. R. A. Bmerson, chicf letin, Septenlber 1949.

Blatz, J. and Skaftfeld, K. 2003. The Transcona grain elevator failure: a modern
perspective 90 years later. Proceedings, 56th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, 4th
Page 8-22
Joint IAH-CNC/CGS Conference, Winnipeg, MB, 29 Sept. - 1 Oct., 2003, pp. 8-22 to 8-29.


James Blatz, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, CANADA
Ken Skaftfeld, Earth Science Department, UMA Engineering, Winnipeg, MB, CANADA

The foundation failure and righting of the Transcona Grain Elevator in 1913 is recognized as a truly remarkable case
history made famous by its collapse during loading after bearing pressures exceeded the limiting shear resistance of the
underlying clay foundation soil. This paper takes you on a journey lasting 90 years beginning with the construction,
failure and righting of the structure. The landmark work carried out in the 1950’s comparing the load at failure with that
predicted by classical bearing capacity formulae is examined with a modern perspective made possible by finite element
modeling techniques using nonlinear effective stress analysis. The results from the effective stress analysis were
imported into a limit equilibrium analysis to determine the minimum factor of safety against bearing capacity failure at the
failure load with the associated critical slip surface. The vertical settlement and tilting of the structure predicted by the
model closely matches the events described by eye witnesses. The time dependency of the porewater pressure
generation has been evaluated to explore the possibility that the catastrophic failure could have been avoided using
staged loading.

The foundation failure and righting of the Transcona Grain Elevator in 1913 is recognized as a truly remarkable case
history made famous by its collapse during loading after bearing pressures exceeded the limiting shear resistance of the
underlying clay foundation soil. This paper takes you on a journey lasting 90 years beginning with the construction,
failure and righting of the structure. The landmark work carried out in the 1950’s comparing the load at failure with that
predicted by classical bearing capacity formulae is examined with a modern perspective made possible by finite element
modeling techniques using nonlinear effective stress analysis. The results from the effective stress analysis were
imported into a limit equilibrium analysis to determine the minimum factor of safety against bearing capacity failure at the
failure load with the associated critical slip surface. The vertical settlement and tilting of the structure predicted by the
model closely matches the events described by eye witnesses. The time dependency of the porewater pressure
generation has been evaluated to explore the possibility that the catastrophic failure could have been avoided using
staged loading.

1. INTRODUCTION predicted by classical bearing capacity formulae. Results

presented by Skempton (1951) included the Transcona
Bearing capacity theory is relatively well understood by Grain Elevator as one of the examples outlining a
today’s geotechnical engineers. While many foundations comparison of calculated bearing capacity factors with
on cohesive soils are still designed using classical total cases where failure was observed and therefore the factor
stress bearing capacity theory first proposed by Terzaghi of safety was known to be unity. The first geotechnical
(1943), designers now have more sophisticated analysis evaluation of the Transcona Grain Elevator failure was
tools at their disposal allowing them to carry out advanced reported in Peck and Byrant (1953) where a limited site
effective stress analysis. However, at the turn of the 20th investigation was undertaken. R.F. Legget presented the
century no such formulations or tools existed and by results as Director of Building Research of the National
necessity, local experience was relied upon to design Research Council during a presentation on “Special
foundations. Such was the case of the Transcona Grain Foundation Problems in Canada” and during subsequent
Elevator in Winnipeg, a structure made famous by its discussions, promised to study the foundation failure in
collapse during loading after bearing pressures exceeded more detail (Baracos 1955). In fulfillment of that promise,
the limiting shear resistance of the underlying clay a joint study including detailed test holes and laboratory
foundation soil. Since settlement is often the controlling testing was undertaken by Baracos (1957). The
factor in design, cases of ultimate shear failure are conclusions from this study compared well with results
uncommon today, in particular for large structures. While presented in Peck and Byrant (1953) where the ultimate
it is almost certain that the mat foundation for the theoretical bearing capacity of 6,420 psf was remarkably
Transcona Grain Elevator was designed to tolerate large close to the actual observed bearing capacity at failure of
settlements, its susceptibility to a deep-seated base shear 6,200 psf.
failure was neither understood nor expected.
Fast forward to the 21st century and the opportunity to
The significance of the failure did not escape early evaluate this failure using effective stress analysis that for
Foundation Engineers who recognized this unique the first time examines the time dependency of porewater
opportunity to compare the loading at failure with that pressure generation and explores the possibility that the
Page 8-23

