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Amazon Login Scenario

When you already login to the Amazon and revisit the website. It will show you special
box that shows you are already identified. And it requires you to enter password to next
page. And for that flow, it only shows sign in box as shown below.
If the user has not logged in before then it shows you username and the password
through the flow. It takes username at first and then password is added on the next part.

Positive Test Cases

 Enter Valid Username.

 Enter Valid Password.
 Click on “Forgot Password” Link and find out forgot password page.
 Click on Create new account button and verify if it takes to new account page.
 Select “Keep me signed in” option to retain login session.

Negative Test Cases

 Enter invalid username and valid password.

 Enter valid username and invalid password.
 Enter invalid username and password.
 Keep one field blank either username or password and check login.

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