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Lesson Plan 1 (all things triangles)

Names: Jazkira Combs, Kelly Easton, Nick Torres

School: Lakeview Elementary School

Grade: 6th Grade

Date: 6 March 2020

Cooperating Teacher: J. Casebeer

Estimated Time (minutes): 45 minutes

Lesson Prerequisites & Pre-Assessment of Students:

Based on results from the FAI, Students are able to:

- Recognize the difference between an angle and a side

- Recognize a triangle has three sides and three angles
- State that angles in an equilateral triangles all have the same degree measurement

Social Skills

Students are able to:

- Work in collaborative groups to solve problems by grouping themselves based on the

similarities of their triangles
- Students will also be able to form groups and have conversations about types of angles
and types of triangles. In these groups, the students will be able to share and listen to the
ideas of the peers in their groups.

Lesson Objectives:

Students will be able to:

- Identify and define an angle and differentiate between acute, obtuse, right and straight
angles independently
- Justify why the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees
- Categorize triangles based on their side/angle properties
State Standards:

5.G.2: Identify and classify polygons including quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and
triangles (equilateral, isosceles, scalene, right, acute and obtuse) based on angle measures and
sides. Classify polygons in a hierarchy based on properties.

6.GM.2: Know that the sum of the interior angles of any triangle is 180º and that the sum of the
interior angles of any quadrilateral is 360º. Use this information to solve real-world and
mathematical problems.

7.GM.4: Solve real-world and other mathematical problems that involve vertical, adjacent,
complementary, and supplementary angles. (focusing on supplementary for the lesson)

Understand that attributes belonging to a category of two-dimensional figures also belong to

all subcategories of that category. For example, all rectangles have four right angles and
squares are rectangles, so all squares have four right angles.

The standards directly reflect the objectives in the sense that the first objective helps
students recognize the measure of all angles they would be faced with in a triangle. This helps
students classify the triangles as stated in standard 5.G.2. The second objective is in line with
standard 6.GM.2 because it justifies the interior angles of a triangle. The third objective goes
with standard 5.G.2 because it is the classification of angles. The standard 7.GM.4 is useful in
the circle folding activity so students are aware that all circles are 360° and half-circles are 180°.

Materials needed

● 20 Scissors
● 20 Protractors
● 20 Compasses
● 20 sheets of paper
● 30 Worksheets for students
● 20 Rulers

Launch (10 minutes)

● They will be asked to create a paper circle by using a compass and cut out the
paper circle.
● Nick will hold his circle up in front of the class and ask if anyone knows what the
degree measurement of the circle is. If no one knows, Nick will state that the
degree measurement of a circle is 360 degrees. They students will then be asked
to fold their circle in half and to point out the straight line. Students will be asked
if they can figure out the measure of a straight angle given that the know that the
interior angles in a circle measures 180 degrees.
● The goal is to have students relate the degree measurement of a circle and relate
that to the measurement of a straight line and 90 degree angle and to compare the
straight line on the circle to the straight angles on the worksheet. Then, the
students will be prompted to fold the half circle into fourths, showing a 90 degree
angle. This will serve as a tool for students to compare missing angles to show
that an angle is 90 degrees or 180 degrees.
● After students have found the angles, they will name them. The teacher can show
the students how to use a protractor as a form of double checking their answers
and proving the success of the activity.

Students will be presented with a worksheet with different angles (acute, obtuse,right and
straight) and will be asked to classify the angles accordingly. After they are done with the
worksheet. As a class, we will go over how students labeled each angle and why they came to
their conclusion. They will also be asked to show a way that they “tested” the angles for its
classification. They may do this with a protractor, put the angles against the corner of a paper or
any other method that they know. After we identify all of the angles, then we will create groups
for the angles on the board. Students will then be tasked with finding the measure of a straight
line segment (180 degrees). They will then be asked to see if they can find a relationship between
the degree measurement of a circle to that of a straight line. If they cannot make the connection,
they will be probed that they folded the circle in half.

