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1. KETOGENIC DIET – technically used for epileptic patients in duration of 3 weeks

but become already a trending diet as it causes drastic change in weight loss due
to its high fat and very low carbohydrate.

A typical diet is composed of 50 – 60% carbohydrates but for a strict ketogenic

diet it is 4:1 ratio of serving (exchange) of fat to carbohydrate. This will result to:

1 exchange of fat = 9 Kcal x 4 = 36 Kcal for total of 40 Kcal per ratio of

1 exchange of carbohydrate = 4 Kcal fat and carbohydrate

 This would mean 90 % for fat and only 10 % for carbohydrate

 A very high fat food intake produces ketone bodies as result of ketosis
which leads to acidosis. An acidic blood results to OSTEOCLAST as
mechanism of homeostasis in which our Central Nervous System plays
vital role.

low pH in the blood Central Nervous Osteoclast
(serves as System (depletion of
stimulant) calcium to balance
pH in the blood)

receptor Homeostasis
 Osteoblast is the build-up of calcium in the bones (opposite of osteoclast).
 Depleted calcium in the blood which can no longer accumulated by
osteoblast becomes Kidney stones.
 Kidney stones are: calcium phosphate, calcium oxalate and uric acid.

2. ATKINS DIET – starts to a high protein and high fat but protein is adjusted
gradually so as the fat depends on the result of weight loss.

 Low carbohydrate but high protein leads to conversion of protein nutrients

absorbed by our body to produce energy and this will lead to conversion of
amino acids to glucose (gluconeogenesis). If these happens by products
of gluconeogenesis will yield to by-products of ammonia (NH 3) but to be
excreted as blood urea nitrogen which may overworked liver and kidney
as well.
3. INTERMITTENT DIET – the person under this diet is only allowed to eat on
duration of 8 hours in for the whole day resulting to drastic weight loss due to
muscle mass wasting.

 Glycogen is storage glucose in our liver. This only last 6 to 8 hours upon
its storage. After dinner and before sleep this will yield glucose in our body
and production of glucose for 2 hours which will give way to storage of
glucose in form of glycogen while in rest state (mostly sleeping).
 But after our body needs energy source in form of glucose just like Atkins
diet, ammonia will be produced due to muscle mass wasting as proteins in
our body will be utilized for production of glucose. Thus, blood urea
nitrogen will also increase to as increased on the work load of liver and
kidney for release of NH3 in form of urea.

4. VEGETARIAN DIET – plant based meals consisting of variety of whole grains,

legumes, nuts, vegetables; eggs and dairy products included depends on the
type of modified diet but generally avoiding meat products as source of protein
Modified Vegetarian Diets:
a. Vegan or Total Vegetarian – designed for individuals aiming to exclude all
animal products. For instance, in avoidance of cow’s milk, soy milk is
consumed by these people engaging in this diet.
b. Lacto Vegetarian – modified vegetarian diet for those only ants to
consume plant foods and dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.
c. Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian – includes addition of eggs and dairy products for
these vegetarian people.
d. Semi – Vegetarian – for individuals who wants to consume protein but
only fish and chicken (white meat) to eat but still avoiding the red meat.

Advantages/Disadvantages and Contraindication of Vegetarian Diets

a. Vegetarian diet is high source of protein that also promotes good bowel
b. Vegetarian diet contains low fat in which in the long run helps on the blood
chemistry in terms of
c. For Vegan diet since animal products were excluded, low biological
protein were only source of protein which does not have vitamins B 6
(pyridoxine), B9 (folate) and B12 (cobalamin) which are blood forming
vitamins and vitamin supplementation becomes necessity with these
people consuming this diet. Vitamin B3 (niacin) is also low and in the risk
of supplementation leads to niacin rush with danger of clinical
d. For Lacto-Ovo and Semi-Vegetarian diet, high biological source of protein
would be enough but not the blood forming vitamins such as pyridoxine,
folate and cobalamin were still lacking as these vitamins mentioned can
only be obtained in red meats. Still, supplementation for vitamins B 6, B9,
and B12 were still needed.

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