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Assignment on:

Classroom Etiquettes
Submitted to: Ma’am Shazia Afzal

Muhammad Sadiq-Roll no: BSM-P-18-73 Education

Class Room Etiquettes
Introduction: The purpose of this information is to assist students in understanding proper
classroom behavior. The classroom should be a learning-centered environment in which faculty
and students are unhindered by disruptive behavior. You are a college student and are expected
to act in a mature manner and to be respectful of the learning process, your instructor and your
fellow students. Faculty members have the authority to manage their classrooms to ensure an
environment conducive to learning.

Any person who shall accept the privilege extended by Florida laws of attendance or

employment at any state college, state junior college or state university shall by so attending or
working at such institution be deemed to have given consent to the policies of the institution, the
Board of Trustees and the laws of this state. Such policies shall include prohibition against
disruptive activities at state institutions of higher learning.

Following are the asked etiquettes:

Take responsibility for your education. There is a common myth among students that
because they pay tuition, they deserve to receive credit for the class. This is not true. In fact,
students pay only a portion of the cost of their education; taxpayers pay the balance.
Instructors are here to create a learning environment. Whether you learn depends on your
willingness to listen, ask appropriate questions and do the work necessary to pass the
course. College courses are rigorous and demanding; you may have to work harder and seek
more help in order to succeed.

Attend every class. You will find that students who attend every class, listen to the
instructor and take good notes will be more likely to pass (with a higher grade). If you have
an emergency or illness, contact your instructor ahead of time to let her or him know that
you will be absent. A local study showed that students who missed the first-class meeting
were more likely later to withdraw or fail. Important note: If you miss a class, it is your
responsibility to meet with the instructor, outside of regular class time, to determine a plan
to make up the missed work.

Get to class on time. Students who walk into the classroom late distract other students in
the learning environment. Quietly just take a seat instead of standing in door or starting to
tell the professor your problem. Check the course syllabus for the professor's attendance
policy. If you have problems arriving late to class, solve them.

Do not have private conversations. The noise is distracting to other students. And thus,
students should not whisper during any lecture.

Turn mobile phones off. It is very distracting to hear someone's mobile phone go off in
class. The ringing will easily take the attention of some students.


Do not dominate other students' opportunity to learn by asking too many
questions. It is good to ask questions and make comments, but if you dominate the class
time with too many questions and/or comments, the instructor and other students cannot
participate in class discussions. When asking questions and making comments, keep them
related to the discussion at hand.

Respect your instructor. Openly challenging the instructor's knowledge or authority in

the classroom is not appropriate. If you take issue with the instructor's information or
instructional methods, make sure that your comments are made without confrontation or
antagonism. You may want to discuss your issues with her or him privately. Instructors'
classroom policies, procedures and teaching styles vary: Some instructors, for example,
enforce attendance policies vigorously, while others are more lenient about attendance.
Assignments and classroom activities are at the prerogative of the instructor. Each
instructor has the freedom and authority to set the guidelines and policies for his or her
classroom (within the overall policies of the College). Consult the instructor's syllabus for
specific information pertinent to each class.

Your classmates deserve your respect and support. Others may have ideas and
opinions that differ from yours, or they may struggle to understand information as quickly
as their peers. But they deserve the same level of respect from you as you wish to receive
from them.

Come to class prepared. Students who forget common classroom supplies (such as a

pencil, paper, books, test materials, etc.) usually waste class time. Students who have not
completed their assigned homework many times ask questions that could have been
answered through their assignments.

Turn in your work on time. It is important to plan ahead. Students who wait until the
last minute to do their work usually make lower grades and are more likely to miss
deadlines. Study and do your assignments every day. Doing so ensures that if a problem
occurs at the last minute, such as a computer malfunction, you will still be prepared.

Do not bring children to class. Children in classrooms are distracting to the instructor,

other students and you. You need to plan ahead for childcare.

Contact the professor when you have to leave a class. When you have to miss the class
for legitimate reasons, or when you miss the class due to illness, try to contact to professor
and inform him/her of your absence. And when alerting the professor about missing the
class, do not start the conversation with an awful question such as: “Are we doing anything
important in the next class because I have to miss it.”

Do not bring food or drink to class. In many classrooms, food is not even allowed, so
you are not only displaying poor etiquettes, but actually breaking a rule. Make time outside
of the class to have meal or a snack. Maybe some professors would tolerate drinks, such as


water, coffee, soda. But make certain of the professor’s policy before bringing drinks into
the class.
Ask valid questions. Asking questions is a key part of learning in any class. Early in the
semester, you can ask the professor if he or she prefers you to ask questions during class,
after class, or during office hours. When you may be confused or may have missed
something the professor said, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification either during/after class
or during office hours. Professors enjoy interaction with the students through questioning,
but make sure to keep questions on the subject at hand. If your professor doesn’t want
questions asked until after the lecture, write it down so you don’t forget it and ask the
question once he/she allows questions.

Raise your hand. During class, if you plan to ask a question or make a comment, raise
your hand and let the professor address you rather than interrupting the lecture. Typically, if
the professor sees your hand raised, he/she will call on you and allow you to ask your

Stay on task. Students can definitely converse before the professor gets into class or
before the class actually begins. However, once the professor begins class, all side
conversations should end. Throughout class, if you fail to hear something the professor
says, you can ask the professor questions by raising your hand, but do not get into a
conversation with a nearby classmate which can be very distracting and disrespectful
towards the professor and your classmates.

Ask Before Using Technology. Technology is a common thing in today’s society, but

certain kinds of technology may not be acceptable in the classroom as it may disrupt the
lecture. You may need to ask your instructor about items like cell phones, laptops, and
recording devices.


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