Our launch directly correlates with our first objective of identifying angles as either
acute, obtuse, right or straight. We made this an objective because students need to know the
different types of angles before they are able to classify triangles based on those angles. We have
students determine that the angle degree measure of a straight line to later correlate that to the
sum of the interior angles of a triangle. This information will be beneficial later on in the lesson.
Investigation (35 minutes)
Students are going to explore triangles based on their side properties and their angle
properties. The first activity we will do is going to be based on side properties. Each student will
be given a triangle and be asked to stay at their seat until everyone has a triangle. Three tables
will be set up around the table that has a ruler and a protractor. The three tables are meant to
separate the students into three groups. The goal of the groups for students to get in to is going to
be a scalene (all sides different) group, an isosceles (2 sides the same, 1 side different) group and
an equilateral (all sides the same) group. The students will then be asked to separate themselves
based off of the properties of their side lengths of their triangles. There will be some duplicates,
but most triangles will be similar to one another within their corresponding categories (scalene,
isosceles and equilateral). Once students are in their groups, they will explain to the other groups
as to why they grouped themselves together and what the relationship is between all of the sides
of their triangle. As the students are explaining the relationship between the side properties, Nick
will be writing down their observations on the board. Once all three groups have shared, Nick
will go over the material again and give the name of each specific triangle. (scalene, isosceles
and equilateral) *Note: The teacher will have the students to work on identifying the properties
before naming the figures.

After the students are in their groups for their triangles side lengths they will be asked to
regroup based on the angle properties of their triangles. For this activity, there will be four tables
set up for students to group themselves. The end goal is for students to categorize themselves
into an equilateral group, an acute triangle group, a right triangle group and an obtuse triangle
group. Once all students have recategorized themselves, they will then share out their findings
again. Nick will then write down their observations on the board again. Once all three groups
have shared, Nick will explain the names for the different types of triangles based on angle
properties and explain the “hierarchy” of angles. The “hierarchy” is that if a triangle has an
obtuse angle in it, it will always be classified as an obtuse triangle. If a triangle has a right angle,
then the triangle will always be classified as a right triangle. A triangle can not have both an
obtuse and a right angle in it. This will be shown next with the finding of the sum of interior
angles. (Both of these sorting activities pull from standard 5.G.2)

Students are still sitting in their groups from the angle property grouping. Students will
be asked to draw a straight line using either their ruler or using the straight edge from their circle
that we used during the launch. At each table, a basket of scissors will be placed. Students will
then be asked to cut off each one of the angles of their triangle and connect the angles together to
form a straight line. At this time, Jaz, Kelly, and Nick will be walking around to the groups to
help them sort their angles and help them make the connection that the sum of the interior angles
of a triangle is 180 degrees. Then, one by one, each group will state which kind of triangle they
had (obtuse, acute, right or equilateral) and then have the students state what they got the sum of
their interior angles to be. Nick will then write down their findings on the board. After each
group has gone, they will be asked “do all triangles have a sum of interior angles to be 180
degrees?” and the students should answer yes. If they answer yes, Nick will then ask a student to
come to the board and draw a triangle. As a class, they will be asked to identify the triangle
based on its side and angle properties. If they are able to do this, then we know that one of our
objectives has been met. Nick will then draw extended lines out of the triangle to prove again
that the sum of the interior angles adds up to be 180 degrees. At this point, students know that a
straight line is 180 degrees. Nick will then give them the exterior angles and use supplementary
angles to find the interior angles in the triangle. They will then add up the interior angles of a
triangle and get 180 degrees. A third and final way that we will prove that the sum of the interior
angles of a triangle add up to be 180 degrees is by relating it to a rectangle. Nick will draw a
rectangle on the board and mark all of the 90 degree angles. He will then ask “what do these little
boxes mean?” and students will say it stands for 90 degrees. Nick will then ask for the sum of the
interior angles of the rectangle (360 degrees). He will then divide the rectangle in half and have
the students find the relations that 360/2 is 180 degrees. After teaching students three ways to
find the sum of the interior angles of a triangle, they will be able to have a justification, which
reaches one of our objectives.

Finding the sum of the interior angles relates to standard 6.GM.2 and the use of
supplementary angles makes use of standard 7.GM.4. We are implementing this 7th grade
standard into the 6th grade lesson because the 6th grade class we are working with are more
“advanced” so we believed adding this standard will help the students understand more with a
concept that they will be able to grasp.

