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An Efficient Method for Simulating Frequency-

Dependent Friction in Transient Liquid Flow

An efficient procedure is developed for simulating frequency-dependent friction in
Specialist Engineer, transient laminar liquid flow by the method of characteristics. The procedure consists
Boeing Commercial Airplane
Co., Seattle, Wash. of determining an approximate expression for frequency-dependent friction such that
the use of this expression requires much less computer storage or computation time than
the use of the exact expression. The derived expression for frequency-dependent friction
approximates the exact expression very well in both time and frequency domains.
Calculated results for a test system are compared with the experimental results so show
that the approximate expression predicts accurately the surge pressures, pressure
wave distortion as well as pressure attenuation in a liquid line.

Introduction where
p = fluid density
In many problems in fluid system dynamic analysis, it is im-
portant t h a t the dynamic response of the fluid transmission line x = coordinate in axial direction
be calculated accurately. One of the most accurate of the liquid
line models reported in the literature for laminar flow conditions r = coordinate in the radial direction
is based upon the solution of the linearized two-dimensional
t time
Navier-Stokes equations. Assuming t h a t :
fluid velocity component in axial direction
i the elasticity of the line walls is negligible compared with
the compressibility of the fluid ui = fluid velocity component in radial direction
ii the temperature and pressure variations are small so that
p = fluid pressure
the changes in fluid viscosity and density are small
the body forces are negligible H = absolute viscosity of the fluid
iv the mean fluid velocity is less than the acoustic velocity
in t h e fluid K — bulk modulus of the fluid.
v the fluid velocity in the circumferential direction is Experimental results have shown that the equations (1) and
negligible. (2) are applicable to finite lines with arbitrary boundary condi-
tions, and to lines with slightly elastic walls when the fluid bulk
these equations reduce to the continuity and momentum equa-
modulus is slightly modified [2].
tions [l]i:
There have been two basic approaches to the solution of equa-
r —i dui
= 0 (1)
tions (1) and (2). In the first approach, a fluid transmission line
is represented as a 2-port (or 4-terminal) element [2] as shown
in Fig. 1. The transfer function exp (— T(s).L), Zc(s) and
1 dp dui dui 1/Zc(s) are determined such t h a t the differential equations (1)
= 0 (2) and (2) are satisfied (the functions T(s) and Zc(s) are commonly
K ~d7 dr dx
known as the propagation operator and the characteristic im-
pedance for the line respectively). T h e expressions for these
functions are [3]:
'Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper.
p.c 1
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division and presented at the Fluids Zc(s) = (3)
Engineering Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 13-15, 1974, of THE AMBBI- 2J1(ja.Vs/v) __
Headquarters, November 21, 1974. ja. y/s/v. J„{ja.\/s/v)

Journal of Fluids Engineering Copyright © 1975 by ASME

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1 form such that the convolution theorem cannot be easily ap-
c-rw.t = exp
c 2J1(ja.\/s/v) plied.
1 - •
ja.\/s/v.Jo(ja.\/s/v) Karam [5] suggested the following approximate solution of
£~'{exp ( — T(s).L)/s] for liquid lines
1 0 for 0 ^ T ^ ro
L = length of the line
c = isentropic speed of sound in the fluid (K/P)1
-i e -r(»).i I—
\ 2 \ T - T , ' )

for T ^ To

a = inner radius of the line where
v = kimematic viscosity of the fluid tv
Jo = Bessel function of first kind and zero order
Ji = Bessel function of first kind and first order. T„.v
In principle, the impulse response functions corresponding to
the transfer functions exp (-F(s).L), Zc(s) and 1/Zc(s) can be
obtained by inverse Laplace transformation of the respective To = — — time delay for the line
functions. The convolution theorem can then be used to cal- c
culate the two output variables, when the two input variables
erfc = complementary error function
are given.
In practice, the evaluation of the inverse Laplace transforms and
of equations (3) and (4) is highly complex and time-consuming.
Brown and Nelson [4] solved an equivalent problem, the evalua- 1 for T ^ 0.0125
tion of £ - 1 { e x p (— T(s).L)/s} by use of approximations in the k = 2.7 T° m for 0.0125 ^ T ^ 1.25 (6)
high and low frequency ranges, and a complex numerical in- _ V8 for T > 1.25.
tegration scheme in the intermediate range ( £ _ 1 is the inverse
Laplace operator). The results were, however, obtained in a Karam's expression given by equations (5) and (6) is easier to

