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Lipid Metabolism they cannot utilize glucose.

Extreme diets that are

excessively low in carbohydrates and high in fat may
Refers to the breakdown and synthesis of fats.
also result in ketoacidosis.
Dietary fats are digested mainly in the small intestines
through the action of bile salts and pancreatic lipase On the other hand, diets that are high in
carbohydrates generate excess acetyl-CoA that can be
Bile salts emulsify fats. They act as a detergent,
converted into fatty acids.
breaking large globules of fat into smaller micelles,
making them more accessible to lipase. Pancreatic Synthesis of fatty acids from acetyl-CoA is
Lipase then converts triglycerides into stimulated by Citrate, a marker of energy abundance,
monoglycerides, free fatty acids, and glycerol. These and inhibited by excess of fatty acids. Fatty acids can
products move into the cells of intestinal epithelium – be converted into triglycerides, for storage or synthesis
the enterocytes, inside which they re-combine again to of other lipids, by combining with glycerol derived
form triglycerides. Triglycerides are packaged along from a glycolysis intermediate.
with cholesterol into large lipoprotein particles called
Lipid digestion and absorption
Chylomicrons. Lipoproteins enable transport of
water-insoluble fats within aqueous environments. Lipids are large molecules and generally are
Chylomicrons leave the enterocytes, enter lymphatic not water-soluble. Like carbohydrates and protein,
capillaries, and eventually pass into the bloodstream, lipids are broken into small components for absorption.
delivering fats to tissues. The walls of blood capillaries Since most of our digestive enzymes are water-based,
have a surface enzyme called Lipoprotein Lipase. how does the body break down fat and make it
This enzyme hydrolyzes triglycerides into fatty acids available for the various functions it must perform in
and glycerol, enabling them to pass through the the human body?
capillary wall into tissues, where they are oxidized for
energy, or re-esterized for storage. From the Mouth to the Stomach

Fats that are synthesized endogenously in the liver The first step in the digestion of triglycerides
are packed into another type of lipoprotein, the VLDL, and phospholipids begins in the mouth as lipids
to be transported to tissues, where triglycerides are encounter saliva. Next, the physical action of chewing
extracted in the same way. coupled with the action of emulsifiers enables the
digestive enzymes to do their tasks. The enzyme
When required, fat stores in adipose tissue are lingual lipase (It breaks medium and long-chain
mobilized for energy production, by the action of triacylglycerols or fats into smaller bits), along with a
hormone-sensitive lipase, which responds to hormones small amount of phospholipid as an emulsifier,
such as epinephrine. initiates the process of digestion. These actions cause
the fats to become more accessible to the digestive
Lipid Metabolism pathways are closely
enzymes. As a result, the fats become tiny droplets and
connected to those of carbohydrate metabolism.
separate from the watery components.
Glycerol is converted to a glycolysis intermediate,
while fatty acids undergo beta-oxidation to generate From the Mouth to the Stomach
acetyl-CoA. Each round of beta-oxidation removes 2
carbons from the fatty acid chain, releasing one acetyl- In the stomach, gastric lipase starts to break
CoA, which can then be oxidized in the citric acid down triglycerides into diglycerides and fatty acids.
cycle. Beta-oxidation also produces several high- Within two to four hours after eating a meal,
energy molecules which are fed directly to the election roughly 30 percent of the triglycerides are converted to
transport system. diglycerides and fatty acids.
Fats yield more energy per unit mass than The stomach’s churning and contractions help
carbohydrates. When acetyl-CoA is produced in to disperse the fat molecules, while the diglycerides
excess, it is diverted to create ketone bodies. During derived in this process act as further emulsifiers.
Glucose Starvation, ketone bodies are an important However, even amid all of this activity, very little fat
source of fuel, especially for the brain. However, digestion occurs in the stomach.
ketone bodies are acidic, and when produced in excess,
can overwhelm the buffering capacity of blood plasma, Emulsification (of lipids) - a process in which
resulting in metabolic acidosis, which can lead to coma large lipid globules are broken down into several
and death. small lipid globules.