After the investigation, students will be able to identify triangles based on their side and
angle properties and justify that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle add up to be 180

Teaching questions to understand student thinking

1. Why does the sum of the interior angles of triangles add to be 180 degrees?
2. What are the different ways triangles can be classified? Can you explain them to

Summary/Wrap up (5 minutes)

Students will be given a worksheet of triangles and be asked to solve for the unknown
angle of each triangle as well as classify it as isosceles, scalene, or equilateral. They will also be
asked to classify it as an acute, equilateral, right or obtuse angle. (all triangles are scalene, acute
triangles). The worksheet will also prompt students to classify triangles based on the angles
(obtuse, acute, right). This will serve as a formative assessment to determine if the students
understood the concept of a triangle's interior angles always being 180°. It will also assess what
specific angle and side properties certain triangles retain. We will use the students’ feedback to
determine if the lesson was successful, should be continued, or requires modifications. If most of
the questions are answered correctly, we can assume students understood the concept of interior
angles, side properties and angle properties of a triangle. If it seems there were a number of
wrong answers we will analyze what may have caused an incorrect answer and decide how we
can fix this misconception with students. If we find that most of the answers are wrong, we will
analyze where our activity became unclear and find a way to make it more straightforward for
the class.
This assessment allows us to assess if the objectives were met during the lesson because
in order to find the missing angle, the first thing students can do is find the missing angle, then
decide if it is acute, obtuse, right or straight given their sides and angles (Ob. 1), that way if they
get an answer that doesn’t match their description, they can go back and do their math again.
One of the ways that we justified that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle (Ob. 2) is also
demonstrated on this worksheet with the extensions off of the triangles. Lastly, by having the
students give the name to the triangles, they are achieving objective 3. We can also verbally ask
questions aligning directly with the objectives at the end of the lesson to ensure they have been
met. If not, then we will continue this lesson the next week,

Scaling up

If we find that students are able to quickly grasp the concepts being taught we will
continue with our lesson until we are finished. With the extra time, we will begin our lesson for
the following week. The following lesson ties into the first lesson by discussing the concept of
area. We will go back to the rectangle example that we did when finding the sum of the interior
angles. We will ask the students “How does the interior angles of the rectangle compare to the
interior angles of a triangle?”. This is more difficult because it has students make connections to
other forms of geometry that are outside of the lesson that was taught,

Scaling down

If we find that the tasks are too difficult or complicated we will be making specific
adjustments to better impact our students’ learning. Instead of having the students separate
themselves into groups according to the properties of a triangle, they would be tasked with
finding a partner with the same exact triangle as themselves. Instead of having students discuss
amongst themselves and regroup, Nick will lead a class discussion regarding the properties of a
triangle. Nick would ask prompting questions instead of having the students develop the ideas
on their own. For example instead of asking “What can you tell me about the properties of a
triangle?” he would ask “how many sides does a triangle have?”, “how many sides does a
triangle have?”, “can there be different kinds of triangles?”, etc. If the lesson becomes too
advanced, Nick will be able to carry on with the lesson while using scaffolding questions. The
summary/wrap up activity would not be independently completed by the students, but would be
led by Nick as a whole class activity. The worksheet would not be used as a formative
assessment, but an activity to see what they were able to understand so we can build off of that
the next week for a simplified lesson.


Lesson Plan 2 (area of triangles and rectangles and complex shapes)

Names: Jazkira Combs, Kelly Easton, Nick Torres

School: Lakeview Elementary School

Grade: 6th Grade

Date: 13 March 2020

Cooperating Teacher: J. Casebeer

Estimated Time (minutes): 45 minutes

Lesson Prerequisites & Pre-Assessment of Students:

Based on results from the FAI, students are able to:

- Identify equilateral and right triangles

- State the equation for the area of a triangle
- State the equation for the area of a rectangle.
- Understand that larger shapes can be broken down into smaller shapes and add the area of
the smaller shapes toll get the area of the larger shape

Socially, students are able to:

- work in collaborative groups to problem solve

- communicate with one another verbally and visually to solve problems
- Share their thinking with the class and teacher