a inner radius of the line
c isentropic speed of sound in pressure p(t) weighting function used as an
the fluid go initial steady state flow approximation to W(T)
erfc complementary error function r coordinate in the radial di- W'{t) weighting function equal to
/ f(t) = pressure drop per unit rection W(T)
length R subscript denoting point R Vi = yt(t) = functions of past
h friction factor Bf lumped resistance in Leon- velocity changes, defined by
F F(s) = Laplace transform of ard's model [6] equation (27)
fit) s complex variable Zc = Ze(s) = characteristic im-
g(t - 2 To) = function of S subscript denoting point S pedance of the line
time given by equation t time Zch = Zci,(s) — high-frequency ap-
(49) To time for sound wave to travel proximation, to Zc(s)
J = V~l a distance equal to line Zo = classical surge impedance
function of first kind length roo = propagation operator
Jo = and zero order coordinate in axial direction At = time increment
Bessel function of first kind Ml fluid velocity component in Ax = increment in distance
/, = and first order axial direction i)i = 7]l (co) = a function given by
variable defined b y equation Ui = fluid velocity component in equation (38)
k = (6) radial direction absolute viscosity of fluid
M =
bulk modulus of the fluid v = v(t) = average fluid velocity v — kinematic viscosity of fluid
K = length of the line at a line section £i(co) = a function given by
L = inverse Laplace operator Vo = a constant in the expression equation (38)
£-1 = a constant in the expression for sinusoidal velocity fluid density
for Wi(r) V = V(s) = Laplace transform of dimensionless time, equal to
a constant in the expression v{t) tv/a?
for Wi(r) W = W(T) = weighting function To = dimensionless time constant,
Reynold's number Wi(r) = constituents of the weighting equal to Tov/a?
N subscript denoting point N function WHPP(T) time constant in Leonard's
V p(t) = fluid pressure W'i(t) = weighting function equal to model [6]
P Laplace transform of fluid Wi{T) angular frequency

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Pi (s) P 2 (s)
Q-! (s)

P i (s) p?(s)

Fig. 1 Two-port representation of a fluid transmission line

use for convolution with a general input, than Brown and Nel- requires storage of variable values for large number of time in-
son's solution [4]. However, the use of equations (5) and (6) tervals, and is usually avoided.
requires storage of input variable values for large number of time An alternate approach to the solution of equations (1) and
intervals, making their use impractical for large fluid systems. (2) for determining the dynamic response of a fluid transmission
Leonard [6] suggested using a simple transfer function line, is by the method of characteristics [10, 11, 12]. In this
exp (— TO.S)/(TCS + l ) i n lieu of exp ( — T(s).L) where TC is a time method, the equations (1) and (2) are first transformed to an
constant. He added lumped resistance at each end of line model, equivalent set of partial differential equations in which the aver-
as shown in Fig. 2, to provide signal attenuation, and considered age fluid velocity at any section and its derivatives are used.
Zc as a constant. He adjusted the values of rc and R/ so t h a t the The effect of fluid viscosity is completely taken into account by
period of the transient pressure response and the attenuation inclusion of a frequency-dependent friction term at the wall.
agreed with a more exact solution for a test system, and provided The method of characteristics and difference methods are then
curves and equations for calculating T C and Rj for all systems. used to solve these partial differential equations.
His approach is attractive because of its simplicity. However, A procedure for including frequency-dependent friction in-
it does not provide good results for a general fluid system [6]. stead of steady-state friction in the method of characteristics
Oldenburger and Goodson [7] and Gerlach [8] use infinite solution has been developed by Zielke [11]. However, this tech-
product expansions for cosh (Y(s).L) and sinh (T(s).L) such nique requires excessive computer storage and computation
that the natural frequencies for the first few modes are the same time, and has been considered impractical for the analysis of
for the approximate model as for the more exact model. Their ap- large systems.
proach works well in the frequency domain, but is less suitable An approximate method for simulating frequency-dependent
for transient response analysis in the time domain. friction has been developed which makes the inclusion of fre-
One of the drawbacks in the approach of several authors [6, quency-dependent friction in the method of characteristics al-
7, 8, 9] is their approximation for Zc{s). The function Zc(s) is most as convenient and practical as the inclusion of steady-state
assumed to be independent of s, equal to p.c/(ir.a2). As shown friction. This approximate method will be developed and dis-
in the appendix, this assumption may result in calculation of cussed in this paper.
surge pressures which are no more accurate than those calculated
by assuming the lines as frictionless.
The Basic Equations
Approximate expressions for £ - i { l / Z „ ( s ) } and £-»{^ c (s)}
have been determined. However, the use of these expressions If v and p are the average velocity and pressure at a section in

