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Do I have a mental disorder?

Evidence in my life according to Tiffany + {My take in brackets}

 Tiffany’s early impressions. {Not valid way to gauge the mental stability of an
individual. Limited scope of data and a strong disposition to over analyze things
when getting to know someone.}
 In the past I have thrown myself on the floor and acting exasperated, freaked out,
and unresponsive. Essentially panic attack. (Not unprovoked.) {My conclusion; I
was overwhelmed, burnt out, and already have a hard time dealing with
frustration. Tiffany kept pushing and pushing and pushing until I snapped.}
 Getting angry and yelling during intense pressure & conflict. {Same as above.}
 Snapping myself with a rubber band to train myself out of a habit. {This is basic
behavioral modification that I intentionally began practicing after coming to a
rational conclusion that this would help with no negative effects.}
 Trying to eat or drink things to an excessively equal level for the first month
sharing food/drink with Tiffany. {Some history on my relationship with my
brother and tendency to be orderly can give a better explanation for this than a
mental disorder. Also, being confronted with this issue I did change very quickly
to be much more relaxed about how “fair” we had to be when sharing things.
Actually, Tiffany is more concerned about that nowadays than I am.}
 That I like to stay on task and want to stay focused on things when I get some
steam going without changing the pace or activity. I like doing things as planned
or things that were intended to be done. {This is in no way excessive nor
debilitating. I think this is also better explained by my personality and the value I
place on doing things in an effective way.}
 I need more than tradition in order to order my life according to a certain moral
compass. {This is just silly.}
 Tiffany thinks it’s strange that I randomly came up with this epiphany that I was
being emotionally abused. Went from “this is the best relationship” to “this is and
has been a horrible relationship” very swiftly. {She clearly still has a warped idea
of what happened during the fallout with Kaley and how I came to see what we
were doing wrong that led up to that point.}
 I think it is fine to cheat on Tiffany and still have friendships with the opposite
sex, even without Tiffany involved. {Different views on extra biblical morality
are in no way an indication that there is a legitimate mental disorder involved. At
worst I’m diluted like most of the human race has been throughout history.}
 I’m very controlling. During conflict I expect Tiffany to avoid privately calling
people until things have cooled down. I say no to things that are trivial and should
be up to Tiffany to decide. (Ex: I expect Tiffany to only listen to edifying music
during this difficult season.) {The opposite seems to be true and Tiffany is
making every attempt to control me and force me to behave the way she thinks I
should regardless of my disagreement with her. I only exercise control over
“trivial” matters when I think that the context makes them much less trivial and I
see it as a way to protect or grow my family. Sorry, but disagreement still doesn’t
make me mentally ill.}
 Other people think so after Tiffany shares with them details about our conflicts.
{An obvious case of bias and poisoning of the well. I’ve never been given a voice
and my “strange” views only give people more unwarranted confidence in their
presuppositions about what someone can believe and be “in their right mind.”
 Quirks that may indicate mental disorder. {Seriously…quirks as evidence?
Especially these?}
o Eating food in orderly manners. (Ex: Straight lines.) {Telling…I like to do
trivial things in an orderly way without having any kind of hinderance on
anyone’s life. Crazy right?}
o Being somewhat dependant on a schedule to function well. {Tiffany calls
it a severe dependency, although I disagree with it being that crippling. I
think a schedule and intentionality could help anyone function better and
be more effective.}
o I find it difficult to initiate or respond to initiations for intimacy. {Well
there are a lot of reasons those things are hard. Having reasons makes this
less about a mental issue and a number of minor emotional/behavioral
 Over complicate the Bible. (Ex: Draw too many conclusions off of what the Bible
says about Husbands being a leader.) {I see no way that this indicates that there is
something wrong with me. I think this “evidence” comes from a difference in
maturity and investment in truth.}
 I’m the only person that overcomplicates the Bible and thinks that certain things
are okay when everyone else says it isn’t. {Going against popular beliefs and
taking the study of the Bible very seriously didn’t make the founders of different
denominations, modern pre-tribulation rapture proponents, Galileo, Martin
Luther, or even Jesus Christ Himself out to be mentally ill. Reformation &
Revelation apparently is an invalid practice.}
 There are key things that Tiffany and others grew up thinking are right and wrong
based on their experience and teachings in the church. It’s really immature in the
Lord to come up with beliefs that say these things are okay when the common
Christian consensus is opposed. {See above. Immaturity…interesting that that is
thrown at me for simply coming to a different conclusion on some issues after
carefully examining my presupposition and painstakingly seeking truth over
assuming man made traditions and regulations MUST be right. I wonder who the
truly mature one here is.}

What is this mental disorder? (According to Tiffany) + {My take in brackets}

 People with mental disorders are known to be brilliant in certain areas, but their
brilliance ends up taking a wrong turn and there are these complexities that come
about because of it. {Not sure how the conclusions here can be drawn. Being a
functional, smart, invested, and mature student of the scriptures and anything else
I put my mind to is now being criticized? It sounds to me like someone wants
justification for dismissing my truth claims and my expectation for rational
reasons to believe the common views of others.}
 Perhaps Autism. {Have fun defending that one.}

Other Notes + {My take in brackets}

 Being in an environment where only you are right and everybody else sees things
in reverse. I do appeal to popular opinion to find out certain things. It’s alarming
to go against popular opinion. {I’ve said enough about this position of ignorance
and self preserving delusions.}

People of Credibility
 Psychologist (Maybe)
 Tiffany (Early Impression Red Flags. Noticed during this current season of
 Diane (Noticed during this current season of conflict)
 Jaime (Maybe)
 Austin (Maybe)
 John (Maybe)
 Melissa (Maybe)
 Susan & Her Husband (Noticed during this current season of conflict)
 Julianne (Noticed during this current season of conflict)
 Mary (
 Billy (
 Eli (
 Mathew (
 Crystal (
 Hope (

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