Lesson Objectives

Students will be able to:

- Know the difference between area and perimeter

- Find the area of triangles and parallelograms

- State that the area is the space that lies between boundaries of a shape
- Explain the relationship between the equation for an area of a rectangle/parallelogram
and a triangle
- Find the area of complex shapes by breaking them down into familiar shapes

State Standards

5.M.2: Find the area of a rectangle with fractional side lengths by modeling with unit squares of
the appropriate unit fraction side lengths, and show that the area is the same as would be found
by multiplying the side lengths. Multiply fractional side lengths to find areas of rectangles, and
represent fraction products as rectangular areas.

6.GM.4: Find the area of complex shapes composed of polygons by composing or decomposing
into simple shapes; apply this technique to solve real-world and other mathematical problems.

Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and polygons by
composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these
techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.

The first three objectives in this lesson exemplify the standard 5.M.2. By beginning with
finding the area of a triangle, students can use their new knowledge to build on their prior
knowledge in order to know how to solve for the area of triangles and parallelograms. The final
objective falls in line with standard 6.GM.4 because it is the decomposition of complex shapes to
find the area of said shapes. Once students are able to find the area of simple shapes, they can
find the area of other complex shapes.
Materials needed

● Masking tape
● Different measuring units (sheets of blank paper, Payday candy bars, pennies, and large
paper clips)

Launch (7 minutes)

On the board, Kelly will draw a house (in the shape of a triangle) and a table(in the shape
of a trapezoid). She will discuss that it is the Christmas season and that she plans to decorate. She
was thinking about putting lights up around her house and laying a table cloth on the table. Kelly
will guide the conversation that will result in the students understanding of the difference
between area and perimeter. She will ask the question, “If I need to cover the table and figure out
how much cloth it will take, what would you need to find?” and “If I need to put lights all around
the house, how would I know how much distance I would have to cover? What would I then
have to find to be successful? After the students understand the difference between the two,
Kelly will provide dimensions for the two scenarios and have the students find the area for the
table and perimeter for the house.This aligns with our first objective. We want students to be
comfortable with the concept of area of a shape and/or the perimeter of a shape so they can better
understand the concept of area and be able to use the specific equations to find areas of more
complex shapes. This covers standard 5.M.2: Find the area of a rectangle with fractional side
lengths by modeling with unit squares of the appropriate unit fraction side lengths, and show that
the area is the same as would be found by multiplying the side lengths. Multiply fractional side
lengths to find areas of rectangles, and represent fraction products as rectangular areas.

Investigation (28 minutes)

The tables at Lakeview are in the shape of trapezoids, so we were going to use masking
tape to create a rectangle on the tables for students to find the area of first. Students will get into
groups of 4-5. Each group will receive either paper, pencils, or paper clips. Kelly will ask the
students if the items could be used as a form of measurement. Each group will then be asked to
find the area of the rectangle on their table with their measuring units. As this is going on, Kelly,
Nick and Jazkira will be walking around to the groups to see what their findings are and observe
the students' understanding of the concept of area.. The reason we can multiply length by
width is because there are x rows (length) by y columns (width) that is why we are able to
just multiply the sides as opposed to finding every square unit. This covers our second
objective listed above. After all groups have been talked to and are finished up with their
activity, we will come back together as a whole group and have a discussion as to why we can
multiply length by width to find the area of a rectangle/square. After students have their
findings, we will create a table comparing each group's form of measurement and what they got
as the area. We will then discuss the different sizes of measurements and compare them to one
another. The goal of this discussion is for students to make the connection that the bigger the
unit, the less units you need to fill a space and the smaller the unit, the more units you’ll need.
After we talk about the area of a square/rectangle, we will then relate that to finding the area of a
triangle. On the board, Kelly will draw a rectangle and include the findings for area next to it
(number of lengths units x number of width units). Students will be asked how many triangles
are included in this rectangle, then be asked to make a relationship between the area of a triangle
and the area of a rectangle. This covers the third objective for the lesson.

