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It is true that behind every success, there are those people who have been the support system. People that are the
shadows of one’s success in life.

Watching the clip made me realize that I am one of those lucky persons who have great support system. Although
I didn’t have the same situation of Efren Peñaflorida and the other kid, I still can relate in a different way. I have my
family who have been supporting me in every decision I made since I was little. They are the one who pushes me to fight
for the dream I want in life. They are supporting me financially and emotionally. Of course, I also have my friends who
have been also my support system.

As I enter college, I experienced a lot of stress especially in academics. There was a time that every night I cried
and wanted to give up. I lose weight, cannot sleep and cannot eat properly because of emotional stress. But, there they are
my family and my friends, they saved me form drowning in emotional stress. They comforted me, helped me to start over
and pushed me to still continue my journey.

Now, yes I still experience stress but, that stress cannot eat me anymore because I know that God put me in this
situation because He now that I can do it no matter what and of course, I have my family and friends that I can always
count on.

Like Efren and the other kid, I am also a person who helps others in the best way I can. I also became a support
system of my friends because we really cannot prevent the experience of being stressed in school and other matters. In
that little, I think I already helped them just like what they did to me. But this doesn’t mean that I am only helping those
who helped me or helping me. Whenever there is a person who needs help, as long as I can do whatever it is, I am willing
to help them because that was my mom has taught me that “if you have the capacity to help a person in need, help him no
matter how small it is, because sometimes, the small things in us are big to others”.

I guess, that is all. When you succeeded on something, learn to return it, not just to the persons who are the
shadows of your success but also to those people who are like you when you needed help.

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