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Procedure to provision the IBM I Series

Device creation command:

create dev count=24, size=54613 CYL, config=tdev, emulation=FBA;

Bind it to the Pool

Bind the devices to the Pool


Same way how you do for other servers

Create the Storage Group

Same way how you create for other servers

Create the Initiator Group (IG)

Create the IG and put the HBA Numbers – Same way like HP-UX Servers

symaccess -sid XXXX create -type init -name IG_DCN1PINX010_VIOS1 -WWN 10000090FA1F60DC

symaccess -sid XXXX -type init -name IG_DCN1PINX010_VIOS1 add -WWN 10000090FA1F60DD

symaccess -sid XXXX create -type init -name IG_DCN1PINX011_VIOS2 -WWN 10000090FA1F60D8

symaccess -sid XXXX -type init -name IG_DCN1PINX011_VIOS2 add -WWN 10000090FA1F60D9

Set the Initiator Flag for IBM i

symaccess -sid XXXX -name IG_DCN1PINX010_VIOS1 -type initiator set ig_flags on AS4,v -enable

symaccess -sid XXXX -name IG_DCN1PINX011_VIOS2 -type initiator set ig_flags on AS4,v –enable
Create the Masking View

symaccess -sid XXXX create view -name MV_DCN1PINX010_VIOS1 -ig IG_DCN1PINX010_VIOS1 -sg
SG_DCN1PINX010_011 -pg PG_E45_PG5

symaccess -sid XXXX create view -name MV_DCN1PINX011_VIOS2 -ig IG_DCN1PINX011_VIOS2 -sg
SG_DCN1PINX010_011 -pg PG_E45_PG1

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