Ketoacidosis in a serious complication of TO THE BLOODSTREAM WE GO!!!!!

diabetes, in which cells must oxidize fats for fuel as
Going to the Bloodstream Proteins are responsible for nearly all bodily
and cellular functions: from structural proteins in
As stomach contents enter the small intestine,
bones; contractile proteins in muscles; transport
the digestive system sets out to manage a small
proteins in blood plasma; to hormones, antibodies, cell
obstacle, namely, to combine the separated fats with its
receptors, ion channels, and enzymes that catalyze
own watery fluids.
almost every chemical reactions in biological systems.
The solution to this obstacle is bile. Bile contains bile
Proteins are polymers of amino acids linked
salts, lecithin, and substances derived from cholesterol,
together by peptide bonds. AN amino acid consists of
so it acts as an emulsifier. It attracts and holds onto fat
an amino group, a carboxyl group, and a unique side
while it is simultaneously attracted to and held on to by
chain, connected to a central carbon, the α-carbon.
Instead of being an extended of chain of amino acids, a
Emulsification increases the surface area of lipids over protein usually folds into a three-dimensional
a thousand-fold, making them more accessible to the confirmation that is critical for its functions. The
digestive enzymes. structure forms as a result of interactions between the
side chains of amino acids and is thus dictated by the
NOTE: amino acid sequence.
In this stage, emulsification becomes anabolic (see Of the 20 amino acids that make up proteins,
previous definition of emulsification) nearly half are essential, meaning the body cannot
Once the stomach contents have been emulsified, fat- synthesize them and must get them from the diet.
breaking enzymes work on the triglycerides and Animal proteins are usually considered high quality,
diglycerides to sever fatty acids from their glycerol complete proteins, because they have similar amino
foundations. acid composition as human proteins, and can thus
provide all the required amino acids, but a combination
As pancreatic lipase enters the small intestine, it breaks of a variety of plant foods may also do the job.
down the fats into free fatty acids and monoglycerides.
Bile salts envelop the fatty acids and monoglycerides Proteins in foods are digested in the stomach
to form micelles. Micelles have a fatty acid core with a and small intestine, by the action of stomach acid,
water-soluble exterior. which denatures proteins, and several enzymes that
hydrolyze peptide bonds. Together they break down
This allows efficient transportation to the intestinal proteins into individual amino acids, which are then
microvillus. Here, the fat components are released and absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to the
disseminated into the cells of the digestive tract lining. liver. The liver uses these amoino acids to synthesize
new proteins, most of which are plasma proteins. The
Intestinal Cells to Bloodstream
liver also distributes free amino acids to other tissues,
Inside the intestinal cells, the monoglycerides and fatty for synthesis of tissue-specific proteins. Proteins are
acids reassemble themselves into triglycerides. synthesized based on genetic information of the cell,
Triglycerides, cholesterol, and phospholipids form using the genetic code, and regulatory signals.
lipoproteins when joined with a protein carrier.
Each cell has a characteristic collection of
Lipoproteins have an inner core that is primarily made proteins, specific to its functions. Body proteins are
up of triglycerides and cholesterol esters (a cholesterol constantly renewed. Older proteins are broken down
ester is a cholesterol linked to a fatty acid). The outer into free amino acids which are recycled, they combine
envelope is made of phospholipids interspersed with with dietary amino acids to make new proteins.
proteins and cholesterol.
Unlike carbohydrates and lipids, proteins
Together they form a chylomicron, which is a large cannot be stored for later use. Once the cellular
lipoprotein that now enters the lymphatic system and requirement for proteins in met, excess amino acids are
will soon be released into the bloodstream via the degraded and used for energy, or converted into
jugular vein in the neck. Chylomicrons transport food glucose of fatty acids.
fats perfectly through the body’s water-based
environment to specific destinations such as the liver
and other body tissues.

