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What is Technical Writing?

Technical writing can be defined as,

“A method of researching and creating information about technical processes or


The main objective of technical writing is to present the hardcore technical information
to the non technical people in a way that it is easy to understand and follow

Properties of Technical Writing

 Accuracy

One of the essential characteristics is to develop a narrative style  and maintain

accuracy. If you are writing a review of a newly launched Nokia mobile phone
and you miss on one important detail, this will convey the customers that there is
nothing special about this product and they would buy another mobile phone
instead. Technical writing requires that the information you provide is based on
accuracy and quality content.

 Clarity

Write and produce content in your document in a layman’s tone so that the
customers who are not really techie fans are also able to understand what the
product is all about. Try cutting down on the use of jargons because again, this is
going to confuse the customers. Keep your language and expression simple and
meaningful. Use of complicated words may put the readers in a quandary.
 Descriptiveness

Be as descriptive in distinguishing the technical product as you can. More than

half of the customers come from a non technical background and they need to
have sufficient details otherwise they will not be able to picture the product
correctly. If you are creating a manual for an electronic product which explains
how to operate it, make sure you cover every aspect of its functioning.

 Correctness

Technical writing requires that you use correct grammar and sentence structure.
Write down the key features in the form of headings, sub headings or bullet
points as this will make the manual easy for the customers to read.

Characteristics of Technical Writing

Technical writing, just as any other form of writing, has certain characteristics which
distinguish it from other types of writing. It is very different from writing opinion pieces,
essays, prose, non-fiction or fiction.

 It is clear and straight forward. If you are interested in technical writing for
professional purposes, it is very important to know that this type of writing
requires that the writer stick to the subject matter and relay information in a clear
and concise manner.

 The language is very direct and straight to the point. The writing will avoid words
that people do not understand and will avoid an eloquent writing style.

 It is very detailed and informative. The perfect example of technical writing is a

textbook. The written content of most textbooks is geared to providing
information by describing the subject matter as fully as possible.

 It is very structured. This type of writing has a very obvious composition that
makes it easy for the reader to follow along. Solid structure is needed with
technical writing as it allows the audience to easily access the information as
Uses of Technical Writing

With understanding the characteristics of technical writing, you can better comprehend
how this type of writing is used. Technical writing is found everywhere. There are a
variety of different types of writing which use a technical style.

For example, instructions of all sorts are a perfect example of technical writing.

 When you open up an instruction manual, as the reader, the goal is to be

informed about the product so that you can use it as efficiently as possible.

 Lab reports are another example of technical writing. The main purpose of a lab
report is to explain the occurrences in a lab so that others will be able to gain

 Driving directions can be considered a type of technical writing as the goal is to

clearly and efficiently provide instructions on how to go from point A to point B.

 Overall, technical writing is a very useful form of writing that is encountered by

everyone almost every day.

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