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Insecticide is a substance that kills insects. Insecticides are something called

pesticides. Farmers and gardeners usually use insecticides to protect plants and
animals. Apple trees must be sprayed, or many of the apples will become “wormy”
with moth larvae (young). Many livestock owners spray their livestcok or dip them in
an insecticide solution to protect them from flies, lice, mites, and ticks. These pests
spread such diseases as cattle fever and sheep scab. Diseases such as malaria and
thypus can be controlled by using insecticides to treat the breeding places of the
insects that spread the diseases.
Agricultural pesticides prevent a monetary loss of about $9 billion each year in
the U.S. for every $1 invested in pesticides, the American.
Farmers gets about $4 in return. These benefits, however, must be weighed
againts the costs to society of using pesticides, as seen in the banning of ethylene
dibromide in the early 1980s. These costs include human poisonings, fish deaths,
honey bee posionings, and the contamination of livestock products. The
environmental and social costs of pesticide use in the U.S. have been estimated to be
at least $1 billion each year. Thus, although pesticides are valuable for agriculture,
they also can cause serious harm.

1. What is insectide?
a. A substance that kills weeds.
b. A substance used to kill insect.
c. A substance used to eradicate malaria and thypus.
d. A substance used to fertilize land.
e. A substance used to fertilize weeds.

2. Apple trees must be sprayed, or many of the apples will become “wormy”
with moth larvae.
Wormy means ...
a. Eaten by worms.
b. Killed by worms.
c. Full of worms.
d. Sweet.

3. Many livestock owners spray their ...

What is the Indonesia equivalent of livestock?
a. Kehidupan.
b. Mata Pencaharian.
c. Nafkah.
d. Ternak.
e. Kebutuhan.

4. What is the ratio of the cost and the benefit of the using of perticides?
a. The ratio is 1:4
b. The ratio is 1:9
c. The ratio is 4:1
d. The ratio is 9:1
e. The ratio is 4:9
5. What is the conclusion of the text?
a. Pesticides are useful.
b. Pesticides are dangerous.
c. Pesticides are harmful.
d. Pesticides are valuabel, but they can cause serious harm.
e. Pesticides are useless.

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