catastrophic failure could have been avoided using staged $150,000 and according to Mr. J.G. Sullivan, then Chief
loading. This paper takes you on a journey lasting 90 District Engineer for CP Rail, “it was doubtful if any effort
years beginning with the construction, failure and righting would be made to restore the elevator”.
of the structure, a story that in itself illustrates the
ingenuity of Patrick Burke-Gaffney, an engineer trained in
Ireland, whose first assignment in Canada was that of
Instrumentman, in charge of raising the Transcona Grain
Elevator. The historical perspective based on the
landmark work carried out in the 1950’s is described and
compared with the modern perspective made possible
using finite element analysis techniques. The results of
modern day analysis and the general lessons learned
from this paper however, cannot overshadow those taught
to us through the resourcefulness and determination of
the men who righted the structure using nothing more
than fish scales to model the loading along rows of piers
and picks and shovels to excavate soil from beneath the
tilted structure.

Figure 2. Cross-section of failed binhouse.
The Transcona Grain Elevator consists of a sixteen story
workhouse and a ten story binhouse connected by two Figure 3 shows the final configuration of the structure
conveyer tunnels as illustrated in Figure 1. On October 18 following failure.
1913, grain transfer into the newly constructed 1,000,000
bushel Transcona Grain Elevator was well underway when
the binhouse began to settle and tilt to the west.

Figure 3. Binhouse after failure.

Figure 1. Profile of the workhouse and binhouse. In December 1913, the Foundation Company of Montreal
and Vancouver submitted a plan to Canadian Pacific Rail
Within 24 hours, the structure came to rest at an angle of to underpin the workhouse as it was feared its foundation
27 degrees from vertical as shown in Figure 2. In its final might also fail. The plan was accepted and work began
position, the west edge of the mat foundation was 24 feet almost immediately to underpin the structure by sinking a
below its original elevation and the east edge had risen pier under each building column. Because of the heavy
about 5 feet. Earth mounds as high as 15 feet surrounded loads and height of the structure, it was first necessary to
the structure, having been thrust up as the settlement install an elaborate system of internal and external timber
occurred. Almost unbelievably, the monolithic concrete shoring. Despite significant groundwater intrusion into
structure, with the exception of the concrete cupola was the 5 foot diameter piers (Chicago Wells) that were all
intact and the first order of business was to tap each of excavated by hand, the workhouse operations were
the 65 bins to salvage their valuable contents. completed by the beginning of June 1914.
Fortunately, the workhouse on the south side of the bins
was only slightly cracked as the bins settled and did not During the workhouse underpinning, the Foundation
itself experience any subsidence. The replacement cost Company convinced CP Rail that it was possible to
of the binhouse was estimated between $140,000 and salvage the binhouse by righting it and underpinning the
Page 8-24

structure once the vertical position had been reached. Figure 7 shows the structure after the completion of the
The structure was to be righted by excavating under the righting and underpinning operations. The structure has
high (east) side and gradually lowering the mat foundation been successfully used since this time and is now owned
to the elevation of the low (west) side. Initially, a trench and operated by Parrish and Heimbecker Limited.
was excavated along the entire east side of the binhouse
to the underside of the mat foundation as shown in Figure

Figure 6. Shoring screws used to lift binhouse.

Figure 4 Excavation of the east side of the binhouse.

