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Compiled By :
1. Ainul Rohimah
2. Esti Maisaroh
3. Fathilia Riskiana
4. Hanifah Agestianti
5. Laras Puspita Ningsih
6. Yeni Rahmawati



Jl. Raya Karangpucung – Majenang KM.02 No.8 Cilacap Regency 53255

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Praise be to Allah Almighty for all His mercy so that this paper can be compiled to completion.
Not to forget we thank you for the help from those who have contributed by contributing both
thoughts and materials.

The author really hopes that this paper can add knowledge and experience to readers. In fact, we
hope that further so that this paper can be practiced by readers in everyday life.

For us as compilers feel that there are still many shortcomings in the preparation of this paper
due to the limitations of our knowledge and experience. To that end we sincerely expect
constructive criticism and suggestions from readers for the perfection of this report.

Cilacap, August 10,2022



1.1. Background

The factor causing the destruction of the environment, which until now still
remains a big problem for the Indonesian nation, is waste disposal. The garbage is
transported by special trucks and simply thrown away or piled up in a place that has been
provided without further action. This will certainly greatly affect the surrounding
environment where the environment becomes dirty and rotting garbage will become a
seed for making in the future.

In some reports, it was revealed that the amount of solid waste in world cities will
continue to rise by 70% this year until 2025, from 1.3 billion tons per year to 2.2 billion
tons per year. The majority of the increase occurred in cities in developing countries. In
Indonesia, World Bank data stated that the production of solid waste nationally reached
151,921 tons per day.

Waste has always been a problem for the government, even it is estimated that
waste every day in Indonesia reaches 200 thousand tons. Unfortunately, the high volume
of waste has not been handled properly by the government due to various limitations.
Although it is proven that waste can be detrimental if not managed properly, there is a
side to the benefits. This is because in addition to being able to bring disasters to the
community, waste can also be turned into useful goods. The benefit of this waste is
inseparable from the use of science and technology in handling it and also the awareness
of the community itself to manage it.
1.2. Problem Formulation
The problem formulation of this paper is :
1. What is waste pollution which includes pollution?
2. What are the sources and types of garbage?
3. What are the types of garbage?
4. How to process solid waste ?
5. What is the effect on waste processing on the environment ?

1.3. Purpose
The general purpose of this paper is to be able to explain how to process waste
properly and appropriately and provide solutions for handling waste problems.
Meanwhile, the specific purpose of this paper is :
1. Explain the definition of waste, the source and division of the type of waste.
2. Describe the way of waste processing (collection, transportation and destruction).
3. Explain the impact of waste on the environment

2.1. Definition of Garbage
Substances or materials that can cause pollution are called pollutants, one example
of which is garbage. According to the WHO definition , garbage is something that is not
used, not used, not favored or something that is thrown away that comes from human
activities and does not happen by itself (Chandra, 2012). Waste is unwanted residual
material after the end of a process.
Solid waste is an object or item that is not used, not used, not favored or
something that is thrown away that comes from human activities and does not occur by
itself. Solid waste is a form of waste found in the environment (Hashim, 2010).
Environmental science usually talks about pollution caused by human activities, which
can be prevented and controlled.
Due to human activities, environmental pollution inevitably occurs.
Environmental pollution cannot be avoided, but what we can do is to reduce pollution,
control pollution and increase public awareness and concern for their environment so as
not to pollute the environment.
The principle of waste according to Notoatmodjo (2011) is :
1. The presence of something or solid object
2. There is a direct/ indirect relationship with human activities .
3. The object or material is not reused .
2.2. Sources of Garbage
According to Hashim (2010), there are several sources of waste , including :
      Waste that comes from residential areas (domestic wastes).
      Commercial wastes).
      Street sweeping).
      Industrial wastes).
      Waste from agricultural and plantation areas (agricultural wastes).
      Waste that comes from mining areas .
      Waste that comes from buildings or offices (institutional wastes).
      Waste coming from the area of destruction of buildings and construction / restoration.
      Garbage that comes from public places , education.

      Garbage that comes from forestry areas .
      Garbage coming from wastewater treatment centers .
      Waste that comes from livestock and fishery areas .
2.3. Types of Garbage
Solid waste is divided into several categories, including : :
1. Based on the chemical substances contained in it.
      Organic – degradable
It is a litter that is easy to rot such as food waste, leaves, vegetables and fruits. This
waste can be further processed into compost.
      Inorganic – undegradable
It is garbage that is not easy to rot such as plastic food wrapping containers, paper,
plastic toys, bottles, cans, wood, metal, glassware, ash, etc.
2. Based on whether or not it can be burned.
      Flammable : e.g. plastic paper , dry leaves and wood.
      Non-flammable : for example cans, iron, glass, etc.
3. Based on whether or not it can rot.
      Easy to rot : for example , food waste , pieces of meat, etc.
      Difficult to rot : for example plastic, rubber, cans, etc.
4. Based on the characteristics or characteristics of the litter (Chandra, 2012).
      Garbage,
      Rubbish,
      Ashes,
      Street sweeping,
      Dead animal,
      Household refuse,
      Shredded vehicle,
      Demolision waste,
      industrial garbage ,
      Santage solid and
      Special garbage .
2.4. How to Process Solid Waste
Waste processing is the collection, transportation, and destruction or processing of
waste in such a way that waste does not interfere with public health and the environment.

