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Meeting No.

: 31



Title Meeting for PDP II with the Supervisor, Date 01/06/2020

Dr Lee Kiat Moon

Attendees Madeliene Mae-Yen Balachandran Time 1400-1600

Eu Pei Shan
Lai Jia Hao
Amrit Kaur
Abdul Aleem
Foong Yien Xuan

Absent with - Venue Microsoft Teams

apology (EP 429 PDP II-
Group 5)
Minute by
Amrit Kaur

1. Chapter 6 Discussion

Agenda Action by
1.0 Discussion on Chapter 6
- Jia Hao- Discussion on Packed Bed Reactor (R-101). To
check whether LIC can send 2 signals to 2 separate valves
to control the level. Pneumatic valve timer is used to control
the temperature of PBR at 60˚C by having the hot water in
and hot water out. As the FI, PI, TI is field mounted, it is
good to have transducer so that we can read the readings in
the control room
- Pei Shan- Cleared doubt on when to install the by-pass
stream. In cooling tower, each stream has a bypass valve to
isolate the process system or unit operation. N/A
- Madeline- Checked in the textbook for SSHE and Plate
Heat Exchanger. Both have different control mechanisms
for temperature control. There is heat integration and then
the mixing of the 2 process fluids for heat exchange. The
bypass TCV-100 is installed as there is too much heat from
PM-100 to get the desired temperature at the outlet. The
cold outlet will be installed with a drain valve.
- Xuan- Discussion on crystallizer (CR-100). Pressure relief
valve can be installed to maintain pressure of the stream to
be the same. It is to check whether the shutdown valve
should be at back. As for the mixer (MX-101), a bypass
valve needs to be installed to control the flow rate.
Composition controller can be used too, for controlling the
flow rate.
- Amrit- Update was shared on the write for 6.0 up to 6.4
- Abdul- Bleaching reactor (E-102) update on ratio relay also
on the types of valves to use.

Prepared by, Approved by,

__________________ _______________________

(Amrit Kaur) ( Madeliene Mae-Yen Balachandran)

31st Meeting Minute Notetaker Group Leader

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