Drifts were then excavated beneath the mat foundation

and a row of 14 piers was sunk to bedrock along the west
edge of the mat. The intent was to support the structure
with these piers acting as a fulcrum, about which the
structure would be rotated as the soil was removed from
under the high side. As construction proceeded, the
original plan was modified as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 7. Binhouse after righting.


Two soil borings were put down at the site in 1951 (Peck
and Byrant 1953). In 1952, six additional borings were
made by Baracos (1955). The soil profile around the
elevator interpreted from these borehole logs consists of
clay fill to a depth of about 10 feet, stiff brown clay to a
Figure 5. Original plan for righting binhouse. depth of about 25 feet and highly plastic grey clay to a
depth of 40 to 45 feet from ground surface. The clay
The structure was raised on the west side using shoring deposits are lacustrine material deposited by glacial Lake
screws and timber rockers installed on the tops of Agassiz in the immediate post-glacial period when the
successive rows of piers (Figure 6). To assist in the Wisconsin Ice sheet blocked the region’s northern outlet.
righting, twelve timber pushers were placed against the The clay is underlain by 10 to 15 feet of glacial silt till that
west side of the bins. On October 17, 1914, two days becomes increasingly dense with depth (hardpan).
behind schedule, the binhouse was back in its vertical
position having been raised about 12 feet in the process.
Page 8-25

Table 1. Soil Index Properties

Soil Property Lacustrine Clay Glacial Silt Till

Upper Brown Lower Grey
% Clay 49.4 38.7 6.0 (rockflour)
% Silt 42.8 44.5 33.6
% Sand 7.4 13.0 32.3
% Gravel 0.4 3.8 28.1
Field Moisture Content (%) 52.4 49.9 Range: 10 – 13.4
Liquid Limit (%) 85.3 75.9 21.0
Plastic Limit (%) 29.0 22.8 11.9
Bulk Unit Weight (pcf) 107 110 Range: 143 – 157
Unconfined Compressive 2160 1641 Not Measured
Strength (psf)

Limestone bedrock is encountered at a depth of 4.1 Loading Conditions

approximately 45 to 50 feet. The upper limestone is
heavily fractured and water bearing. The Index properties Knowing the dead weight of the structure (20,000 tons)
of the clay foundation soils, averaged from laboratory test and the weight of the grain in the bins permits the
results carried out on samples from the 1952 investigation foundation pressure at the time of failure to be
are summarized in Table 1. The clay was saturated below determined. Based on a unit weight of grain of 60 pounds
a depth of 10 feet. Compression indices range from 0.45 per bushel, the foundation pressure when excessive
to 0.75 as reported by Baracos (1955). Overconsolidation settlement was first observed is estimated to be 6,200 psf.
ratios generally decrease with increasing depth, ranging Although it was reported that the bins were uniformly filled,
from as high as 8 in the brown clay to 1.5 in the underlying the possibility of eccentric loading cannot be overlooked.
grey clay. These observations of overconsolidation are Even a small eccentric load (say in the order of 3 feet
consistent with local experience and are believed to be differential grain level in the bins) could have significantly
primarily a result of desiccation. Within the grey clay, it is affected contact pressures beneath the mat in particular if
almost certain that the preconsolidation pressures were the structure is considered to be rigid (Nordlund and
exceeded by the foundation load, a stress level at which Deere 1970). For simplification, previous total stress
large consolidation settlements of the structure would be analyses were carried out assuming uniform contact
expected. pressures. The analysis presented in this paper the mat
was modeled using structural elements to incorporate the
rigidity of the mat and as a result the non-uniform contact
4. MODERN PERSPECTIVE pressure distributions.