K$r~ TL


Fig. 2 Operational block diagram for Leonard's simplified line model


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a transmISSIOn line, then the continuity and the momentum
equations corresponding to a one-dimensional model of the line
ap av
ax + p. at + I(t) = 0 (7) N

1 ap av
K • at +-
=0 (8 )
where I(t) is the pressure drop per unit length.
Let F(s) and Yes) be the Laplace transforms of f(t) and vet),
respectively. Then following a procedure similar to that used
by Besant and Srinivas [13), it can be shown that for laminar
flow the solution of equations (7) and (8) will be the same as
that of equations (1) and (2) if

F~)= ~ . ,s. yes) (9)

. - _ Jo(ja. VS/V) Fig. 4 Characteristic lines In the x-t plane
(Ja·vs/v). J(' .f / )
1 Ja. v s, II

The inverse Laplace transformation of F(s) gives [11, 12]:

+ - Vi
( = -
4p. t, av
W (t ~ t, . -at
- -c1 -dp + p. -dtdv + I(t)
It) .v(t) (t,)dt, (10)
a2 a2 0 = 0 (17)
valid on the characteristic given by
(11) dx
di = -c (18)

W'(t) ... W(r) (12)

wherec = VK/p.
W(r) = + e-70.85r +
e-26 . 37T e-185 ,02 T
Thus, referring to Fig. 4, the differential equation (15) may be
+ e-218.92T + e-322,55T + e-445 ,93 T integrated along the characteristic C+, and the differential equa-
tion (17) may be integrated along the characteristic C-.
+ e-589.04T + .. , for r ) 0.01 (13) Using first-order finite difference approximations to the equa-
and tions (15) to (18), one gets

W(r) = 0.2821r-1/2 - 1.2500 + 1.0579r1/2 1

- (PN - PRJ + P(VN - VR)
+ -2 (fN + fR).At = 0 (19)
+ 0.9375r + .. , for r ( 0.01 (14)
XN - Xa = C(tN - ta) (20)
A plot of W(r) versus r is given in Fig. 3.
Following the method of characteristics [10], the partial dif- 1 1
ferential equations (7) and (8) can be converted to the equivalent - ~ (PN - Ps) + p(VN - vs) + 2' (fN + fs)At = 0 (21)
differential equations
1 dp dv (22)
~ . at + p. dt + f(t) = 0 (15)
where the subscript specifies the point at which the value of the
valid on the characteristic given by variable is specified.
A convenient way of solving these equations is by using a grid
dx with specified Ax and At, as shown in Fig. 5. With points N,
= c (16)
Rand S properly selected, if the values of Pa, VR, fa, ps, Vs and
Is are known, and if IN is a function of velocity VN and other
known variables, then the algebraic equations (19) and (21) can
Wapp (1') - - - - be solved simultaneously to obtain the values of pressure PN
20 and velocity VN at point N.
The big unknown in the foregoing approach is the procedure
for calculating the value of f (the pressure drop per unit length)
15 at any grid point at time to, knowing the value of pressure and
flow at that point at all times up to and including time to. The
W (1') simplest way is to approximate I by its steady-state friction
10 value, Le., to take I to be equal to lo.p, v2/2D where 10 is the fric-
tion factor given by
5 ~ 10 = [ 64
~ ~--
for laminar flow

o .01 .02
--- .03 .04 .05
for turbulent flow
(Blasius formula)
Flg.3 The weighting functions W(r) and W.P P (r) as functions of r Na being the Reynold's number, equal to v,d/v.