Once students make the connection and understand the equation for the area of a
parallelogram and a triangle, then we will start moving into complex shapes, that can be broken
down into parallelograms and triangles. This covers standard 6.GM.4 and the last objective of
the lesson. This image will be displayed on the board and we will work through this together as a
class. Students will have opportunities to come up to the board and divide the shape into smaller
pieces to help us determine what the area is for the shape. By breaking down complex shapes
into familiar shapes such as squares and triangles, students will be able to find the area of the
familiar shapes and add them together to get the complex shapes. At this time, Kelly will be
facilitating the activity as Nick and Jazkira walk around the room helping/probing students as
needed. If students are stuck in a rut, Kelly will do an example herself and model her own
thinking of how to solve the problem. There are multiple ways to solve the problems. One way is
to find the area of all of the familiar shapes and add those together to get the area of the complex
shape. Another way that can be demonstrated is the “take away” method, and that is creating a
larger rectangle around the whole figure, finding the area of that rectangle, then taking away the
areas of the parts that are not included in the complex shape.
Teaching questions to assess student understanding

1. Why is the equation for the area of a triangle ½ B x H?

2. What are some ways to find the area of a complex shape? Why do these ways work?

Summary/Wrap up (7 minutes)

To conclude this lesson students will be given a real life scenario. Kelly will talk about
trying to find a good apartment, and that she wants a big room and she wants to know how much
space she would have. The students will then be shown the following pictures.
After the students are shown the pictures, they will have to find the area of both shapes
and write down which “apartment” room is bigger. They will also have to state how big each
room is and create an inequality to tie in prior knowledge that they have learned before.

This assessment helps students understand the concept of area as the space between a
boundary (Ob. 2) because we are using the example of bedrooms. Students will be able to
visualize two different size bedrooms. They will also be finding the area of both a parallelogram
and a triangle (Ob. 1) by splitting the complex shape into a smaller shape. Before we start the
wrap up assessment, students can be asked what the equations were for finding the area of the
parallelogram vs. a triangle and what their relationship is to obtain understanding if they know
objective 3. By working out both problems to find which “room” is bigger, then students are
achieving objective 4.

Scaling up

If the students are able to quickly grasp the concept of area with little hesitation we will
continue to build on the concept of area by having the students to find the area of other shapes
(trapezoids, pentagons, etc.). This allows for deeper understanding of the concept and would
prepare students for the following lesson. This is harder because students have to think about
how to divide complex shapes up and how to solve for the area as opposed to finding the area of
simple shapes.

Scaling down

In the event that students may not know the equations of a triangle, rectangle, and/or
parallelogram Kelly would use the equation for finding the area of a rectangle and connecting the
formula to the number of cards on the surface of the table. This is just to get them on track of
thinking how to solve the area of the given shapes before attempting to understand the concept of
area. This is easier for students because it gives them a firm foundation before they start
exploring in the investigation.
Lesson Plan 3 (geoboard exploration with area)
Lesson 3: complex shapes w geoboard

Names: Jazkira Combs, Kelly Easton, Nick Torres

School: Lakeview Elementary School

Grade: 6th Grade

Date: 27, March 2020

Cooperating Teacher: J. Casebeer

Estimated Time (minutes): 45 minutes

Lesson Prerequisites & Pre-Assessment of Students:

Based on results from the FAI, students are able to:

- State the equation for the area of a triangle

- State the equation for the area of a rectangle
- Explain that larger shapes can be broken down into smaller shapes
- (we will know more information after conducting FAI 3 and 4)

Lesson Objectives

- Students will be able to create shapes on a geoboard given coordinates for the vertices
- Students will be able to find the side length of a shape on a coordinate plane that has the
same first coordinate or the same second coordinate
- Students will be able to find the area of unfamiliar quadrilaterals and complex shapes

Social Skills

- Students will work in small groups to achieve a common goal together

- Students will collaborate to solve problems
- Students will be able to explain their thinking by being able to defend their ideas against
someone who disagrees with them

State Standards

6.GM.3: Draw polygons in the coordinate plane given coordinates for the vertices; use
coordinates to find the length of a side joining points with the same first coordinate or the same
second coordinate; apply these techniques to solve real-world and other mathematical problems.