Finite element software for routine geotechnical 4.2 Model Definition

engineering analysis has been available since the early
1990’s. With the rapid development of the personal The first step in the modeling process was to gather
computer, the use of software in engineering practice has historic information on the soil and groundwater properties
quickly grown to its current state. Since these tools are at the site. Excellent data was available from reports and
relatively new, there are many foundation failure case papers presented by Baracos (1976), Mishtak (1964), and
histories that have never been analyzed using these Allaire (1916). The geometry and stratigraphy for the
modern day tools. The foundation failure of the Transcona Elevator is relatively simple in form. The
Transcona Grain Elevator is an excellent example of a foundation geometry is well defined and the soil borings
case history widely recognized as having being used to undertaken at the site show that the depth to the till is
validate the total stress bearing capacity solution. This relatively consistent over the area affected by the loading.
paper details a first attempt (to the authors’ knowledge) to The model was developed using Seep/W1 coupled with
model the foundation failure using a fully coupled finite Sigma/W1 to analyze the time-dependent porewater
element effective stress consolidation analysis. The pressure response due to the appied total stress at the
failure is then analyzed using stress and porewater surface. The factor of safety at selected times was then
pressure conditions from the effective stress analysis analyzed using the limit equilibrium package Slope/W1.
imported into a limit equilibrium application to examine the
factor of safety at the failure load conditions. The model is The original grain elevator foundation level was 5.2 m
not rigorous in its development but is intended to allow below ground surface leaving 10.1 m of clay between the
global exploration of the failure mechanism and the foundation and the underlying glacial till.
effective stress conditions that existed during loading and
Geoslope International, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Page 8-26

Table 2: Constitutive Model Parameters

Layer (Depth) Layer1 (0 – 1.8 m) Layer 2 (1.8 – 4.1 m) Layer 3 (4.1 – 6.9 m) Layer 4 (6.9 – 10 m)
Constitutive Model Linear Elastic Modified Modified Modified
Cam-clay Cam-clay Cam-clay
E (kPa) 20,000 - - -
ν 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
OCR - 7 3 1.1
λ - 0.5 0.4 0.3
κ - 0.01 0.01 0.01
Γ - 3.75 3.75 3.75
M - 0.58 0.58 0.58

To simplify the finite element model, the model surface represented using structural elements with very high
was set to be coincident with the original design elevation values of moment of inertia and stiffness to ensure rigid
for the base of the mat foundation. The initial condition response under applied loading. The upper 1.8 m was
(prior to construction) was defined using constant head defined as a linear elastic material to avoid numerical
boundary conditions of 2 m below prairie level. The instabilty at the corners of the rigid footing (excessive
hydraulic conductivity of the clay was defined using typical shear and tension stresses) followed by three layers of
values for Winnipeg clay and results provided by Baracos modified Cam-clay material. Table 2 outlines the model
(1976). Although Baracos (1976) showed slight stratigraphy including the final soil properties used in the
anisotropy in the hydraulic conductivity values (horizontal model. Once the time dependent consolidation model had
and vertical), for simplicity an isotropic hydraulic been run, the stress and porewater pressure distribution
conductivity value of 1x10-8 m/s was assumed. The same was imported into Slope/W to examine the factor of safety
hydraulic boundary conditions were maintained for the against bearing capacity at a specific time. The strength
loading phase of the model. parameters were the same as those used in the modified
Cam-clay model and the minimum failure surface was
For the stress deformation component of the model, searched for using a grid of radius points.
stress-strain properties were taken from laboratory
measurements provided by Allaire (1916) and Baracos
(1955) in addition to local experience. The east and west
boundaries were set far enough from the edge of the 20

footing to ensure that they would not influence the stress

or strain fields resulting from the applied loading.
Figure 8 shows the Sigma/W domain with the four soil
units, applied vertical stress loading and the structural 10
elements used to define the properties of the rigid
concrete mat. The east and west boundaries were set as
zero displacement in the horizontal direction and the base LAYER 3

horizontal boundary was specified as zero vertical LAYER 4

displacement. Unit weights were applied to establish the 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200

in-situ stresses and a surcharge load was applied to Distance (m)