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t of iv/a>, one may be able to neglect some of the terms on the
N right hand side of equation (24). If one chooses a value of
tQ + At tvja? or T equal to rm.x, such that all weights W(T) for r > rm*x
are negligible, then the number of terms on the right hand side
/ t \ s \ of equation (24) will be equal to or less than r ma x.a 2 /(2v.At).
o (i, k)' The values of velocity will have to be stored for a maximum of
T'max-a?/{v. At) time intervals in the past. This number of time
intervals in the past, for which values of velocity at each line
section have to be stored, can be quite high. For example, with
Tm„x equal to 0.02, v equal to 0.01 in2/sec (v of hydraulic fluid
A*, MIL-H-5606 .at 175 deg F), radius a equal to 1/2 in. and time
• increment At equal to 0.001 sec, the value of rma* a?/{v.At) is
equal to 500. This value will be even higher for a less viscous
U, 2)s fluid or for a larger diameter tube. For any large fluid system,
the required computer storage is so high that the use of equations
(11) to (14) and equation (24) for including frequency-dependent
(i, I k friction becomes impractical.

(i, Ok
1 3 4 Approximate Expression for Frequency-Depend-
|-*Ax*-| ent Friction
The basic intent is to develop an approximate expression for
Fig. 5 Grid of characteristics for specified time interval
W(T) which will decrease the required computer storage to a low
However, as apparent from the more exact equation (10) for W{T) « JFapp(r) = TTi(r) + W,(T) + W»(T) (25)
/ (for laminar flow), the value of / depends not only upon the Where
instantaneous value of v, but also upon the past velocity changes.
Since the past velocity changes are known, Zielke [11] uses the Wt(r) = m ; . < r V for i = 1, 2, 3 (26)
following difference equation representation for equation (10).
Also, let for i = 1, 2, 3
ft.t = - ~2 vt.k + — 3 I (»w« - vc^Wiik - j)At) n{t) = f ' w t(t -h). — (ti).dh (27)
o at

or equivalently where

8pv W'S) = Wi{r) (28)

/••• {.k + 4. p.v
^- (vi,k - Vi,h-,)W'(At) +
Then, from equations (10), (25), (27), and (28)
+ (»<.*_> - v{,t-i)W'(3At) + ... + (Vi.2- Vi.o)W'((k - l)At) 8pv ipV
fit) v{t) -\ — • (Vi + 2/2 + Vi) (29)

The weights W can be calculated from equations (11) to (14). From equation (27)
The accuracy of expression for /,-,* in equation (24) can be im-
proved by higher order difference approximations. dv
Vt(t + At) (t + At - h). — (tjdh
Since W'{t) decreases with t, approaching zero at large values at


h. \
pu> .2 JA

10 20 „ 30 40 50

Fig. 6 Comparison of exact and approximate expressions for ti (<•>)

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I+Al dv Comparison in the Frequency Domain
C W'S + At «i). j - ( < i ) *
If fluid velocity v is sinusoidal with angular frequency w, say
•. dv v = »o.e' a ' (36)
[' W'S + At- h) - W'S
+ Then from equation (9)
C dv 2p
+ I W'S -fa). •£ (k).dk / (ju).Vo.ei<" (37)

Using equation (26)

•H-Af dv
^ i%

If r;i(w) and £i(«) are functions of w such t h a t


i: W'S + At

h) -T- <k).dh

ydu) + ,?'£i(w) =
,• /--7-\

= m.i{v(t + At) -



as At - » 0

(31) then

and / = {iji(w) + iSi(&>)} .vo.ei" (39)

The effect of the approximation in W(T) on the frequency-

i: {W'S + At- h) - W'S - h)} — {k).dk dependent friction in the frequency domain can be evaluated by
comparing the exact values of r)i(io) and £i(co) (as given by
equation 38) with the approximate values of 171(a)) and £I(OJ).
The approximate expression for ?ji(co) and £i(co) corresponding
Jo to Wapp (T) given by equation (35) is

s: { e -n ( c/«»)Ai_i}.e-«,-("» 2 )«-'i).