Protein Metabolism
Use of amino acids for energy production also The acidity of the stomach facilitates the unfolding of
occurs when there is energy shortage, such as during the proteins that still retain part of their three-
prolonged exercise or extended fasting. Since there are dimensional structure after cooking and helps break
no nitrogenous compounds in the energy production down the protein aggregates formed during cooking.
pathways, the first step in amino acid degradation is (Remember Denaturation – Folded to unfolded state of
the removal of the amino group, by deamination of protein)
transamination, to produce keto-acids.
Pepsin, which is secreted by the CHIEF CELLS that
Some amino acids can be directly deaminated, line the stomach, dismantles the protein chains into
while others must transfer their amino group to α- smaller and smaller fragments. Egg proteins are large
ketoglutarate to form glutamate, which is then globular molecules, and their chemical breakdown
deaminated to recycle α-ketoglutarate. requires time and mixing. The powerful mechanical
stomach contractions churn the partially digested
Depending on their side chains, keto-acids
protein into a more uniform mixture called chyme.
from different amino acids may enter the metabolic
Protein digestion in the stomach takes a longer time
cycles at different points. They may be converted to
than carbohydrate digestion, but a shorter time than fat
pyruvate, acetyl-CoA, or one of the intermediates of
digestion. Eating a high-protein meal increases the
the citric acid cycle. Some of these reactions are
amount of time required to sufficiently break down the
meal in the stomach. Food remains in the stomach
When amino acids are in short supply, citric longer, making you feel full longer.
acid intermediates can be aminated to create new
From the Stomach to the Small Intestine
amino acids for protein synthesis.
The stomach empties the chyme containing the
Deamination produces ammonia, which is
broken-down egg pieces into the small intestine, where
toxic if accumulated. The liver converts ammonia to
the majority of protein digestion occurs.
urea to be excreted in urine. Extreme diets that are
excessively high in proteins may overwhelm the The pancreas secretes digestive juice that contains
kidneys with nitrogenous waste and cause renal more enzymes that further break down the protein
damage. fragments. The two major pancreatic enzymes that
digest proteins are chymotrypsin and trypsin.
The cells that line the small intestine release additional
enzymes that finally break apart the smaller protein
Protein Digestion and absorption fragments into the individual amino acids.

How are proteins digested and absorbed by our bodies? The process through which proteins are broken down
into smaller polypeptide chains or amino acids is
Let’s follow the specific path that proteins take down called proteolysis. The process is catalyzed by
the gastrointestinal tract and into the circulatory enzymes called proteases.
system. We will use an egg as our example to describe
the path of proteins in the process of digestion and The muscle contractions of the small intestine mix and
absorption. Eggs are very rich in protein. propel the digested proteins to the absorption sites. The
goal of the digestive process is to break the protein into
The first step in egg digestion (or any other protein dipeptides and amino acids for absorption.
food) involves chewing. The teeth begin the
mechanical breakdown of the large egg pieces into The process through which proteins are broken down
smaller pieces that can be swallowed. into smaller polypeptide chains or amino acids is
called proteolysis. The process is catalyzed by
The SALIVARY GLANDS provide some saliva to aid enzymes called proteases (peptidase or proteinase)
swallowing and the passage of the partially mashed
egg through the esophagus. The mashed egg pieces In the lower parts of the small intestine, the amino
enter the stomach through the esophageal sphincter. acids are transported from the intestinal lumen through
the intestinal cells to the blood. This movement of
How are proteins digested and absorbed by our bodies? individual amino acids requires Sodium Co-transporter
The stomach (Gastric Glands) releases gastric juices and the cellular energy molecule, adenosine
containing hydrochloric acid and the enzyme, pepsin, triphosphate (ATP).
which initiate the breakdown of the protein.