represent the overburden soil above the foundation level Figure 8. Finite element model domain.
that was excluded from the finite element mesh. This
simplificaton ignores the shear strength of the soil above
the foundation elevation. Although the strength of the 5. MODEL RESULTS
brown clay within this upper horizon is significantly greater
than the soil underlying the foundation, it can be argued The model was first calibrated using the behaviour of the
that because of desiccation, only very small shear failed structure. Soil properties were modified during the
resistance could have been developed in this layer and initial runs to calibrate both the factor of safety at the
therefore, its omission would have little affect on the failure load (300 kPa) and the vertical displacements at
results. the point of incipient collapse. Figure 9 shows the
porewater pressure profile versus depth under the center
As expected, the veritical and horizontal stress of the mat at increasing time intervals. Constant values of
distirbutions are hydrostatic as a function of the unit porewater pressure at the surface and underlying till are
weight of the soil materials. For the transient model, the representative of the boundary conditions applied in the
boundary conditions remained the same and the load was Seep/W model. As the total stress increases with time, so
applied as a constant increase from day zero to time 30 does the porewater pressures under the mat, reaching a
days at the maximum load of 300 kPa. The footing was maximum value at approximately 8 m corresponding to
Page 8-27

the softest clay unit (OCR of 1.1) just above the clay till rotational displacement pattern suggests a progression
interface. Figure 10 shows the porewater pressure from consolidation settlements to a bearing capacity
distribution below the mat at failure corresponding to a failure. The model became unstable after the 29th day
surface load of 300 kPa. The 300 kPa contour represents time step. Although this is not a clear indicator of
the zone of maximum porewater pressure (308 kPa) with instability (due to catastrophic shear failure) it can be
values decreasing to approximately hydrostatic at the interpreted as the development of an unstable loading
edge of the zone of influence from the loading. condition.

Figure 12 shows the failure surface associated with the

minimum factor of safety (FS) corresponding to the stress
10 and porewater pressure conditions at the maximum load
Initial Condition conditions (300 kPa). The factor of safety contours show
8 Days
8 13 Days
that good convergance to the minimum factor of safety
has been achieved. The foundation was noted to settle
Model elevation (m)

23 Days
29 Days vertically at the west side and rise on the east side
6 confirming that rotation about a point inside the edge of
the footing occurred. The failure surface in the model was
also noted to extend to the softer clay at the clay till
interface. The observation that the majority of the sliding
surface occurs under the foundation is consistent with
2 porewater pressures increasing beneath the foundation.
This also corresponds to the region where the lowest
effective stresses would exist.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Porewater pressure (kPa) 0.8
Initial Condition
8 Days
13 Days
Figure 9. Porewater pressure distribution below mat.
Vertical displacement (m)

0.4 23 Days
29 Days



50 75 100 125 150
X-coordinate (m)

Figure 11. Surface profile of mat during loading and at

incipient failure.


70 80 90 100 110 120 130

Distance (m)
Factor of safety

Figure 10. Porewater pressure distribution at failure. 0.95

Figure 11 shows the vertical surface settlement profile for
different time steps. It is interesting to note that the
vertical setttlements are relatively uniform until
approximately 18 days after the initiation of loading at
which time rotation of the footing initiates. The maximum
unform settlements in the model match well with the 0.3 m
70 80 90 100 110 120 130
observed settlements (White 1953) providing confidence
that the model is representing the observed behaviour.
The transition from uniform vertical displacements to a Figure 12. Critical failure surface.
Page 8-28

