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Automated Segregation Trash Bin “AutoSet”

by Clean Earth Corp.

“For Cleaner Days”
Ar-Jay Cabasag & Abigail Grace Casco
Global Issue and Impact
The global community recognized that solid waste management is an issue that requires serious attention. The aggressive
pursuit for economic growth, by developing countries like the Philippines, has resulted in the manufacture, distribution and use of
products and generation of wastes that contributes to environmental degradation and global climate change.
The Republic Act No. 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management of 2000 are currently implementing by the state. The
law refers to the “systematic administration of activities which provide for segregation at source, segregated transportation, storage,
transfer, processing, treatment, and disposal of solid waste and all other waste management activities which do not harm the
environment.” However, there are wastes in the locality and in big establishments that are not practicing proper waste segregation;
they may label their trash bins in “liquid waste,” “solid rubbish,” “organic waste,” “recyclable rubbish,” and “hazardous,” but in
reality, the wastes are mixed up. This poses great threats on the country’s environment and public health.
Proper waste management provides an opportunity not only to avoid the detrimental impacts associated with waste, but also
to recover resources, realize environmental, economic and social benefits and take a step for sustainable future. Having been
concerned on the issue of solid waste management, the Clean Earth Corp. therefore come up with a product that can reduce cases that
neglects the proper segregation in cities and municipalities, as well as in the big businesses in the country.

Why Clean Earth Corp.?

The company wants to align the company’s name to its goal. Clean Earth Corp. aims to have a nation that is ecologically
healthy with continuous sustainability and to build a community and society of environmentally-inclined individuals through
promoting proper waste segregation and resourcefulness.

The Clean Earth Corp. would produce Arduino-powered trash bin “AutoSet” as an automated segregator in order to address
the global issues.
The product features the use of Arduino sensors that detects the wastes whether it is liquid waste, solid rubbish, organic
waste, recyclable rubbish and hazardous wastes. Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and
There will be two types of AutoSet: the trash bin with pipes (Type A) and the one without pipes (Type B). To further
describe the product, AutoSet has five compartments for wastes to be segregated (liquid waste, solid rubbish, organic waste,
recyclable rubbish and hazardous). When a person wants to throw his or her trash on the said product, they could throw or put it in the
center hole where it will undergo the detection process (Arduino sensor) so that the trash will be segregated.
Type A. AutoSet A has the easiest method for waste disposal. With pipes that is connected to it underneath, the segregated waste is
immediately headed into the landfill. You just have to throw the garbage into the trash bin and it is a done deal.
Type B. AutoSet B is the normal one. It will be made available for the other potential buyers of the product.

1. Factories. Since most of the factories are bothered to segregate their wastes, the business targets the factories within and
outside Metro Manila as their customers, since the said trash bin can operate in large-scale wastes that the factories can
produce. Through the product, the factories will have no worries when it comes in complying with separation of wastes.
2. Hospitals. The hospitals have many hazardous wastes. However, some of the staffs do not even segregate the said wastes.
Therefore, through the said trash bin, the hospitals can separate their wastes without putting their staff at stake.
3. Local Government. The different cities within the Philippines are providing waste bins in their areas, but those waste bins are
not even used very well; as of this moment, you can see unsegregated trash bins in the parks. Some of the trash bins are not
even used properly; some of them are being used as an improvised water drum. Through the product, the cities are one-step
ahead in achieving sustainable development when it comes to their ecological state.
4. Any other businesses. Some other businesses within the country have also problems in segregating their wastes. Therefore,
the product is there to help them in solving the segregation problems since the product is not limited to the factories, hospitals
and various local governments.

1. Get a patent of Arduino from the United States and file an application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office
2. Hire engineers and laborers.
3. Invest in an automation or equipment. Prepare the machines with precision and reliability for manufacturing and process
4. Create a concept sketch and develop a virtual prototype.
5. Buy the materials needed.
6. Develop and manufacture it at a lower cost.
7. Gain permission for the underground tunnels and land for the landfills.
8. The product will undergo the welding process, Arduino sensor and separator equipment placement, and underground pipes

Product Globalization
The Clean Earth Corp. will:
1. Make a successful debut in the Philippines.
2. Spread news of its success worldwide and its benefits through mass media.
3. Prepare an international business plan to evaluate the needs and set its goals to assess the readiness and commitment to
expand internationally.
4. Conduct foreign market research and identify international markets.
5. Catch the interests of other countries. Necessarily, the company will pick the right market.
6. Gain access to operate in the chosen market.
7. Understand local and cultural nuances and know when to adapt to them.
8. Set prices, and negotiate deals and exports.
9. Make sure the company has customer service and technical support staff available to respond to customer inquiries and
product orders.

Tagline: “For Cleaner Days”

1. One of the countries that produce the most plastic wastes.
2. Plans for mandatory garbage sorting by the end of 2020.
3. China is trying to improve their waste management.
1. Illegal shipment of wastes to another country in which according to them (countries), is a moral issue.
2. More and more Asian countries are closing their door for plastic waste imports which is affecting Canada as they
usually export these plastic wastes thus leaving a lot of stockpile of wastes.
3. Their supply chains are dominated by single use plastic containers, there comes a lot of wastes.
1. Use of open dumps that do not follow the standards for prevention of soil and water contamination.
2. Citizens do not have responsibility for its wastes.
3. Lack of funds for another way of disposing wastes (example: incinerator is considered, but too expensive).
1. Current waste management is inefficient.
2. No tradition of recycling, waste separation, and/or incinerating wastes and current existing landfills are reaching
their capacity limits.
3. Government adopted a new legislation. This legislation obliges producers to recycle 10-30% of their waste, and
gives companies three options to fulfill this demand:
a. Manage their recycling themselves
b. Hire a qualified third party; in which case could be the Clean Earth Corp.
c. Pay a set “ecological fee” to the government
1. The government in Indonesia has committed to maximizing its efforts resolve the country’s waste issue, especially
for marine debris.
2. They are looking for solution in waste management through partnership and foreign investments.
3. The government in Indonesia has been putting effort to strengthen the legal framework while facilitating strategic
education campaigns to influence the public behavior and knowledge towards waste management.
With all these points implying their need of a solution, the Clean Earth Corp. will be a huge help. The introduction of
AutoSet and landfill sanitation – a solution to their problem has been found.

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