Garbage Selection
Waste selection is carried out through waste grouping activities according to the type of
waste. This has been done in several public areas that have provided waste selection and
storage facilities such as in residential areas, commercial areas, industrial areas, special
areas, public facilities, social facilities and other facilities. There needs to be support from
the district/city government. The means of sorting and depreciating garbage must be
labeled or marked, distinguished material, shape or color of the container, and use a
closed container.
Garbage Collection
At the stage of garbage collection, garbage should not be remixed after elections and de-
elections. The type of means used to carry out garbage collection can be a garbage motor,
a garbage cart or a garbage bike. Each public area must provide a Waste Collection Point
(TPS) and a collection device for disaggregated waste. The TPS criteria are:
      TPS area up to 200 m2
      There are facilities to group waste into at least 5 (five) types of waste
      Types of construction of garbage reservoirs are temporary
      Location area and capacity as needed
      The location is easily accessible
      Does not pollute the environment
      Placement does not interfere with aesthetics and traffic
      Have a collection and transport schedule
Waste Hauling
Transportation of waste from the TPS should not be mixed / remixed after sorting and
sorting. Waste containing hazardous and toxic materials and hazardous and toxic waste
materials, its transportation must follow the provisions of laws and regulations.
The terms of transportation of garbage are as follows :
      Maximize the capacity of the transport vehicles used
      Using the shortest possible transport route with the smallest possible obstacles
      The frequency of transportation from the TPS is carried out according to the
amount of garbage present
      Irritation is carried out taking into account the efficiency and effectiveness of
Waste transportation facilities can be in the form of dump trucks / tipper trucks, armroll
trucks, compactor trucks, street weeper vehicles and trailers . Garbage hauling

from the TPS is carried out by the district / city government by providing waste
transportation, including for disaggregated waste that does not pollute the environment.
Waste Management
Activities at this stage are compaction, composting, recycling materials and converting
waste into energy sources by considering the characteristics of waste, environmentally
friendly processing technology, work safety and social conditions of the community. In
this waste processing, it is usually carried out by all actors, including general area
managers and district / city governments by providing TPS / TPA as a means of waste
processing facilities.
2.5. The Effect of Waste Treatment on the Environment
Waste that is not managed properly will have a major effect on the surrounding
environment, where waste will cause several negative impacts and disasters such as:

      Impact on Health

Inadequate waste sites and management (uncontrolled garbage disposal) are suitable
for some organisms and are of interest to a variety of animals such as flies and dogs that
can infect diseases.
      Environmental Damage
The seepage fluid of garbage entering the drainage or river will pollute the water.
Various organisms including fish can die so that some species will disappear, this results
in changes in biological aquatic ecosystems. The decomposition of waste thrown into the
water will produce organic acids and organic gases, such as methane. In addition to
smelling less pleasant, this gas in high concentrations can explode.
      Occurrence of Floods
Flooding is an event of land immersion (which is usually dry) due to the increased
volume of water. Flooding can occur due to excessive overflow of water somewhere due
to large rains and overflow of river water. The garbage dumped into the waterways that
make the manpat is the main factor that has not been touched, tons of garbage enter the
river flow and compress the flow and cause pollution of garbage in the estuaries of
beaches, rivers and lakes.
Floods and garbage, both viewed by some groups as closely related to cause and
effect. Where garbage results in floods and floods result in garbage. is not merely a
behavioral problem, but deeper than that is a matter of well-being.

River waste comes from household waste from residents who live on the banks of the
river, they do not have an official landfill coordinated by their environment. This is also
related to the habits of residents/ residents who do not have awareness, meaning
pollution, tolerance and habits of wanting to taste themselves. This relates to the culture
of a society that lacks guidance about the meaning of environmental cleanliness and how
to cope.
      Impact on Social and Economic Circumstances
The impact of what waste has on the socioeconomic situation is :
1. Poor waste management will form a less pleasant environment for the community:
unpleasant odors and bad scenery because garbage is scattered everywhere.
2. Have a negative impact on tourism.
3. Inadequate waste management leads to low levels of public health. The important
thing here is the increase in financing directly (to treat the sick) and financing
indirectly (not coming to work, low productivity).
4. The dumping of solid waste into water bodies can cause flooding and will have an
impact on public service facilities such as roads, bridges, drainage, and others.
5. Other infrastructure may also be affected by inadequate waste management, such as
the high costs required for water treatment. If the means of collecting garbage are
lacking or inefficient, people will tend to throw their garbage on the street. This
results in roads needing to be cleaned and repaired more often.

3.1. Conclusion
Waste is a problem that still cannot be resolved, especially in Indonesia, waste has
various impacts that are very influential in various aspects, especially the environment
and the living things around it. However, if waste can be used properly, it will reduce the
effect of waste on the environment and living things. In some references it is found that
garbage is distinguished into several types, each of which has different characteristics and
classifications. Of course, waste needs good and proper waste management in order to
minimize waste problems. Several stages in waste processing start from collection,
transportation and culling.
3.2. Suggestion
As for the advice that can be given :
      To reduce / minimize waste production , 3R (reuse, reduce and recycle) can be done
      Manage waste appropriately and well so as to reduce the impact of the waste itself
both from the selection process (collection), transportation, utilization and
      We can overcome waste if we as individuals can have the awareness and motivation
to pay more attention / care for the environment, starting from ourselves

Agung Suprihatin, S. Pd; Ir. Dwi Prihanto; Dr. Michel Gelbert. 1996. Waste Management.
Malang : PPPGT / VEDC Malang. garbage?
from_search=20 accessed on august 10 2022


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