6. LESSONS LEARNED been filled successfully by staging the loading to ensure

that the stress paths below the foundation did not reach
It came as a surprise to the engineers at the time that the the shear failure condition?’. To answer this question,
Transcona Elevator failed considering that it had been staged loading was modeled by determining the time of
designed with bearing pressures consistent with those loading where the stress and porewater pressure
used for similarly loaded shallow foundations for major conditions corresponded to a factor of safety of 1.2 in the
structures in the City of Winnipeg. Plate bearing tests limit equilibrium model. The loading at that point was then
carried out at the base of the excavation (12 x 12 inch held constant for a period of one month to allow for
plate) demonstrated that bearing pressures as high as porewater pressure dissipation (and corresponding
8,000 to 10,000 psf could be safely applied (Morley 1996). consolidation) and then loading was recommenced to the
Similar results were achieved from tests conducted during final design value (380 kPa). Figure 14 shows the
construction of the Shoal Lake Aqueduct in 1916 (City of porewater pressure at depths of 4.1 m and 8.2 m below
Winnipeg Historic Drawing A356). These results the center of the mat for the original calibration model (to
confirmed engineers’ beliefs that satisfactory performance failure) and the staged model designed to examine an
could be expected at bearing pressures that are now alternative loading function. As shown in the figure,
recognized to be well in excess of those required to porewater pressures in the original model (solid symbols)
ensure serviceability. increase at both depths with increasing load up to a time
of 28 days when failure occurred.
The major difference between the Transcona Grain
Elevator and many other shallow foundations is the
foundation breadth. Since the breadth of the Transcona 300
Grain Elevator mat is very large in comparison to
Depth Below
conventional spread footings (and the plate loading tests), 250
Center of Raft (m)

Porewater pressure (kPa)

the depth of influence for the Transcona Grain Elevator Failed 8.2m
was much larger. Penetration of the zone of influence to 200 Failed 4.1m
Staged 8.2m
the softer clay above the glacial till interface provided a Staged 4.1m
preferential zone of weakness for shear failure and also a 150
more compressible zone for vertical settlements.
Conceptually, this observation might support the 100
development of progressive failure in which the maximum
shear stresses are not mobilized simultaneously. Figure 50
13 shows the vertical strain distribution below the
foundation at the failure load. The maximum strains (and Initial
Dissipation Second
therefore compression) occur in the soft clay directly 0 40 80 120 160 200 240
above the till interface. This is also the zone where the
Time (days)
maximum porewater pressure increase occurred due to
the compressibility of the soil.
Figure 14. Porewater pressure at two points under the
center of the mat.
Strain Below Center of Footing The initial porewater pressure response matches the
staged model up until approximately 20 days when the
loading was stopped to allow for porewater pressure
Model elevation (m)

dissipation. Following the end of loading, the staged

6 model shows decreasing porewater pressure due to
dissipation until approximately three months when the
loading is again initiated. The porewater pressures then
4 increase until the maximum stress is reached (380 kPa)
however, the porewater pressures never exceed those
2 reached in the first stage of loading indicating the factor of
safety was greater than 1.2 for all time steps in the second
loading stage. The final time of six months shows nearly
0 complete dissipation of excess porewater pressures
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
corresponding to a stable condition.
Vertical strain

Figure 13. Strain profile below center of mat at maximum 7. CONCLUSIONS

Foundation failures can be summarized as an
Beyond simply understanding why the failure occurred, unacceptable difference between expected and observed
the fully coupled consolidation model provides the performance (Morley 1996). In the case of the Transcona
opportunity to ask the question, ‘could the elevator have Grain Elevator, the observed performance was seen not
Page 8-29