Amino acids and dipeptides enters the enterocyte then molecules of acetyl-CoA. Firstly, acetoacetate and 3-
transported to the bloodstream. Dipeptides are further hydroxybutyrate are brought to the peripheral tissues.
broken down by cytoplasmic peptidases and exported 3-Hydroxybutyrate is oxidized to acetoacetate by the
from the cell into blood. same enzyme 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase which
also produces NADH. Acetoacetate now acquires
Coenzyme A from Succinyl Coenzyme A of the TCA
Ketone Bodies Cycle and through the enzyme Thiophorase, it converts
into Acetoacetyl CoA.
Ketone bodies are 3 chemicals thar are
produced in the body during fasting or starvation to Note that Thiophorase enzyme is not present
meet the body’s energy needs. The three ketone bodies in the liver, so liver is not capable of conducting
are: acetone, acetoacetate, and 3-Hydroxybutyrate ketolysis.
(which is the most abundant one).
Acetoacetyl CoA is actively removed by its
What triggers ketogenesis during fasting? conversion into two molecules of Acetyl-CoA and
thus, ketolysis is completed
- Insulin levels drop
- Glucagon level increases
Glucagon acts on adipose tissues to cause lipolysis Terminologies
which releases plenty of free fatty acids into the blood.
 Rate of ketone body production is greater than
These free fatty acids are clariid to the liver where they
their use. Their levels begin to rise in the blood,
undergo beta-oxidation, producing large amounts of
which is termed as Ketonemia, and in the urine,
which is termed as Ketonuria.
When the concentration of acetyl-CoA produced  When there is ketonemia, ketonuria, and smell of
from beta-oxidation exceeds the oxidative capacity of acetone in breath, such condition is termed as
GCA Cycle, Acetyl-CoA is directed towards Ketosis, which is diagnosed by a special test called
ketogenesis. Rhothera’s test
 In patients with Type 1 diabetes, Ketonemia and
Apart from free fatty acids, acetyl-CoA can also be Ketonuria is often seen. In these patients, increased
generated from ketogenic amino acids level of glucagon leads to lipolysis which increases
free fatty acids in plasma and ultimately increases
hepatic output of ketone bodies which leads to
Process of Ketogenesis Diabetic Ketoacidosis – which is basically the rise
of ketone bodies in the blood to a toxic level
Ketogenesis is the formation of ketone bodies
 Ketoacidosis is also seen in prolonged fasting
which occurs in the liver as it has the enzyme HMG-
and excessive ethanol consumption
CoA Lyase, which is the most important enzyme
required in ketogenesis.
Firstly, two acetyl-CoA molecules combine to Ketone bodies are chemicals that the body makes when
form acetoacetyl-CoA in which another acetyl-CoA is there is not enough insulin in the blood, and it must
added into the enzyme HMG-CoA Synthase then break down fat instead of the sugar glucose for energy
HMG-CoA is produced. (Shiel, 2016). Ketones are substances produced by the
liver during gluconeogenesis, a process that creates
HMG-CoA is then acted upon by HMG-CoA
glucose in times of fasting and starvation.
Lyase into acetoacetate and acetyl-CoA. While some
of the acetoacetate is converted spontaneously into Ketosis, Acidosis and Dehydration
acetone, the rest of them (or larger amount of them) is
converted into 3-Hydroxybutyrate through the enzyme Ketosis - a process that happens when your body
3-Hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase. This reaction is doesn't have enough carbohydrates to burn for energy.
reversible Instead, it burns fat and makes things called ketones,
which it can use for fuel. There are benefits and side
effects when the body has undergone ketosis as listed.
Ketolysis is the breakdown of acetoacetate and
3-hydroxybutyrate in peripheral tissues, such as
muscle, brain, etc. to convert them back into two
Acidosis - a condition in which there is too much acid 5. This metabolic acidosis occurs when kidneys are
in the body fluids. caused by an overproduction of acid unable to excrete acids into the urine. Renal
that builds up in the blood or an excessive loss of Tubular Acidosis
bicarbonate from the blood (metabolic acidosis) or by 6. This process occurs when the body do not have
a buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood. enough carbohydrates to burn for energy and burns
fats instead. Ketosis
The type of acidosis is categorized as either respiratory
7. These substances are being produced by the liver
acidosis or metabolic acidosis, depending on the
during gluconeogenesis. Ketone Bodies
primary cause of your acidosis.
