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Classification and Transportation of the Garbage

Nombres: Luca Roberto Tomasichi Leal

Daniel Beas Corona

José Antonio Flores Treviño

Marian Montalvo Sánchez

Rigel Santiago Ríos Bazaldua

Semestre: 1

Salón: 107

Campus Mederos, N.L., a sábado 16 de mayo de 2020.

Classification and Transportation of the Garbage

Let’s start by explaining what recycling is. It means making a selection of the waste generated

to be treated in specialized places creating products for other uses. In this way, the uncontrolled

use of natural resources is avoided, energy is saved, and the volume of waste is reduced.

Food production, as well as the manufacture and consumption of household and industrial goods

are examples of daily activities that produce a wide variety of waste. Depending on their

composition, rate of generation and management, they can have very diverse effects on the

population and the environment, in some cases becoming highly dangerous, especially when

they involve toxic compounds that are handled improperly. In addition to the fact that (as we are

going to explain in further) the inadequate management of waste generates strong pressure on

the environment, its large volume of generation is also linked to the discussion on sustainable

manufacturing and consumption, specifically when it comes to the use of natural and energy

resources necessary for produce all the materials and goods that will end up becoming waste.

In this way, the integral management of waste, in addition to trying to reduce its generation and

achieve its adequate final disposal, can also give as a collateral result the reduction, both in the

extraction of resources (avoiding their depletion), as well as in energy and the water used to

produce them, as well as the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Now, what causes the contamination by garbage? First (as we explained previously), the

principal reason of the contamination caused by the garbage is not by the garbage itself, but it’s

way to manage it. Most of the times, finding a way to use all the garbage to make something

useful out of it, is very difficult. There’s a lot of garbage that ends up in a landfill because there

was no way of classifying it and using it depending on what type of material is. There´s a lot of

trash that cannot be separated and used because of the tremendous amount of trash that we

produce. This, of course, causes a really bad impact on the environment, especially because of

the chemicals that the trash generates and its interactions with the environment and with the

living beings. So that’s why, this project focuses on separating all the trash that we produce, so

that we can know what to recycle.

Usually, the trash that we give to the garbage truck, ends up in a place in which the trash can

be processed, and even separated. However, the separation of the garbage that is made in this

place, is not enough to separate all the amount of trash that is produce. If we achieve to separate

all our garbage, it can be known how to use the organic and inorganic garbage, to take

advantage of it, and there’s a lot of ways to use the trash to do something useful for the

environment, but the important thing, is distributing it. In this garbage processing site, the

workers try to separate all the garbage that they can. Once the garbage is separated, it’s

washed, compacted, and then stored till a buyer shows up, and the trashcan be sold so that they

can find a use to the garbage.

According to the secretary of the environment, of the 13 thousand tons of garbage that is

produced in the Mexico City, 15% is recycled, 11% becomes compost, and almost 6% is used

to turn it out in a different material.

So, giving it a use to all the trash that we produce, is very important for reducing the

contamination, and, by separating the trash, we can use the chemicals that the trash generates

to produce a new source of energy, that also helps the environment. So, this is why we should

start separating our wastes in our homes. By separating it and giving it to the garbage truck, they

can transport the garbage already separated to the place of processing.

Transporting waste from citizens' homes to the destination is very important in terms of economic

savings for the citizen if the transport is done efficiently. But not only transport is important, but

also how the waste is collected. All the possibilities that the citizen has in their own facilities must

be considered to see which options are the most interesting.

As we said before, effective waste management is essential for healthy and competitive cities,

yet many municipalities struggle to keep cities clean because the cost of solid waste

management in medium-sized cities can account for 50 percent of the total municipal budget.

Waste management has important public health implications, as it is one of the two main carriers

and spreaders of infectious diseases (the other carrier is water). Waste that is incinerated or

disposed of in uncontrolled sites can pollute the air, land, and water. Ineffective solid waste
management creates a bad impression on investors and tourists, resulting in lost reputation and

investment opportunities.

Our project consists of separating our wastes in our homes so that the garbage truck picks it all

up and put it into different container, depending on the kind of garbage that they are picking up.

First, we separate our wastes in different bags. One bag is going to have organic wastes, and in

the other, inorganic wastes. Some examples of inorganic wastes are metals, glass, carboard,

plastics, leather, fibers, ceramics, wood, and textiles.

Some examples of organic wastes are, fruit or vegetable peels, food scraps, eggshells, bread,

tortillas, coffee filters, tea bags, animal feces, dairy (without container), bones, seeds, flowers,

grass and leaf litter.

The organic wastes will be on the organic waste container, and the inorganic wastes will be in

the inorganic waste container.

This separation of the trash will be obligatory for every citizen, otherwise, the waste of the citizen

could not be picked up until it is separated.

This is a simple task, that could help a lot, and it is a lot more organized way of separating the

trash and a more efficient way of finding it a useful way to processed.

Of course, not all people could agree on implementing this method to their cities, but, if we focus

on that percentage of people that helped, it’s a lot of difference from where we started.

This project is intended to be local, but if this method starts to be used, it can be applied in a lot

more places than just one suburb.

For the project it will only be necessary the use of simple arithmetic, nothing more than addition,

subtraction, division and multiplication, as it shows, the main part would be the quantities of

each container, adjusting how much each container can store inside .

APA references:

Atómicas, P. (2019, 11 noviembre). ¿A dónde va la basura de CDMX? | Basureros de Edomex ahora

hacen composta [Vídeo]. YouTube. Recuperado 24 de septiembre de 2022, de


mayo). [Vídeo]. YouTube. Recuperado 24 de septiembre de 2022, de

World Bank. (2013, 14 febrero). En Monterrey transforman la basura en electricidad [Vídeo].

YouTube. Recuperado 24 de septiembre de 2022, de

NA, R. (2017, December 26). Transporte de residuos, Así Como Valorización y Eliminación de los

mismos. Gestión de residuos - Soluciones Globales para el Reciclaje. Retrieved September 24, 2022, from
ONU-Habitat, N. A. (2018). Recolectar y eliminar residuos de manera eficiente. ONU. Retrieved

September 24, 2022, from


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