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Akiu Dequiña and Mark Joseph Oblan

Batak Tribe
Characteristics of Batak Tribe
1. loud voice
The most of batak people when talking with loud volume, this is because the original batak
people live in mountain areas, house apart and many impassable by heavy wind. So do not be
surprised. But make no mistake, bacause today the batak people speak slowly and soft sounds.

2. thick accent
Batak people a little hard to take off his thick accent. There are some people who try to
eliminate the original batak dialect, by studying the dialects that are trend in television.

3. rectangular faces
I confuse for this one, but there are many batak people not rectangular face, example momo
(geisha vocalist), donnie sibarani (ada band vocalist), anisa pohan, nadya hutagalung. So it just
mostly. But i dont know why can be like that.

4. rough
This usually Batak of Medan city, because usually in Medan ordinary people harsh words, and
has become common and become a conversation piece in medan city. So sometimes makes
people reluctant to involved conversation with the Batak.

5. not polite
Maybe for the Javanese, Batak people are not polite, acting as he pleases, as he sat feet up, do
not use "excuse me", or bend if bumped and shook hands with parents. In traditional Batak is
not advisable to salute such excessive. For the Batak people do not insult or harass others,
respect for others is the most good.

6. win alone
This means not to be outdone, even if lost, would make a lot of reasons ... therefore, many
Batak people who become prosecutors, because they able talk to win.

7. dare
Batak people, have high confidence, (not that shameless) so that in all things would be in front
(except to face of the tiger, right?
8. like to help
in the opinion of the people, that the Batak people like to help. helping each other is the nature
and character of the Batak. Especially seeing someone else has trouble, usually the Batak
trying to help, as he can do.

9. Nomadic
Batak people has nomadic soul, almost in all city in indonesia there are batak people. And they
working almost in all jobs. And usually they seldom back home, or even stay permanently there.

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