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Employability Skills: Why Is It Essential for a Man to Possess Multiple Skills?

For some individuals, a lifelong career is no longer a choice today. Many people hold
their jobs with multiple employers and move across various employment sectors throughout their
working lives. Educational attainment and experiences can make someone eligible to apply for a
job, but in order to be successful, one may need skills that are most likely to develop over time.
Some are specific that corresponds to their job but most often time, it will be the so-called ‘soft
skills’ that are useful in any employment sector. Soft skills are employability skills that make
someone employable. Employers are willing to teach someone about job-specific skills however,
they usually look for ‘soft skills’ before hiring, since it is a quality or characteristic that an
employee must have. In general, the most important employability skills include getting along
with and working well with other people, being reliable and dependable and lastly, a willingness
to learn new skills. Hence, we all need to be flexible and be prepared all the way to what may
come, one must understand that employability skills are not specific to only just one career path
but are universal and are useful to all employment sectors.
Interpersonal skill is a skill that is required to work with other people. Good interpersonal
skills allow someone in communicating and participating effectively in a team. Satisfactory in
customers and clients’ expectations and wise decision making with other people works
effectively with other employees. A trained and strong interpersonal skill helps us in empathizing
and building rapport with our co-worker, colleagues, and clients which may result in a better and
less stressful environment. As an example, if employees possess good interpersonal skills, when
incorporating teamwork tasks, they become more productive and efficient. Since it allows them
to communicate effectively and openly in sharing workloads, reducing the pressure on each of
them, and ensuring that they finish the task before deadline. This allows goals to be attainable
while improving job satisfaction and increases work pace. In addition, by getting along with
others will enable everyone to learn from one’s mistake to avoid future errors, and through
communication, everyone may gain insights on different perspectives and learning new concepts
from more experienced colleagues.
Being reliable and dependable is also one of the important employment skills a person
must possess. This idea simply means that what you say is what you will do and also, being able
to look and see who needs help and willing to do so. It sounds easy, but it requires a wide range
of skills. In this part, it means that one is being organized and can manage time productively.
One should know how long a task will take and also, what should be done first in order to meet
the required standard. Being reliable does not actually mean that you will do everything yourself
but also, learning how to ask for help when you know you cannot do and cannot be able to meet
a certain due date. Another definition of reliable is being conscientious and trustworthy. One
example is when things still need doing, one must not leave the work often. Self-regulation is
major part of emotional intelligence wherein trustworthiness and conscientiousness fell under,
this fact means that you have self-discipline whether doing things that you do not want, but
which you know are necessary. Being self-regulated and reliable means that you can take
responsibility for your own actions and ensuring that you live up to your values.
Willingness to learn also refer as personal development. This mean that one is being open
to new experiences and ideas and always looking forward to improve one’s skills and
knowledge. It is important to look forward in improving, change is constant in almost all
workplaces, and most valuable employees are those who can embrace changes and recognizes
that it may offer more opportunities than as threats. In general, employers want a resilient type of
people which are adaptable and flexible whenever environment they are in. Being adaptable and
flexible is another key part in emotional intelligence and self-regulation. When one starts to be
adaptable and flexible, you may easily be reliable and dependable. You know that to do and what
you should not. With this skill or trait, we are not bound by our perceptions or thoughts, but we
can adjust the way we think and change our expectations accordingly. For example, there are
new regulations and changes on the company you are working on, but you are flexible enough to
change your way of thinking by understanding and by fitting in, in the situation 'til then.
Each of us has own personal range of sills. Hence, we can make a unique contribution to
any organization. Learning and recognizing on how to use one’s skills effectively is essential. It
can make the world better, and by having a willingness to embrace new ideas. We must learn
how to communicate effectively with one another so that we must attain a clear and organize
work. And by being reliable, one is trustworthy enough to have self-regulation wherein you do
things that are necessary. One knows how to take responsibility to every action he made. And by
being dependable, one is able to look and see who needs help and willing to do so. We all need
to be flexible and be prepared all the way to what may come, one must understand that
employability skills are not specific to only just one career path but are universal and are useful
to all employment sectors. If one possesses multiple skills, not just only career-based skills, we
can make the world better.

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