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Benefits of diversity

1.Increased Creativity

If you employ only heterogeneous groups – that is, employees who hail from similar cultures,
perspectives, and socioeconomic circumstances – then you’re limiting your creativity and
innovation. Conversely, employees from diverse backgrounds will bring diverse solutions to
achieve a common goal – your goal.

2. Increased Productivity

: workplace diversity not only breeds creativity, but also productivity. And that’s
because creativity actually leads to productivity: the more diverse your workforce, the more
diverse your brainstorming, the more diverse your solutions, the more diversely productive your

3.Reduced Fear, Improved Performance

When we have a strong, homogeneous culture, we stifle the natural cognitive diversity in groups
through the pressure to conform.”

A workplace culture of diversity goes a long way toward helping your employees feel
included, no matter who they are or where they come from. This inclusiveness helps break down
barriers and reduces the fear of being rejected, not only for who your employees are, but for the
ideas they voice

4.Boost Your Brand’s Reputation

Diversity engenders goodwill within your community and industry.

To begin, diversity connects you to the community around you. After all, when you employ a
diverse workforce, then your workforce directly reflects the community where you are located
– and possibly, the community that you serve. Beyond that, a national and international
reputation of inclusion can go a long way toward building favor, both in your industry and as a
recognized brand.

5.Global Impact

Looking to the big picture, a diverse workforce – employees of all abilities, creeds, and
experiences – make a difference. You have the ability to make a difference, in every community
in which you operate, by making a difference in the lives of your employees.

Beyond that, a diverse workforce grants you a diverse and global perspective – a point of view
rich with the incredible nuances of human experience and culture – and that means you will have
a greater chance of communicating and expanding to more diverse markets, both at home and
further afield. Diversity is the chance to successfully develop your business in a global

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