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Case Study: ‘Pizza Rush’ – pizza take-away company based in Australian territories

1. What will be the scope, theme and objectives of the public relations campaign?

The urgent need of running the public relation campaign is related to the recent scandal of
‘Pizza Rush’ employees’ video jokes at one of the chain stores. This video made a fake
perception among its customers and public about the business. Due to that scandal, the sales of
all stores had significantly downsized.

Our crisis management firm is aiming to retrieve the ‘Pizza Rush’ company’s honor of clean
reputation through our public relation campaign.

Thus, we are defining the following scope, theme and objectives of our planning campaign:

i. Scope: our scope of this campaign will take place in all major cities of Australian
territories. Specifically, it will be directed into CBDs near commercial and office

 Sydney
 Melbourne
 Adelaide
 Brisbane
 New Castle etc.

ii. Theme/Central Message: we are defining the core message of the campaign that
each store’s process of producing food and pizzas in a high standard and clean

 Employee’s professional ethic – chef, pizza maker’s cleanliness of wearing

gloves, hats, work over sleeves, aprons, coveralls etc
 Process of preparing foods
 Store cleanliness
 New and fresh ingredients
 Controlling system etc.

iii. Objectives: the objectives that we are to achieve are:

 Rebuild trust of public/customers

 Improve brand image
 Train all employees – work ethic
 Create social network
 Create a customer feedback system

2. How will current trends in public relations and recent developments in

communications influence your campaign?

There are many recent trends of public relations and developments that we may mention and
implement in our PR campaign:

 Social Medias – Facebook pages, groups; Twitter and Instagram etc.

 Influencers – there many famous people who may have thousands of
followers on Instagram;
 Publicity/content strategy – modern magazines are still in trend
 Video Content – descriptive video and slideshows etc.
 Live videos
 Blogs – Articles on reputed portals such as Linkedin and Quora etc.
 Podcasts – Massive number of people are preferring listening over reading

Once, we live in internet connected world, It is easy to reach out as many as people.
This means any information can be accessed as easy as turning the palm of hands. So, we
will not lose this opportunity for our public relation campaigns. When it comes to the ‘Pizza
Rush’ case, we are planning to use social - media live videos to show the every steps of the
food processing to recover the company’s old and potential clients’ trust.

3. Who is the campaign’s audience, and what are their attributes?

We are targeting the current employers and employees of the CBDs near commercial and office
buildings. According to recent data shows that most of the above employees are youths and have
a lack of time of preparing meals for themselves.

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