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1.Emmanuel Badu 01171228D
2. ArmarBoye Emmanuel 01175052D
3. Agbelesesi Augusta 01170316D
4. Ayise Joshua Kofi 01170525D
5. Atsu Reedemer Joe 01170767D
6. Muhammed Yushawu 01171320D
7. Sam Sowah Donald 01171275D
8. Iddrisu Faisal 01170150D
9. Acheampong Cornelius Baah 01171621D

 Causes of defects in buildings


A defect is a building flaw or design mistake that reduces the value of the building, and causes a
dangerous condition. Building deformity is one of the significant segments of building that
required consideration. At the point when a building neglects to execute as it should, we
instantly search for answers. Is the issue being the aftereffect of somebody's inability to collect
it legitimately? Is the issue a demonstration of nature? Was the correct upkeep of the building
not executed as it ought to have been? The appropriate responses regularly rely on various
elements: the age of the influenced constructing segment, the correct way of the issue, the
nearness or nonattendance of human mistake, or some blend of each of the three. The chose
contextual investigation (as saw) is in a condition of unfortunate states of auxiliary
deterioration and if remedial measures are not legitimately completed, it could bring about an
aggregate breakdown of the basic segment. The present building is currently a home for
imperfections that ought to have been maintained a strategic distance from if legitimate
achievability anticipating upkeep has been given insight ideal from the plan and development

A construction defect can arise due to many factors, such as poor workmanship or the use of
inferior materials. Building defects do not appear to have been minimized despite recent
advancements in building technology. Some common defects cause by agents such as
atmospheric pollution, poor workmanship or the use of inferior materials and climatic
conditions are more frequent. Defective building construction not only contributes to the final
cost of the product but also to the cost of maintenance, which can be substantial. Defective
construction includes activities such as compaction not done to specifications leading to ground
subsidence and eventual early deterioration of foundations. This may lead to the complete
failure of a structure. Conditions under which building construction takes place are often far
from ideal with the focus appearance of structure. Construction defect can be classified as 2
types, which are ‘Patent Defects’ and ‘Latent Defects’. Patent Defects can be detected by the
normal inspection or testing and apparent to naked eye, for example roof leak or a foundation
crack. However, Latent Defects are hidden and cannot discoverable by normal examination or
testing which will appear itself after a period of time. The most frequent and common causes of
defects in building are listed below,

 Lack of inspection
 Making use of inexperienced, unqualified inspectors
 Avoiding and ignoring inspection completely
 Non implementation of corrective actions during the construction process
 Inaccurate measurement
 Making use of defective or damaged formwork
 Excavations to close to an existing building and exposing the foundations
 Non-conformance with waterproofing specifications
 Inability to read and understand/interpret drawings
 Insufficient concrete cover
 Improper construction of cold joints
 Loss in adhesion between materials
 Stripping formwork too early
 Unacceptable soil compaction procedures
 Inadequate curing procedures
 Lack of communication
 Non-compliance with specifications
 Inability to read and understand/interpret drawings
 Insufficient site supervision
 Lack of communication between the owner, architect/engineer, project manager
 Employing unqualified supervisors
 Speedy completion of certain activities specifically where equipment is on hire
 Unqualified labor force
 Multinational construction experience
 Defects resulting from the wrong selection of materials
 Using materials unsuitable for the climatic conditions
 Using cheap materials
 Making use of expired materials
 Inadequate storage facilities
 Misuse of equipment
 Equipment not performing to specification
 Lack of the proper equipment
 Cross referencing and detailed referencing on drawings lacking
 Conflicting details on drawings
 Details of sections on drawings lacking
 Subsurface/geotechnical problem.
 According to Marianne (2005), these 35 defects listed above can be grouped in to 4
categories which are:
 Design deficiencies
 Material deficiencies
 Construction deficiencies

Design Deficiencies
Design professionals, such as architects or engineers, who design buildings and systems do not
all ways work as specified, which can result in a defect. Typical design deficiencies relate to
building outside of the specified code. Roofs are an example of a typical design defect that
result in water penetration, intrusion, poor drainage, or inadequate structural support.

Material Deficiencies
The use of inferior building materials can cause significant problems, such as windows that leak
or fail to perform and function adequately, even when properly installed. Window leaks can
result from many things including, rough framing not being flush with outside at openings,
improperly flashed windows, improperly applied building paper, window frame racked during
storage/moving, lack of sheet metal drip edge above window header, etc. Common
manufacturer problems with building materials can include deteriorating flashing, building
paper, waterproofing membranes, asphalt roofing shingles, particle board, inferior drywall and
other wall products used in wet and/or damp areas, such as bathrooms and laundry rooms.

