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1. Who would be part of your founding team? Where from would they be? What roles would they be
performing initially?

The business being moderately capital intensive, the founding team should mostly consist of
passionate, driven people. While getting into the market related to health food industry, a lot of situations are
taken under consideration. To cover as many aspects as possible, a founding team should consist of members
varying ideas, will to experiment, willing to work in difficult situations and under stressful situations with
stringent deadlines. The key factor required in all members is that no matter how innovative and varying ideas
they bring to the table they all should always come to consensus and have mutual understanding.
 They key member of the team would be someone who holds experience in this industry and has the
detailed and precise understanding of the dynamics of this industry.
 There is also a requirement of someone who holds knowledge of technology or digital industry. It is
required because with the increasing concept of e-business and e-commerce this way e-platform of
business holds multiple opportunities.
 Understanding of financial aspects is also very important in this industry.
 People who can get a hold of market and understand and develop the concepts well enough to get a
hold of the market are very much required.
 Since, it would be a health food industry we need people who better understand the health and fitness
related aspects along with maintaining the apatite to taste.
 Since, it will be completely related to consistent availability to food items as well as ideas we would
need people who could maintain procurement challenges efficiently, as well as who can experiment
and innovate new concepts in food items.
2. How many hierarchical levels would be there initially? When would additional hierarchies be added?
Would that require a change in role specifications?

In the initial phase:

Founding Team

and Supply Marketing Sales

After the company grows:


Supply Techical Financial

Procurement Marketing Sales HR
Preparation Support Management
3. How would you source your workers and managers? What would be the basis for their selection? Would
you adopt different basis for your workers and supervisors/managers in selection? Why or why not.

Workers: would be chosen based on their work experience in the industry. Job postings in industry will be
done. Behavioral interview technique will be used.
Managers: entrepreneurial skills are highly desired in the initial along with supervisory experience in the
industry. They should conform with the company’s values
Mediums to be used for selection could be both online as well as offline. With increasing use of internet
online \mediums are quite convenient methods to implement the whole job advertisement as well as selection
procedure also this method could be very cost efficient.

4. Why would people want to work in your firm (In other words, what is the basis for attachment and

This type of industry comes with vivid opportunities to learn and evolve in knowledge and skills from every
possible segment of the company. Since, this job requires continuous evaluation and upgradation of the
company, its utilities and its targets to achieve, it requires people who are very much goal driven and persistent
to make their mark and do not expect to work based on restricted working hours. Also, those who have the will
to take risks, experiment and accept the failure not for the set-back but to fight back and achieve a bigger goal
would enjoy working in this firm Hence, people who seek to achieve or satisfy the mentioned few
accomplishment on daily basis, would be very much interested in this firm.
5. How would you monitor operations? What would be the means of control & co ‐ordination? What
compensation strategy would you follow?

Informal and peer-based control and coordinating would be based on the assumption that all workers should be
committed to the strategic vision of the company. Compensation would have a high fixed element with the
combination of various variable incentives, ESOPs etc.

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