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The Fill in the Blank Format for Supplier Validation

• UPC:

Here is exactly what Amazon wants you to share with them. If you don't have this, your
process will be slowed.

#1 Product Title: Copy this exactly from Amazon's page AND make a note in the "Notes"
section if the title varies in the receipt.

#2 ASIN: Amazon should have provided you with this.

#3 UPC: This is on file for all products. Sometimes, you can find the UPC using, but it isn't great. If you can't find it and your invoice doesn't have UPCs,
you can ignore this part.

#4 Supplier: The name of the product source. This does include retailers. If you feel more
comfortable putting "retailer" instead of supplier, go for it. If you purchased this from a retail
location like Target, you may add the city name to the Target. For Example, I may put
"Target Polaris" for an item I purchased from a Target in the city of Polaris. Whatever it says
on the invoice, put that here.

#5 Supplier Address: Don't leave this blank. If the item was purchase via online arbitrage,
find out where it shipped from.

#6 Supplier Tel: Find a working telephone number contact for the supplier. If you have a
contact person, that is a bonus. Add that in a note.

#7 Supplier Website: Regardless of where you purchased the item, put a website. If you
are buying from someone who doesn’t have a website, well, you’re doing it wrong!

#8 Date of Purchase: This is what is on the receipt. Don't try and avoid this if it's over 365
days. Instead, work to explain why you have an older invoice. If it was because the item
hasn't sold since you made this purchase (or you purchased way more than sold) that may
#9 QTY Purchased: Amazon wants to know how many you purchased. Some invoices
(stores like Nike Outlet for example) have products that are not organized when they print.
You may have 12 of the same UPC scattered among 5 pages (or maybe 32 inches) of
receipt paper. You need to highlight and tally each one. The Qty you send them should
match (within reason) the amount that you have shipped them this year. If you cannot
provide this for some reason, be clear as too why.

#10 Link to Invoice: I include this to send my annotated images in a clickable way. You
can't attach images to your initial appeal, so I do this. Even on my next appeals when I do
attach the images as files (since you will be sending emails) I still include these links. I want
to make it as hard on Amazon as I can to say that they need more information!

#11 Notes: Here you should include anything that is relevant to the product and
documentation you're providing. Here I recommend mentioning who purchased the item and
explain how you can prove that the purchase was made with a card that you own.

If you have a receipt or invoice that Amazon is NOT accepting, you may need to provide
them with proof of your credit card ownership. Most receipts should have at the very least
the last 4 digits of the buyers credit card number. You can send images of the last 4 digits
and your name on the credit card (assuming you did make the purchases).

Ok, so how about gift cards? You may ask…

It isn't ideal, but you may need to go as far as proving that YOU purchased the gift cards
with a credit card you own. It gets complex, but come on, it's your account. Do the work!

Lahore Learners Group



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