Construction Deficiencies
Poor quality workmanship can result in a long list of defects. A typical example is water
infiltration through some portion of the building structure, which may create an environment
for the growth of mold. Other problems include cracks in foundations or walls, dry rotting of
wood, electrical and mechanical problems, plumbing leaks, or pest infestation.

Subsurface Deficiencies
Expansive soil conditions are typical in California and Colorado, as well as other parts of the
country. Many houses are built on hills or other areas where it is difficult to provide a stable
foundation. A lack of a solid foundation may result in cracked foundations or floor slabs and
other damage to the building. If subsurface conditions are not properly compacted and
prepared for adequate drainage, it is likely the property will experience problems such as
improperly settling to the ground (subsidence), the structure moving or shifting, flooding and in
many cases more severe problems such as landslides.


1. Damaged roofing and blocked guttering
Cracked roof tiles or damaged ‘pointing’ (the cement sealant along the roof joins) can leave
your roof and ceilings exposed to water damage and flooding. Gutters that are blocked which
do not allow water to be diverted from the roof can also cause flooding, especially in periods of
heavy downpour, as well as create moisture problems.

2. Timber Rot
To prevent rotting, timber needs constant maintenance to protect it from the elements. Any
exposed timber – such as decks, verandas, trims, barge boards and fascia’s require protection
such as painting or staining.
3. Cracking
Cracking can be common particularly in brick homes where the house has moved due to
movement in the earth. Cracks can vary in size and should be assessed by a professional as
causes sometimes require ‘underpinning’ to stabilize any further movement.

4. Electrical
Fortunately, electrical safety standards have improved over the years, however, many older
properties still have wiring and switchboards that do not comply with current regulations. As
our modern lifestyles rely on electrical power for heating, cooling, lighting, cooking,
entertainment and computers it is essential that the wiring is fit to meet these demands.
5. Stumps / subfloor framing
Commonly, timber stumps in older properties can deteriorate with time, which can lead to
uneven floors and create further problems and expense. Termites may also have attacked
timber sub-floors (stumps/bearers/joists). Having adequate ventilation under the sub-floor is
also essential.

6. Rising Damp
This is a common problem in older brick or stone dwellings where there hasn’t been suitable
damp proofing to stop moisture creeping up the walls. Visible signs of rising damp are paint
peeling, damp smells and staining on walls.

I. Keep up with current building codes and standards.

II. Follow manufacturer guidelines for every product you use. Be sure to examine warranties
and understand the limitations of the materials you use in construction projects.

III. Pre-qualify the subcontractors you hire. Above all, ensure that the individuals and
organizations you choose to partner with have the proper credentials, experience and skills
to deliver a quality finished product.

IV. Seek legal counsel to ensure that all of your contracts are airtight and protect you against
errors committed by outside parties.

V. Document the construction process. This will ensure that you have a solid record of
materials and practices used during a project, which will come in handy in the event of a

VI. Implement a quality assurance/quality control program (QA/QC). QA/QC programs provide
a set of standards that ensure a project is built correctly or performs as designed. In
general, the best way to avoid a construction defect claim is through quality construction.
Be sure to work only with architects, engineers and contractors who have good reputations
and track records. In addition, plan and perform work in the correct sequence and with
proper supervision.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Any new residential construction is initiated by contract. You and the builder enter into an
agreement to build your new home. Your developer or contractor describes what they will be
building for you and lays out the terms, payments and a range of specifics regarding the project.
What's also included in many construction contracts is a clause addressing dispute resolution.
This is specific language in your agreement that determines how you must proceed if a dispute
arises between you and your contractor. Often, these clauses instruct you to turn to mediation
or arbitration to resolve your conflict. Therefore, if you discover what you believe to be a
construction defect, the existence of this type of clause means your options may be limited to
one of these alternative dispute resolutions methods.

Breach of Contract and Breach of Expressed Warranty

As detailed above, your new home was most likely designed via contractual language. Once it is
built, you may discover that some facet of the construction, design and/or materials have failed
to meet with your expectations as described in your contract. This provides you with the legal
opportunity to compel your builder to correct the defect. Arizona law provides your builder
with the right to repair the defects in your home prior to the filing of a lawsuit. If your builder
opts to fix the problem, you retain the right to receive sufficient scope and performance of the
repair work. If you find the repair to be faulty or insufficient, you may still be able to pursue a
legal claim against your builder.

Negligence Claims
Your contractor owes you the legal duty of habitability and workmanship in new construction. If
he fails in this area and it causes a construction defect and economic damage to you, you may
be able to file a negligence claim under the theory of Breach of Implied Warranty.

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