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LESSON PLAN (Linda Bolin)

Lesson Title: Angle Attributes and Measures

Course: Math 7
Utah State Core Content and Process Standards:
4.1c Draw label and describe attributes of angles, 4.2b Measure angles
Lesson Objective(s):
Students will describe angle attributes and will be able to measure and estimate measures for
Enduring Understanding (Big Ideas): Essential Questions:
Angles are a basic idea in geometric

Where are examples of angles found in the

thought and measurement

How can I describe the attributes for an angle?

What is the measure for a given angle?

Skill Focus:
Vocabulary Focus:
Recognize attributes of angles
angle, vertex, protractor, degree, acute, right,
Measure angles
Estimate angle measures
Angle Sort paper
Measuring Angles worksheets
Measuring angles quiz
Classifying Angles song overhead
Two-Colored Circular manipulative (made with small plastic plates)
Paper for foldable
Assessment (Traditional/Authentic): Student performance tasks, question responses,
Ways to Gain/Maintain Attention (Primacy): sorting, cooperative learning, manipulative,
music, movement, virtual manipulatives-Geoboard
Written Assignment:
Measuring Angles
Angles Foldable
Content Chunks

Post vocabulary on a Word Wall or board and refer to the vocabulary during the lesson.
Lesson Segment 1: Where are examples of angles found or used in the realworld?
Guessing game: Tell students you are thinking of a geometric idea and that you
will point to some examples of that idea in the room. When they think they might
know what the idea you are thinking of is, they may write the idea down. After
pointing to several examples that suggest where an angle might be formed, ask for
responses. Ask students to describe attributes for some of the angles you pointed to
such as where the vertex point might be, or where the line segments are which form
the angle. Show the math symbol for angle.

Lesson Segment 2: How can I describe attributes of angles?

Without giving information have students sort angles by cutting out the cards on
the Angle Sort paper. Partners cut and sort, writing the rule for their sort. Then have
the partners compare their sorting to another pair. Discuss with class the sort bringing
them to the idea that angles can be described by the wideness or openness of the
angle. This wideness is the measure of an angle. Remind them that they may have
heard words such as acute, right or obtuse when describing angles.
Sing this song with the students:
Classifying Angles Song
(to the tune of Skip To My Lou. Lyrics by Linda Bolin)
Use arms to show each as the verse is sung.

Im a little angle. I like me like that.

An ACUTE little angle, and Im not fat.
Im an alligators mouth or a witches hat.
Im ACUTE. Im less than 90.
Im a RIGHT angle, and I look square.
Look for a corner, and Ill be there.
Im a flag or a present. Im everywhere.
Im just RIGHT. Im exactly 90.

rather large, so I have pride.

an OBTUSE angle. Im big inside.
a reclining chair or a door open wide.
OBTUSE. I am more than 90.

Have students use Two-color Circular manipulative to show attributes such as acute,
obtuse and right as you ask them to. (A two-color manipulative can easily be made to
allow the students to demonstrate angles. Make a cut in two different colored small
plastic plates from the circumference to the center of the plate. Slide the two plates
together at the cut.)

Have students re-sort the angles into acute, right and obtuse categories (if they did not
originally do so) and write the category on the back of the card.
Lesson Segment 3:

What is the measure for a given angle?

Use the Measuring Angles investigation worksheet and protractors to become more
familiar with the protractor and to measure angles.
Make a three column foldable (as shown below). The back side of the foldable can be
labeled Measuring and Classifying Angles. Have students use their protractors to
measure each of the angles from the sort cards. Then have them use the protractor to
sketch the angles in the appropriate column on the Foldable and label the measure of
each angle.
Acute <s

Obtuse <s

Right <s

Using the Two-Color Circular manipulative again, call out angle degrees and have the
students rotate the sections of their plate to show an estimation for the measure.
Students will enjoy practicing angles measures using a virtual protractor by going to
this site:
Assessment: Have students complete the quiz attached

Angle Sorting
Cut the angle cards apart. Sort them into three categories and write the rule
for each category. Your categories cant refer to angle positions such as upside-down, left or right.




Measuring Angles



1) What is an angle? Use the circle drawing to help you understand and explain.

2) How can angles in circle A be the same size as angles in circle B and C when they
look wider?
3) When you turn around in a complete circle, you have traveled 360 degrees.
Degrees are used to label the distance of a turn. Use a colored pencil to trace the
line and label the degrees to show where each of the following turns would stop.
Begin at 0 each time. Each line represents a turn of 15 degrees. The degrees are
the measure of the angle.


15 turn
30 turn
45 turn
90 turn
120 turn
180 turn
210 turn
270 turn
315 turn
360 turn



Look at a protractor. How is a protractor similar to the circle above? How is it



Find the mark on your protractor that would represent the center of the circle.
Where is that mark? This is the vertex point mark.


Find the mark on your protractor that would represent 0. Where is the 0 mark?


Find the mark on your protractor that would represent 180.


Where is the 180

8) Each angle sketched below represents a turn. Place your protractor so the center
mark is on the vertex of an angle. Line one of the segments up pointing to the 0
mark. Now find the mark where the other line segment is pointing. How many
degrees is the angle?

Name __________________

Measuring Angles

Label 0 and 180 on this protractor.

Label vertex where the protractor will be placed on the angle vertex point.
Sketch and label where a ray forming a 120 angle might pass through.
Sketch a 45 angle in the space below the protractor.
Where in this room would you see:
An acute angle?
A right angle?
An obtuse angle?

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