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What Makes Senior High School Students Stressful

Elvira Primananda Putri, 1606878543, Faculty of Nursing

A research by Panadiker dan Rowe (2012), from 204 high school students in Seven
Hills in America, only eight students that not stress. “ Old can grow, but stress in school will
not decrease”-James, New Zealand. When we are in elementary school, we got zero in math
and we proud of it. In Junior High School, got a poor score will make us stress. But when we
are in High School we faced many things that can caused stress. Stress in High School can be
caused by some factors.
The first factor is academic problems. Being senior high school students is heavy
because it has a lot of task and exam. Students in High school have a lot of task like making
presentation, doing homework, doing the exercise, go to private class, and other task.
National examination is the one of examination that determined graduations. When National
Examination come up learning time exceed the limit, and force their brain to accept a lot of
knowledge. Besides National examination students in senior high school faced a lot of exams
like mid examination, daily test, final test, and SBMPTN to students who want to continue
their studies in university. The impact of this stress is the decrease of learning motivation,
competence, lazy to finish a task, cheating, lying, can't concentrate, so it will decreasing
graduation standard.
Another factor that can cause stress in senior high school is the their body system.
Grade XII senior high school students in age classification from WHO (1995) is classified as
a final level adolescent (17-19 years), where in this level thinking process is more complex.
Aldoscent shows enhancement of cortisol production as a response to stress, it influence
students characteristic, students are being more sensitive, easily get angry and stress.
In addition, stress in High School students can caused by financial problem. School
administration, uniform, a lot of books, that's all need much money. Moreover, when students
in senior high school want to continue their education in university, finance problem can
make them more stress. We know that to entering university need a lot of money. Also for
students who want to study in a university that far from their parents home. That's true that
finance is one of parents responsibility, but finance problem also can influence students
The final factor that causes stress in senior high school students is a situational factor. Things
that include in situational factor is fear and iffiness. Students get fear and iffiness when they
think if they pass or not, and able or not able. This iffiness can make students panic, and they
start to think a lot of negative probability. The example is when the exam coming and we
think some negative probability like “what if i didn’t pass the exam ?”,” my friends, will look
me as a fool”, “my parents will angry”, or “if i didn’t pass the test, i have no future”.

From the explanation above, that can be concluded that stress in senior high school
students can cause by a lot of things. Stress in senior high school students can cause by
personal factor, academic factor, finance factor, and situational factor.

Bibliography :

Kinantie, Os. A., Hernawaty, T., & Hidayati, N. O. (2012). Gambaran Tingkat Stres Siswa
SMAN 3 Bandung Kelas XII Menjelang Ujian Nasional 2012, 1–14.

Rahmat, H. (2013). Kecenderungan Kepribadian Berdasarkan Tingkat Gejala Stres, 1.

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