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Dwight O.

Sullano August 26,2020


1. Considering the current state of our society, do you think science literacy among
people has contributed to the growth of our economy?

 Absolutely yes, In decision making you have to consider concepts and processes
to understand what’s wrong and what’s right in an ethical way. Knowledge and
understanding are responsible for the future of our people.

2. Try to imagine the world without technology. Name at least three technological
innovations that create a large impact on your life. How do you think your day-to-
day would be like without it?

 Satellites - Without satellites, there is no GPS, without satellite their will be no

internet no 1G up to 5G, without satellites theirs no weathering system. So
basically we are gonna be back t
o our natural life 63 years ago when Sputnik a Russian Satelite first launch.

 Imagine a world without engines. This means there are no cars, trains, or planes.
Imagine you lived in this world and compose a journal entry in which you
describe an average day.

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