6.GM.4: Find the area of complex shapes composed of polygons by composing or decomposing
into simple shapes; apply this technique to solve real-world and other mathematical problems.

Draw polygons in the coordinate plane given coordinates for the vertices; use coordinates to
find the length of a side joining points with the same first coordinate or the same second
coordinate. Apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical

The geoboards in the objectives also serve as a coordinate grid for students to plot the
points of the vertices of some shapes and then solve the perimeter and area of said shapes.
Students will use the side coordinates of the grid to help them solve the perimeter and area. The
third objective falls in line with standard 6.GM.4 because the students will be decomposing.
unfamiliar quadrilaterals.

Materials Needed
● Geoboards
● Pack of 100 rubber bands
● Dot paper
● Students will need pencils

Launch (10 minutes)

Our launch for our lesson this week will be a short review of what we covered last week
with finding the area of a complex shape. As a class, we will play the game that pops up when
you click the link:

The premise of the game is to just simply find the area of complex shapes. The screen
will be displayed on the board, so Jazkira, or students are able to come up to the shapes and write
on/divide them. Jazkira will ask the students “What from last week do you guys remember or
have any questions, comments, or concerns about?” to see where the students thinking is of the
concept of area. Then the students will be split into groups and will work to answer each
question. There will then be a class discussion (if needed) following each question. We will do
this for about 10 minutes of class time to refresh student’s memories of what we learned last
week. Reminding them the different ways to solve the area of complex shapes ties into the lesson
of finding areas of unfamiliar quadrilaterals. At this time, Jazkira will be facilitating the launch
while Nick and Kelly will be walking around the classroom helping students at their desk if they
are stuck on the problem.

After solving the area of complex shapes, Jazkira will facilitate students' discussion as
they come up with a working definition of a quadrilateral. The definition that we will be using is
“a quadrilateral is any closed four sided shape”. We are doing this because in the investigation,
we are exploring quadrilaterals and their area on a geoboard. The launch helps prep the student’s
to obtain the fourth objective for our lesson. Our launch this week helps prime students for our
investigation. The only objective that is being met in the launch itself is objective three by
finding the area of complex shapes.

Investigation (35 minutes)

All students will be handed a geoboard and a dot paper. They will then get into groups of
2-3 to complete the investigation. The geoboard will represent quadrant 1 of a graph and students
will be working within this “quadrant”. Students will be given a 9 peg area to work in on the
board. They will be tasked to find as many quadrilaterals as they can in that 9 peg area and
record their shapes on the dot paper provided. There are 16 total quadrilaterals that can be made
in a 9 peg area of a geoboard (2 x 2 area). They are as follows.

After students explore unfamiliar quadrilaterals on the geoboard, we will ask groups to
come up and show some of the shapes that they got and explain how they got those shapes. If
students did not get all of the shapes, then Jazkira will lead them to finding the other shapes with
an online geoboard and ask the students to justify the shape by using the working definition.

Once the students are aware of all 16 shapes, Jazkira will assign each group a set of
coordinates. The groups will create the polygon (given their coordinates) with their rubber bands
and are to find the area of the shape. This will show whether or not the students are able to create
shapes when given coordinates. During this time, Jazkira, Nick, and Kelly will be walking
around providing assistance and checking the students’ progress. This activity will cover all 3
objectives, given student’s success, and both standards, 6.GM.3 and 6.GM.4. Once the students
are done, they will present to the class their coordinates, shape, and strategies for finding the area
to the class. At this time, Jazkira will facilitate the group conversation and see which groups did
the same strategy, or different, then have them come up to share their strategy and process for
constructing their shape. Nick and Kelly will be assisting by making sure the other classmates
are listening to their peers and asking questions to ensure their understanding.
● Explicitly incorporates both listening and questioning, and includes at least two teacher questions for assessing student thinking.
● Explains in detail how the investigation aligns with the lesson objectives.

