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Explain why the virus spread so rapidly in such a relatively short time span

based on your knowledge on health and disease.

As cases of the new coronavirus are identified around the world, we are baffled why it
spreads so rapidly and in short period of time.

“Understanding transmission of the virus is key to its containment and future prevention

The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.

 Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
 Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or
 These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly
be inhaled into the lungs.

Almost four months after the virus was detected, the number of Covid-19 virus cases surpassed
that of SARS. And while a majority of Covid-19 virus cases are mild and treatable, the sheer
number of cases is causing concern.
So we ask ourselves:

 “Why is this virus spreading so fast”?

 “Why are people susceptible to infection”?

This is primarily due to two reasons:

 “Because it is extremely novel, which means it is absolutely new to the human race, “We
don’t have immunity at all.”
 Secondly, the virus could be spread by people with no symptoms.
 Persons are not taking necessary precautions

 Immunity is the ability of the human body to protect itself from infectious disease. The
defence mechanisms of the body are complex and include innate (non-specific, non-
adaptive) mechanisms and acquired (specific, adaptive) systems. Since the Covid-19
is new to human body there are no vaccines or cure that is developed to eliminate it
so therefore it will continue to spread until a mechanism is developed to combat it.
 A new estimate by Japanese researchers says at least one in every two transmissions of the
infection is believed to occur while the first patient is asymptomatic. Individuals can be living
and working together which are asymptomatic and pass on the virus without even knowing
they have it. This makes it extremely difficult to contain the virus, even in countries with
strict infection control procedures.

 “Yu can carry horse go water but yu caan force it fi drink” a famous Jamaican proverb which
means you cannot not force people to do what they do not want to do. Even though the
government has invested a lot in the public education of its citizens persons still disobey the
rules set and continue to have large gatherings and neglect social distancing. As a result of
not adhering to the particular rules and guidelines the virus spreads more rapidly among the

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