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Answer question


Molecule 2(galactose) and molecule 3 (glucose) are epimer of each other because they are
differ in configuration around only one specific carbon atom (C4).


Pasta main composition is starch poly saccharide

 Digestion of starch starts at the mouth by mastication. During mastication, food comes in
contact with saliva (secreted by salivary gland). Saliva contain salivary amylase (ptyalin)
which hydrolysis starch to dextrins, maltose, maltotriose, glucose.
 Digestion of starch temporarily stops in the stomach. The action of salivary amylase stops
in stomach because of high acidity of stomach.
 Further digestion of starch occurs in small intestine by pancreatic enzymes. Pancreatic
juice contain enzyme called pancreatic amylase(amylopsin). It hydrolyzes the dextrins to
mixture of maltose, isomaltose, limit dextrin. That last step of digestion occurs by
intestinal brush border enzyme: Maltose is hydrolyze by maltase to two glucose unite,
isomlatose is hydrolyze by isomaltase to glucose unit and limit dextrin is hydrolyze by
dextrinase to glucose, maltose and isomaltose
 The end product of digestion starch is glucose. This is readily absorbed through the
intestinal mucosal cells into the blood stream.

Meat main composition is protein

 The goal of protein digestion is the hydrolysis of all peptide bonds to produce free amino
acids. No digestion of protein takes place in the mouth, it begins in the stomach.
Hydrochloric acid denatures protein and also converts pepsinogen to pepsin. Pepsin
breaks the protein down into peptides of various lengths and some amino acids in
stomach. Further digestion takes place in small intestine which Pancreas makes
trypsinogen and chymotrypsinogen (proenzymes) in response to protein. They will be
activated to trypsin and chymotrypsin (now called proteases) Proteases break down
polypeptides into smaller peptides (very few peptides have been broken down to amino
acids at this stage). The amino acids are absorbed directly into the bloodstream.

Corn oil contains is triglyceride

Digestion of Triglyceride starts in small intestine by hydrolysis with lipase enzyme

Triglyceride glycerol + saturated fatty acid + unsaturated fatty acid


Denaturation of protein: is the process of change in tertiary and quaternary structure of protein
to primary structure by denaturing agent. All bonds between chains of protein structure
(hydrogen bond, disulphide bond, hydrophobic interaction…etc) will break except peptide bond
by influence of denaturing agent such as: acids, bases, detergents, heavy metals, heat and salt.
Denaturated proteins cannot play their role in cells.



Glucose is monosaccharide used by body as a source of energy. Comes from food we eat or the
body can make it from other substance through gluconeogenesis. Glucose is a precursor for
synthesis several substances such as cellulose, starch, glycogen, glycolipid and glycoprotein…
etc. glucose is regulated by insulin and glucagon in human body. When the level of glucose is
raise insulin will secret by pancreas to decrease glucose level in blood but at low level of glucose
in blood glucagon is secret by pancreas to elevate level of glucose. High level of glucose lead to
person gets diabetes.

Fructose is monosaccharide can use by body as a source of energy. Also fructose is contributed
in synthesis of several substances such as: glycogen, fatty acid...etc. through intermediated
dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. High level of fructose leads to

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