Summary/Wrap Up (5 minutes)

To conclude this lesson, students will demonstrate their ability to create and decompose
simple, then complex shapes on a geoboard and find the area of complex shapes. The accuracy of
the students ability to do this activity will be the assessment to show Jazkira what the students
were able to get from the lesson. Jazkira will give each group coordinates of a complex shape to
create on their geoboards. This will demonstrate that they can create complex shapes on a
geoboard as well as understand coordinates on a plane. Students will be asked to decompose that
shape into smaller, more reasonable shapes that they can find the area of. Once the students
demonstrate they can decompose complex shapes, they must show they can find the sum of the
simple shape areas to find the total area of the complex shape. Jazkira will call on students to
demonstrate their thinking and understanding to their classmates.

We will know if our objectives were met through this wrap up because students will be
creating an unfamiliar quadrilateral on their geoboards given coordinates (Ob. 1) and finding the
area of the shape (ob 2. &3. utilized). They will have to break the shape down into smaller parts
to find the area and figure out the side lengths based off of the coordinates to find the area.

Scaling up

If students are finding shapes with these geoboards with ease then we will provide them
with a larger geoboard area to work within. The larger geoboard area provides more outcomes
of different types of quadrilaterals, so students have to think of similar shapes (same shape,
different size) and any other new shapes they can create. This is harder because students have to
think outside of the box to come up with even more than 16 solutions.

Scaling down

If students are unable to grasp the concepts of finding area of unfamiliar and complex
quadrilaterals, Jazkira will project the shapes on to the board and work on them as a class until
they fully understand the concept. Once they are able to guide the activity on their own, then
they can split back into individual groups and work on their own. They can also be given easier
shapes to find the are/side lengths of such as squares/rectangles on the geoboards. This is easier
because it allows the students to see a demonstration of Jazkira’s thinking and they can apply her
strategy to their own work.

Teaching questions to assess student understanding?

1. Given two coordinates, would you be able to find a side length of a shape? How would
you do that?
2. What are some different strategies of finding the area of a quadrilateral?

Include separately a description of the end of class assessment.

Lesson 4 (exploring 3D shapes in relation to 2D shapes)

Names: Jazkira Combs, Kelly Easton, Nick Torres

School: Lakeview Elementary School

Grade: 6th Grade

Date: 27, March 2020

Cooperating Teacher: J. Casebeer

Estimated Time (minutes): 45 minutes

Lesson Prerequisites & Pre-Assessment of Students:

Based on results from the FAI, students are able to:

- State the equation for the area of a rectangle

- Recognize a rectangle visually
- (we will more information after conducting FAI 3 and 4)
- Include social-relational goals

Lesson Objectives

- Students will be able to define understand the concept of surface area and volume of a
rectangular prism
- Students will be able to find the volume and surface area of a rectangular prism
- Students will be able to state the relationship between finding the area of a rectangle and
the surface area of a rectangular prism.

Social Skills

- Students will collaborate in small groups to achieve a common goal

State Standards
6.GM.5: Find the volume of a right rectangular prism with fractional edge lengths using unit
cubes of the appropriate unit fraction edge lengths (e.g., using technology or concrete materials),
and show that the volume is the same as would be found by multiplying the edge lengths of the
prism. Apply the formulas V = lwh and V = Bh to find volumes of right rectangular prisms with
fractional edge lengths to solve real-world and other mathematical problems.

6.GM.6: Construct right rectangular prisms from nets and use the nets to compute the surface
area of prisms; apply this technique to solve real-world and other mathematical problems.


Find the volume of a right rectangular prism with fractional edge lengths by packing it with
unit cubes of the appropriate unit fraction edge lengths, and show that the volume is the same
as would be found by multiplying the edge lengths of the prism. Apply the formulas V = l w
h and V = b h to find volumes of right rectangular prisms with fractional edge lengths in the
context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.

These three objectives all fall into line with both standards 6.GM.5 and 6.GM.6. The
students constructing their nets applies to working with three dimensional prisms. The students
being responsible for accurately measuring these shapes demonstrates their understanding for the
volume and area equations. This could help with real-life mathematical problems when
measuring cube and rectangular shaped objects (i.e. boxes).