= j/*(«). [«""<<" a , > , A ' - 1]

-? (d).*! fi(w) + j£i(u) =
8 + 4 ju
joi + 8000

+ ju + 200

Substituting equations (31) and (32) in equation (30)

+ ju + 26.4 )] (40)

The exact and approximate values of iji(co) are compared in

yS + A<) = yS)-e~n*{"la*>-A' + m.i.{v(t + At) - v{t)\ (33) Fig. 6 by plotting the nondimensional variable £i/(pa>) against
the nondimensional variable a(oi/v)ln. The agreement between
Thus, if the values of j/i, yt, y3 and v are stored for the last time the exact and approximate values of £i(a>), is quite good. Note
interval at any section, then knowing the current value of v t h a t the assumption of steady state friction and the assumption
at that section, the current value of frequency-dependent fric- of a constant Zc are equivalent to assuming £t(co) equal to zero
tion at t h a t section can be calculated by using equations (29) over the whole frequency range, and are therefore much worse
and (33). The values of velocity at any other past instants in approximations.
time do not have to be stored. Therefore, for the example case, The exact and approximate values of r;i(w) are compared in
only four values instead of 500 values have to be stored at any Fig. 7, by plotting the nondimensional variable cPt\i/(y. p)
section. against the nondimensional variable a.(w/v)ln. The value of
The problem now is to determine the values of mi, nij m%, ni, a?rii/(v.p) corresponding to the assumption of steady state
mz and nz so that the approximation W„v(T) f ° r W(T) given by friction is also shown in Fig. 7. I t can be seen t h a t the steady
equations (25) and (26) is reasonably good. state friction is a poor approximation for frequency-dependent
Imposing the conditions that friction, and that the value of iji(co) given by equation (40) is a
good approximation for r;i(co) given by the more exact equation

r WWP(T)

Wapp(T) = W(T)
. dr

at T
r W(r).dr

0.0001, 0.001, 0.01

(38) over the frequency range shown in Fig. 7. Actually, the
approximation for 771(01) given by equation (40) is not good
above the value of a.(co/e) 1 / 2 equal to 150. For a equal to 0.5
in. and v equal to 0.05 in/sec 2 , this corresponds to a> equal to
4500 rad/sec. The inaccuracy above this high frequency should
WappM - W(T) not be of concern in most transient analysis problems. In any
< 0.02 for T > 0.1 (34) case, if higher frequencies are of interest, another exponential
term with a very high value of rn can be added to the approxima-
the following solution for W n p P (r) was found tion for W{T) given by equations (25) and (26), and the cor-
responding expression evaluated by following the indicated pro-
W W ( T ) = 40.0 e-soo""- + 8.1 e'™7 + e-™Ar (35) cedure.

The functions Wapp(r) and W(T) are plotted against T in Fig.

3. I t should be noted t h a t Wam{r) approximates W(T) quite Comparison of Predicted Results with Experi-
well over the whole range of T, except for T less than 0.00005. mental Results
The numbers used in conditions ii and Hi above are arbitrary
Fig. 9 compares the experimental results of Holmboe and
and were selected solely on the basis of their making the ap-
Rouleau [14] with the calculated results for the system shown
proximation reasonably good. I t should also be pointed out that
in Fig. 8, using the following three approaches:
if J^app ( T ) were allowed to be a sum of more than three expo-
nentials functions, one can get a better approximation for W(T). i simulating friction as frequency-dependent, using the ap-
Each additional exponential term will require one more value to proximate expression in equation (35) and the method of
be stored a t each line section. characteristics

102 / M A R C H 1975 Transactions of the ASME

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150 y ^ " FRICTION
2 yy
a T?i
50 £'' s

