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Is Globalization Creating A Single World Culture?

On the average, a little more than five million employed persons were underemployed
from 1987 to 1996. Measured against the number of hours worked during the past week, it was
noted that in 1993 and 1996, more than half or about 2.7 million worked less than 40 hours a
week (visibly underemployed), while some 2.5 million (48.1%) spent 40 or more hours on their
jobs each week (invisibly underemployed). However, in 1987 and 1990, the invisibly
underemployed outnumbered the visibly underemployed by about 355,000 and 298,000

Underemployment may be high at present but one must not fret about this just yet.
Dedication and hard work can lift the underemployed workers from their current position. The
underemployed workers must seize every opportunity given to them and they must also rise to
the challenge of their status as underemployed workers. Keep in mind that some billionaires
today were also underemployed or self-employed before, one of which was Henry Sy. He was
not rich when he was young. The fortunes he made were all because of his hard work and
dedication. He was just a vendor when he was young but that did not stop him to strive and to
work hard for his dreams. Let him be a model of how dedication and hard work can lift a person
to more comfortable life and better status. Moreover, let us instill in our minds that
underemployment is not something that we should be ashamed off, but it should be challenge
that we must conquer for the better good of everyone, not only ourselves.

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