8. This type of ketone bodies is considered as one in
Respiratory acidosis occurs when too much CO2 the ketogenic diet and formed from acetoacetate.
builds up in the body. Normally, the lungs remove Beta-Hydroxybutyric Acid
CO2 while you breathe. However, sometimes your 9. What chemicals does the body make when there is
body can’t get rid of enough CO2. This may happen not enough insulin. Ketone Bodies
due to chronic airway conditions, like asthma injury to 10. What condition starts in the kidneys instead of
the chest obesity, which can make breathing difficult, the lungs which occurs when it cannot eliminate
sedative misuse, overuse of alcohol, muscle enough acid or too much taste? Metabolic Acidosis
weakness in the chest, problems with the nervous 11. What is the orientation of micelle that carries oil?
system, deformed chest structure Normal Micelle
12. What is the orientation of micelle that carries
Metabolic acidosis starts in the kidneys instead of the water? Reverse Micelle
lungs. It occurs when they can’t eliminate enough acid 13. What will be formed when triglycerides,
or when they get rid of too much base. There are three cholesterol and phospholipid joined with a protein
major forms of metabolic acidosis. carrier? Lipoprotein
Diabetic acidosis occurs in people with diabetes that’s 14. Where does monoglycerides and fatty acids
poorly controlled. If your body lacks enough insulin, reassemble into triglycerides. Intestinal Cells
ketones build up in your body and acidify your blood. 15. Which allows the lipids to diffuse into the mucosal
cells? Microvilli
Hyperchloremic acidosis results from a loss of sodium 16. Which compounds were used to provide energy to
bicarbonate. This base helps to keep the blood neutral. the cells of the body when glucose is low or absent
Both diarrhea and vomiting can cause this type of in the diet? Ketone Bodies
acidosis. 17. Which condition occurs when there is too much
acid in the body fluids? Acidosis
Lactic acidosis occurs when there’s too much lactic
18. Which enzyme is released in the small intestine to
acid in your body. Causes can include chronic alcohol
breakdown fats into free fatty acids and
use, heart failure, cancer, seizures, liver failure,
monoglycerides? Pancreatic Lipase
prolonged lack of oxygen, and low blood sugar. Even
19. Which has a fatty acid core with a water-soluble
prolonged exercise can lead to lactic acid buildup.
exterior? Micelle
Renal tubular acidosis occurs when the kidneys are 20. Which of the following enzymes break medium
unable to excrete acids into the urine. This causes the and long chain triaglycerols or fats into small bits?
blood to become acidic. Lingual Lipase
21. Which substance causes the fats to become more
accessible to the digestive enzymes? Emulsifier
QUIZ 22. Which type of ketone bodies is created as a side
product of acetoacetate that breaks down quickly
1. A type of acidosis that occurs when two much and is removed from the body through breath.
CO2 builds up in the body. Respiratory Acidosis Acetone
2. Among the types of ketone bodies which is being 23. Which type of metabolic acidosis causes chronic
created from the breakdown of fatty acids. alcohol use and heart failure? Lactic Acidosis
Acetoacetate 24. Which type of metabolic acidosis results from a
3. The following are positive signs when you are in loss sodium bicarbonate? Hyperchloremic
ketonic except. (Positive = Sustained fat loss, Acidosis
Clearer Cognition, and more stable energy | Except 25. Which type of metabolic acidosis results from too
= Clearer Skin) much lactic acid in your body? Lactic Acidosis
4. This emulsifier is produced in the liver and stored
in the gall bladder and will be released in the small
intestine once needed. Bile

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