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Fig. 7 Comparison of exact and approximate expressions for in (»)

ii simulating friction as steady-state, using the method of approach, but it predicts the attenuation and wave distortion
characteristics poorly. Karam's approach predicts wave distortion reasonably
Hi using Karam's solution for step response [5] given by equa- well, but does not predict surge pressure well because of the
tions (5) and (6), and assuming Zc to be constant assumption of constant Zc.
The calculated results using the approximate expression for
The frequency-dependent friction case as well as the steady
frequency-dependent friction are very close to those obtained
state friction case were calculated using a grid with time-in-
by Zielke [11] using the exact expression. The latter are, there-
terval At equal to 0.001 sec. Also to facilitate the solution of the
fore, not shown in Fig. 9.
equations (19) and (21), these equations were converted from
simultaneous algebraic equations to simultaneous linear equa-
tions by using the approximate relationship: Application to Turbulent Mean Flow Condition
The exact and the approximate expressions for frequency-
/N = - (/R + fa) (41) dependent friction discussed above are strictly valid only for
laminar flow conditions since the basic equations (1) and (2) as-
The computation time required using a CDC 6600 computer, sume the mean flow to be laminar. However, there is some ex-
was about 2.0 sec for frequency-dependent friction case and about perimental evidence that equations (1) and (2) may be used over
1.7 sec for steady-state friction case. a limited turbulent mean flow range [2]. This suggests using the
A third theoretical solution was obtained by using Karam's following expression for frequency-dependent friction in tur-
solution for step response [5] given by equations (5) and (6), bulent mean flow condition
and the equations (54) and (55) derived in the appendix for con-
stant Zc case. These calculations were done only for values of 0.316 P
fit) = + —r- • (2/i + + y>) (42)
* up to 4 2V D a'
The predicted results using the three approaches are compared The foregoing relationship is based upon the approximation
with the experimental results [14] for the system of Fig. 8 in that the frequency-dependent part of the friction in turbulent
Fig. 9. As expected, the model with frequency-dependent fric- mean flow is equal to the frequency-dependent part of the fric-
tion predicts the surge pressure, the pressure attenuation and tion in laminar flow. This approximation is attractive because
distortion of the wave shape most accurately. The steady-state of its simplicity and because of the resulting ease in programming.
friction predicts the first surge pressure better than by Karam's It is expected to give better results than those obtained by as-
suming friction in unsteady turbulent mean flow condition to
be given by its steady-state value. However, it should be used
with reservations until more experimental data are available to
check the accuracy of the usage of equation (42) for the turbulent
L I N E D I A . = 1 INCH mean flow condition.
C = 4345 FT/SEC
" = 0.0615 IN 2 /SEC
L = 118.4 FT Conclusions
PRESSURE The approximate expression for frequency-dependent friction,
TRANSDUCERS given by equations (29), (33) and (35) simulates very well the
frequency-dependent effects of fluid viscosity in laminar flow
over a broad frequency range. The use of a model with the ap-
QUICK proximate expression for frequency-dependent friction predicts
CLOSING the dynamic response of liquid transmission line, including the
VALVE surge pressures, wave distortion and pressure attenuation, quite
accurately for laminar flow. With the use of this approximation,
inclusion of frequency-dependent friction in the method of char-
acteristics does not require significantly more computer storage
or computation time than the inclusion of steady-state friction.
The expression can be empirically modified for application to the
Fig. 8 Test system of E. L. Holmboe and W. T. Rouleau [14] turbulent mean flow condition, but such a usage should be made

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with reservations until experimental verification has been ob- Therefore
1 1 - e-arw.i
1 _|- e - 2 r « . £
Surge Pressure Due to Sudden Closure of Valve ,1 1 1 — e-2r<»>-'<
' s 1 + e-2r«.L
Consider a line of length L and diameter d, with a reservoir at
one end, and a quick-closing valve at the other end, as in Fig. 8. I" 1 for 0 < t ^ 2T0
For time t less than zero, let there be a steady state flow equal (52)
to go through the line. At time t equal to zero, let the valve |_ 1 - 2g{t - 2T 0 ) for 2T 0 ^ t ^ 4T 0
close instantaneously. The problem is to calculate the change If the characteristics impedance Zc{s) is assumed equal to the
in pressure, p 2 , at the valve. constant classical surge impedance, i.e.,
If q% = change in flow at the valve
ZB ~~ Zo — P° (53)
Pi = change in pressure at the reservoir TO?

