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Unit 2 Learning Journal

1 Re-Use – Swaziland has a number of Buy Back (Recycling) Centres, which recycle paper,
cardboard, tin-plate steel, scrap metal, plastic and glass.

2. We use reduce- we reduce waste in all areas at home. Even food waste is no longer witness
in the volumes that it use to be before food prices started going up and food production cost
started to skyrocket. We use practice reuse on old materials such as iron sheets we use to
build chicken sheds and pig sty. We also use old steel pipes to erect fences around our
ploughing fields.

4. I have learned that Swaziland had established a National Solid Waste Management
Strategy, funded by the Danish Co-operation for Environment and Development in the year
2002 but it is still a draft 20 years after. It is still waiting for Cabinet endorsement. It’s a great
disservice to the people of the country and it’s a shame on those who are expected to carry
out their political mandate. Donor funds wasted.

I have also learned that we collectively produce 1.3 billion tonnes waste per year the world
over, which can be translated to more waste produced per minute than 7 loaded Boeing 737.
It is estimated that by the year 2025, total world garbage output will be 2.2 billion tonnes per
year, particularly looking at the rate India and China’s rapid pace of urbanization and

Lastly, I had learned that countries with higher income have higher waste collection
efficiency and they encouraged the environmental education programs together with the 3Rs
reduce, reuse and recycle. With the use of high technology, they are able to recycle more that
the developing and poor nations, who are still practising the informal recycling means like
landfills and dumping, which are also poorly managed and pose a great risk to environment
and people’s lives.

5. The Introduction to Environment Science Course has enlightened me on a number of

environmental issues. Firstly I was not aware that the are areas in the world called
biodiversity hotspots. This has made me to now want to know more about the hotspot closure
to my country and its species. I feel a bit empowered and on the subject matters discussed and
the material shared is worthwhile. I would not lie, at first I was struggling and evident is on
the non-submission of unit one school work. Now im geared and ready to go. Im willing to
excel and achieve my goal: to pass this course.


Doršner, K. (2020). Essentials of environmental science (2nd edition)

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