only as an unacceptable event but also as an completely dissipated three months hence. Given the
unexplainable event. While today’s standard of practice rigidity of the foundation, this postulation relies on
would have easily predicted the outcome, such was not perfectly concentric loading and uniform soil conditions,
the case in the early 1900’s when an observational conditions which arguably may not have been possible or
approach was in many cases, the best available analytical may not exist. It does however suggest that it may have
tool. It was a time when a lack of understanding of soil been possible to avoid what at the time was explained as
behaviour could be offset by reacting to problems with an act of God. Although more than a foot of settlement
ingenuity and determination. It was in many respects a may have occurred at that point, the ingenuity displayed in
unique classroom that provided an opportunity to observe righting the structure leaves no doubt CP Rail would have
such failures rather than trying to visualize them. The modified the operation of the elevator accordingly.
engineers of the day truly believed that every precaution
had been taken to prevent such an event from occurring.
Prior to any investigations on the property, J.G. Sullivan, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Chief Engineer for CP Rail reported that it was believed
that the ‘earth was solid’ and therefore, the presence of The authors would like to acknowledge the support of
unsuspected soft soil was the reason for the failure UMA Engineering Ltd. and the Natural Sciences and
(Winnipeg Free Press 1913). He reiterated the fact that Engineering Research Council of Canada for supporting
the foundation soil had been tested at twice the weight research in this paper. Special thanks are due to Bill
under which the elevator collapsed. By the 1950’s the Parrish Sr. of Parrish and Heimbecker, for his enthusiastic
mechanics of the failure were understood and the lessons support in supplying the original construction photographs
learned from the event provided validation of classical and access to his elevator over the years.
bearing capacity formulae. It is also now understood that
the interpretation of the results from small scale plate REFERENCES
bearing tests mislead the designers as it does not mimic
the zone of stress influence that the mat foundation Allaire, A. (1916) The failure and righting of a million –
imposed on the clay underlying the horizon where the bushel grain elevator. Transactions of the ASCE,
tests were carried out. 80, 799-832.
Baracos, A. (1955). The foundation failure of the
This paper has attempted to take the forensic Transcona Grain Elevator. Report No. 45 of the
investigation of the failure to a new level of understanding. Division of Building Research, National Research
While the modeling did not reveal any unexpected results, Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
it provides an example of the ability to analyze foundation Baracos, A. (1957). The foundation failure of the
performance using the integration of a number of Transcona Grain Elevator. Engrg. J., Montreal,
commonly used modern day tools. The coupled Quebec, Canada, 40(7), 973-977.
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failure to be analyzed using non-linear effective stresses. anisotropy of Winnipeg soils a study based on
It reliably modeled the porewater pressure generation and scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction
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external load from filling the grain bins. The results reflect 125-137.
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overconsolidated upper clay horizon. The maximum I(3), 133-146.
porewater pressure increases and vertical strains Morley, J. (1996). “Acts of God”: The symbolic and
occurred in this layer due to its compressible nature. The technical significance of foundation failures. Journal
vertical settlement profile predicted by the model closely of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Vol. 10,
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likelihood of catastrophic bearing capacity failure which Division I. Building Research Congress. London,
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capacity over a one month period before allowing Wiley and Sons inc., New York. Pp. 386-392.
approximately one month for dissipation of excess pore White, L.S. (1953). Transcona Elevator failure: eye-
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to their maximum capacity over the third month and if left Vol. 3, pp. 209-214.
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the ASCE, 80, 799-832.

Baracos, A. (1955). The foundation failure of the Transcona Grain Elevator. Report No. 45 of
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Manitoba Free Press. October 20, 1913.

Mishtak, J. (1964). Soil mechanics aspects of the Red River Floodway. Canadian
Geotechnical Journal, I(3), 133-146.

Morley, J. (1996). “Acts of God”: The symbolic and technical significance of foundation failures.
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 23-31.

Norlund, R.L. and Deere, D.U. (1970) Collapse of Fargo Grain Elevator. Journal of the Soil
Mechanics and Foundations Division, ASCE, SM 2, pp. 585-606.

Peck, R.B. and Byrant, F.G. (1953). The bearing-capacity failure of the Transcona Elevator.
Geotechnique, London, England, 3(1), 201-208.

Skempton, A.W. (1951). The bearing capacity of clays. Building Research Congress papers
Presented in Division I. Building Research Congress. London, England, pp.180-189.

Terzaghi, K., (1943). Theoretical Soil Mechanics. J. Wiley and Sons inc., New York. Pp. 386-

White, L.S. (1953). Transcona Elevator failure: eye-witness account. Geotechnique, London,
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