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Animals in captivity need enclosures that meet their specific needs to
keep them happy and healthy. Explore the features and characteristics of
a zoo animal and design an enclosure that will meet that animal's needs.

BRIEF: In groups of three, you are to design an enclosure for a chosen

animal. Consider your animals features, characteristics and natural
environments. What does your animal like to do? (e.g. does it swim? Fly?
A sleeping/resting place or shelter
Enrichment (something to entertain it)
Appropriate space to suit the size of the animal

INVESTIGATING: Use Britannica Kids or the books provided to research

the features and needs of your chosen animal.

DESIGN: Draw and label your enclosure design on a piece of A3 paper.

Make sure you include the species of animal you are designing the
enclosure for and how many animals would live comfortably in it.

PRODUCING: Using your design as a guide, build a diorama of your

enclosure using craft materials (e.g. boxes, tubes, pipe cleaners, paper)

EVALUATING: Swap dioramas with another group. On a sticky note, write

down two stars and a wish. Does the enclosure meet the requirements?
What do you like about the diorama? What could be done better?

COLLABORATING: Throughout the design process, you will need to be

working together to get the project finished. Make sure all team members
are included equally. Will you each have a role? How will you make sure
that everyone's ideas are considered?

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