51 = change in flow at the reservoir end of line Then, substituting equations (52) and (53) in equation (48),

Pi, Qi, P 2 , Qi are the Laplace transforms of pi, gi, pi, g2, DC
Pi —„ go for 0 < t ^ 2T 0 (54)
respectively, then from the line representation shown in Fig. 1,
(Pi + Zc.Q^e-rw-L = (P 2 + Z„.Q,) (43) — .go.fl - 2g(t - 2T0)\ for 27/0 ^ t ^ 4T0 (55)

and Experimental data [14] for the system shown in Fig. 8 indicates
(Pi - Zc.QJ = (P 2 - Z c Q 2 )e-rw.L (44) t h a t the maximum magnitude of p 2 or the maximum surge
pressure at the valve occurs at time t equal to 27V Therefore,
The closure of the valve is equivalent to a negative step change from equation (54) it may be noted t h a t the maximum surge
of magnitude go in g2, so t h a t pressure at the valve is independent of the expression for g(t —
2 To). This also means t h a t to calculate the value of the surge
Q2 = - -•" (45) pressure at t equal to 27*0, taking the correct value of V{s) is
s unimportant except for the delay term. The value of this surge
Also, since the change in pressure at the reservoir is zero pressure is determined by go and the expression for Zc{s).
An accurate expression for Zc{s) is given by equation (3).
P, = 0 (46) For large values of s, Zc(s) can be approximated by [4]:
Substituting the values of Q2 and Pi from equations. (45) and
(46) in equations (43) and (44), and eliminating Qi from the re-
sulting equations, one gets
Zc(s) « Zch(s) _pc
+ K4T]
-2r«.£ "1
(47) (56)
[I" -2r<»).i

Zeh(s) 2 7
7T7.7- T™J1 .
£-i 1
TO2 + - s . T112 + T+ 1-
P2 JB.1rMi-^™-H~| (48) (57)
?0 [_ s | 1 + e-2r«.i J J
If the inverse Laplace transform in equation (48) can be
evaluated, an exact expression for p 2 may be obtained. Some re- vl
sults for pi can be derived without an explicit evaluation of the
inverse Laplace transform in equation (48).
for t £ 2 T0
Let £ -i•i i - e-2r«.£ I = (49) pc 2 7
g(t - 2 To) for t > 2 To £ - i [" - Zc(s) 1 + - p r"2 + r + —- T™ 1
where To is the time required for the wave to travel a distance
*[• \/ir 6 V' * J
equal to L and g(t — 2 To) is an unknown function, which can
be obtained by evaluating the inverse Laplace transform. for small r

Then From equations (48), (52) and (58)

for 0 < t ^ 2 To pc (
£ - 1 J - (1 — e-2TM.t-) --)= r 1 ' 2 + T + T3/2 \
—2r -So. I 1 +
Pi = 7ra
g (t - 2 To) for t > 2 T„ V •s/ir
(50) for 0 < r ^ 2 r 0 (59)
1 _ e -2r(»).i
£-1 e-ar«.L, PTO
1 -|_ e - 2 r « . £ To =

OforO < t ^ 2T0 Therefore, maximum surge pressure = value of pi at t equal to

g(t - 2To)for2T , o ^ t ^ iT- 2 T0

104 / M A R C H 1975 Transactions of the ASME

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6 Leonard, R. G., "A Simplified Model for a Fluid Trans-
- 4 - (27-c)1'2 + (2T 0 ) + 6\/ir
1 + \/ir - ^ (2TO)3 2
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7 Oldenburger, R., and Goodson, R. E., "Simplification of
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9 Karam, J. T., Jr., and Leonard, R. G., "A Simple Yet
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2 Goodson, R. E., and Leonard, R. G., "A Survey of Model- 11 Zielke, W., "Frequency-Dependent Friction in Tran-
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4 Brown, F . T., and Nelson, S. E., "Step Responses of 13 Besant, R. W., and Srinivas, V., "Transient Response
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5 Karam, J . T., Jr., "A Simple But Complete Solution for 14 Holmboe, E . L., and Rouleau, W. T., " T h e Effect of
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Vol. 94, N o . 2, June 1972, p p . 455-456. pp. 174-180.

Journal of Fluids Engineering MARCH 1 9 7 5 / 105

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