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Problem 3.47

The heater in problem 3.46 is now located in a non•adiabatic room of the same size.
The heat loss from the room is found to be 120 kJ/min. Determine the time for the
room to reach 25 C from the initial 15 C.

Given: The heater in problem 3.46 is located in a non•adiabatic room.

Find: The time required to heat the room to the final temperature.

Sketch & Given Data:

v0O b
.. ~ c::ii.,r -1,=-1.rc.1
I 1'1- ::.. Z. ,S- C.

-J_ -

Assumptions: 1) The air in the room is a closed system.

2) Neglect changes in kinetic and potential energies.

3) The fan/heater is an open system.

Analysis: From problem 3.46 we know that the air needs to receive 3300 kJ to reach 25
C. The fan/heater provides 3:67 kW of heat to air and the air loses 2 kW to
the surroundings. Thus, the net heat flow to the air is 3.67 · 2.0 = 1.67 kW
for the air:

Qt= Q

( l.67~) (ts) = 3300 kJ

t = 1976 s = 32.9 minutes


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