Materials Needed

● Different cubical/rectangular prism boxes (cereal box, boxes, juice boxes, tubs etc.)
● Candies of different sizes (M&Ms/reeses/rolos/peppermints)
● Glue
● Net boxes
● candies

Launch (10 minutes) (Jazkira)

Students will be shown a brief video explaining surface area and volume. After the video,
Jazkira will explain the differences between surface area and volume and gather what the
students understand from the video. She will then explain the relationship between finding the
area of a 2D rectangle vs. a 3D rectangular prism. The relationship is that students find the area
for each face of the prism which are 2D rectangles. After finding the area of each rectangle, you
add each area together to get the total surface area of the 3D shape. It is also important to note
the relationship between each face of the prism. Four faces are going to be congruent and the two
bases are congruent to one another. Jazkira will also hold up a shape, give a scenario ask the
students whether they would need to know how to find the surface area or volume of the shape.
The examples they will be given are as follows.

1. Needing to know how much wrapping paper to get for a present

2. Needing to know how much soil to put in a pot to plant a flower

During this time, Nick and Kelly will be assisting the facilitation and making sure the
students are on task and answering questions as needed. After the launch, students will have
obtained the first and third objective for the lesson.

Investigation (Kelly)

Kelly will place a cereal box, tupperware container, and an organizing container in the
front of the class and ask students to make predictions in regards to surface area and volume.
Students will have to justify their predictions at the time that they make them. Kelly will write
down their predictions on the board as they say them. By comparing each individual container,
we will also be comparing our units of M&Ms and peppermints. Students will be asked which
unit will take up more space, which container can hold the most units, etc. We want to explore
the fact that the bigger the unit, the less units will be needed and vice versa.

After doing a class demonstration and brainstorm session, students will be broken into
groups of 3-4 to explore more in depth on their own. Each group will be given a container that
resembles one of the ones that we used at the beginning of the investigation. The students will be
given both M&Ms or peppermints to use as non unit measurements. There will be two groups
that have the same container, but given different units of measurement. The students will be
tasked to find the surface area of their container and the volume. To find the surface area,
students can glue their unit of measurement to their container. After they figure out the surface
area, then they will be able to find the volume, because they would have found the length, width
and height of their container. If there is time, students can test out to see if the volume they
calculated is correct by placing their units into the container. (It is important to note that the
number they get while putting the units in the container is not going to be exact as the volume
they calculated because there is room for human error and there is miniscule spaces between the

Once students have calculated their surface area and volume of their container with their
given unit, we will go over the findings as a class. Once each group has shown their findings, we
will compare the same containers in regards to how there was a different number for the surface
area and perimeter, even though it is the same container. Using these non unit forms of
measurements helps students understand the concept of surface area and volume. After the
investigation is finished, students will have achieved objectives one, two and three for the lesson.
Teaching questions to ensure student understanding:

1. How are surface area and volume related to one another? How are they different?
2. If you were given the length, width, and height of a figure, would you be able to find the
volume of the shape? What about surface area? How would you do that?

Summary/Wrap up (Nick)

To conclude this lesson, students will be presented with net cube templates that they will
be tasked with cutting and taping together. After completing their net, students will be tasked to
find the surface area and volume of the rectangular prism. They will be given different
dimensions of height, length and width. This gives students the opportunity to construct three-
dimensional prisms and have physical manipulatives. The summary allows students to
demonstrate the second objective of the lesson.

The assessment aligns with all three objectives as they will be finding the volume and
surface area of a rectangular prism. They will have to use their knowledge of how finding the
rectangle relates to finding the surface area of a rectangular prism (OB. 3). Also by finding the
surface area and volume of the rectangular prism, that directly correlates with objective 2 and it
achieves objective 1 because students will have to know the difference between surface area and

Scaling up

If students are able to grasp the concept of surface area and volume with non-measured
units quickly, we will then have them use standard units to calculate the surface area/volume of
their containers. They will be given rulers to measure the dimensions of their boxes. This is
harder because it forces students to think in units and the measurements become more precise as
opposed to the non-measured units.

Scaling down
If students are having a difficult time understanding the concept, Kelly will work through
an example as a class. She will ask probing questions such as “What do parallel faces have in
common?” (congruence) “So what can we do once we find the area of one side?” (multiply it by
2) “Why?” etc. Walking the students through a short demo is easier because it gives them a
strategy to use while they are exploring in their small groups.

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