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1) 'Mimesis' means 'showing or 'dramatising'.

The parts of a narrative which are

presented in manner are 'dramatised', which making use of dialogue which contains
direct speech. 'Mimesis' is 'slow telling', in which what is done and said is 'staged'
for the reader By contrast, 'diegesis' means 'telling' or 'relating' in a more 'rapid' or
'summarising' way. The aim is to give us essential information as efficiently as
possible, without trying to create the illusion that the events are taking place before
our eyes - the narrator just says what happens, without trying to show it as it
happens. (mimetic- повільніше відбуваються події, діалоги ; diegetic- швидше
відбуваються події)
mimetic dialogue between Kim and his friends when the lama, a Tibetan Buddhist
from the North appears and actually with the lama also. There was used direct
speech/ events developed slowly and talk was quite detailed. Kim asked many
details "where did Lama come from?" "who is he?" and so on.
diegetic when Kim was sitting on The gun Zam-Zammah The moment when we
find out who Kim is. And then events change very quickly, they pass from one
event to the another one, for example who was his dad and why it happened that
he was left alone. These events are described quickly, but actually they take a long
period of time.
2) Focalisation-(means 'viewpoint' or 'perspective', which is to say the point-of-view from
which the story is told.) 'external' focalisation that is, what the characters say and do

'internal focalisation', the focus is on what the characters think and feel.
'external' focalisation The moment when it was said that Kim, like every boy,
when he heard someone else's plan, he had his own; and he said that If they are
destined to find that river and other things, they will find them/// I - my bull, tall
columns and some other things that I forgot about.
'internal focalisation'When lama went into the main hall, and looked through the
entire collection There were described his feelings like how He recognized on
stones the event after the another event of a wonderful story, having difficulty at
times at the sight of unfamiliar Greek objects and admiring himself like a child/
3) Non-identified-ми не знаємо, хто розповідає. Identified -Коли розповідає
людина, яка є героєм твору і розповідає від свого імені.
From the beginning of the work we can see that the story is told by the author
using the pronouns he, the names of all the characters and so on. Non-identified
4) analeptic- the story will 'flash back' to relate an event which happened in the
past proleptic- the narrative may flash forward' to narrate, or refer to, or anticipate
an event which happens later
Analeptic when Kim was sitting on The gun Zam-Zammah the moment when we
had a description of the main character Kim and suddenly we flash back to who
Kim's father was, what happened to him, and why Kim was left alone. Like events
which happened in the past
5) This work is an example of a packaged story. I think the main story is the
journey of Kim and Lama, the author describes everything, uses a lot of dialogues,
and the secondary is the story of the red bull.
6) There were many dialogues and direct speech in this work. I think the author
used dialogues to describe certain things, events and emphasize their importance in
more details.

The Indian literature

The Indian literary tradition is the oldest in the world. It is primarily one of verse
and essentially oral. Indian English literature refers to works : written in English,
by Indian writers, native/co-native language is one of the languages of India, some
who are abroad I mean by diaspora representatives. Joseph Rudyard  was an
English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist. He was born in India,
which inspired much of his work. He wrote novels, poetry, tales for children, short
stories celebrating British imperial. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Actually his stories were inspired of typical personal troubles such as connections
of his parents, unhappy childhood, 1871- taken to England and 1882- returned to
India. He worked for seven years as a journalist and Back in Lahore, 39 of his
stories appeared in the Gazette between November 1886 and June 1887. Kipling
included most of them in Plain Tales from the Hills, his first prose collection. In
1889 he returned to England, also he lived in America some years. His famous
novels : The light that Failed, Captains Courageous, Kim. , collections of stories
The Jungle Book, The second Jungle Book

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