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Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish.

Why do you think this is happening?

What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?

In today's epoch, modernization brings industrialization in the world. More and more
people are setting up new industries for the sake of earning money which indirectly
destroying our environment by producing a lot of wastage. In this essay, I will
discuss the enormous reasons why garbage is increasing?  And possible solutions to
decrease it.
To initiate, various causes responsible for waste are advancement in technology and
introduction of new products in the market. Strata of farmers use different chemicals
to increase the production of their crops besides knowing the fact that industries that
produce these fertilisers create a lot of harm to the eco-system and food chain.
These companies throw the debris in the open air which can cause many types of
diseases. To illustrate, a survey was done by an eminent newspaper "The Hindu"
reveals that near about 40% of garbage is caused by various chemical organizations
in India. Hence, farmers should limit the use of the products made by these
companies to protect their environment.
There are many possible solutions to this problem. Firstly, authorities should bane
the organization which gives rise to many unwanted materials, with that industries
should be constructed far away from public places and the government should keep
on checking from time to time whether they follow all the rule and regulation of
manufacturing the product also ensure that if they are following proper guideline for
disposing of garbage. For example, the "Industry Department of India" has the
authority to close any company which found guilty of not following all the rules.
To recapitulate, an increase in industrialization give rise to more debris but the
government can stop the harm done by these industries to the environment by
establishing more strict rules and regulation.

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