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3 Functions of RDBMS
 Data are the raw materials. Information is processed manipulated,
collected or organized data.
 AnRDBMS not only manages data but is also responsible for other
important functions.
1. It manages the data and relations stored in the database.
2. It creates a data dictionary which is a system structure that stores
metadata. A metadata is dataabout data. It includes table names,
attributes, data types, physical space, and relationship and so on.
3. It manages all day-to-day transactions.
4. It allows users to specify validation rules which avoid incorrect
data values.
5. It performs book keeping duties.
6. It transforms logical data request to match physical data structure.
7. It Secures access through Password, Encryption and restricted
user rights.
8. It provides backup and recovery procedure for physical security of
9. It allows user to save data with data locking capabilities
10. It provides import and export utilities to use data created in
database to other database orspreadsheet software or to use data
in other software.
11. It reduces data redundancy

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