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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Residential Plumbing Materials

Updated on July 9, 2013


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Over the years, the art and science of plumbing has changed dramatically. From the first Terra
Cotta pipes in about 1700 B.C. to the newest PEX pipe technology today, no building is
complete without plumbing. If it weren't for plumbing and plumbing professionals, the urban
sprawl that we have experienced today would not have been possible. And if it weren't for pipes,
plumbing would not be possible either. In this article I will discuss and compare the advantages
and disadvantages of many of the pipe technologies that have existed or currently exist on the
market for residential use.
Cast Iron Pipe | Source

Cast Iron Pipe

In the 1960s cast iron pipes were the most popular form of plumbing in residential construction.
This pipe was cheap and relatively easy to install for its time. It was also noted for its strength
and ability to withstand high pressures. At the time, this made it ideal for home installation.
Unfortunately for cast iron, it had one major flaw. This pipe was prone to failure due to rusting.
Most cast iron plumbing systems had at least one leak within 20 years of installation, but many
homes had more than their fair share of plumbing problems. Cast iron pipes were also known to
leave a metallic taste the water. This was due to the iron leaching into the water from the rusting
of the pipe. Today, cast iron pipe is no longer used for residential plumbing because of its faults.
Copper Pipes | Source

Copper Pipe

Copper is probably the most commonly used plumbing materials in the United States today. This
plumbing material offers long term durability and stability yet is soft enough to resist shattering
upon impact. Its so durable in fact that copper pipes can even be used outdoors in both above and
underground setting. Another advantage to copper plumbing is its natural ability to resist the
growth of bacteria. This is important because it helps to ensure that your water supply is clean
and safe to use. And finally, copper has a very high melting point and is able to resist
deformation. This means that during a house fire, the plumbing may remain intact and could
possibly be reused.

Despite all the great things that copper has to offer, there are a few disadvantages. The first
notable disadvantage is the fact the copper is expensive to purchase and install. Installation of
this plumbing requires soldering equipment and the skills of a trained plumber. Copper pipes can
also be subjected to major corrosion if the water it contains becomes too acidic. In addition to
this, copper pipes can leave water with a slightly metallic taste.
A Stack of PVC Pipe | Source

PVC Pipe

Next to copper, PVC pipe is also one of the most common materials used for residential
plumbing applications. PVC is great because it is an inert and stable material that resists
corrosion. It is also a very cheap material that is quick and easy to install. A minimal amount of
skills and tools are required to properly install PVC pipes in a home.

The main disadvantages to PVC pipe is that it is very brittle that can break or crack if miss-
handled. This is especially true for properties located in cold climates. In addition to this, it can
only be used indoors and is not intended for hot water distribution (it has a maximum service
temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit). Because of this, care must be taken when installed near
hot items such as furnaces or ovens.


CPVC stands for Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride. This yellowish plastic polymer was invented
to handle the higher temperatures that regular PVC could not. It also is slightly stronger than
standard PVC. CPVC has a few advantages over copper as well. It is generally a stable
compound and will not corrode as easily as copper pipes can. CPVC also requires about 25%
less time to install than copper does (though it does require more bracing). However, it is not as
easy to install as other plumbing materials such as PEX.
The disadvantages of CPVC include that it is brittle and it can't withstand very high temperatures
like copper can. Another disadvantage to CPVC is it's high thermal expansion coefficient.
Because of this, CPVC may not be the best choice for climates that experience wide variations in
temperature. Additionally, CPVC typically costs about twice as much as standard PVC does.

Red Color Coded PEX Pipe | Source

PEX Pipe

PEX is shorthand for "Cross-Linked polyethylene." This material is relatively new to the field of
plumbing (only appearing in the USA about 20 years ago) and offers some clear advantages over
other available materials. The first, and most notable, characteristic about this material is that it is
flexible. The flexibility of the pipe allows installers to avoid many obstacles while also using less
fittings. The speed of installation is also increased by the fact that the pipe fittings are generally
of the compression type. And finally, PEX is very good at resisting the effects of freeze and thaw
because of its flexibility.

However, there are some disadvantages to this material. Installation generally requires the use of
extensive bracing and supports. If not done properly, the pipes can move within the walls when
the water is turned on and off (water hammer). PEX cannot be used outdoors unless it has a UV
blocking coating. PEX is also a softer material that rodents seem to enjoy chewing on. This can
lead to a sudden and catastrophic loss of water pressure (and potential water damage) within a


The overall consensus is this: Plastic pipes are the cheapest to purchase and install, however they
generally cannot be used outdoors and have relatively low service temperatures. Copper is the
way to go if you need to deliver hot water or want something that this durable and long lasting.
Today, many houses are being constructed using a combination of PEX and copper plumbing.
This combines the ease of installation of PEX with the durability and strength of copper. This
affords new homeowners the best combination of advantages that the residential plumbing
industry has to offer.

Below is a table which summarizes the key characteristics and information for the various types
of plumbing materials for comparison purposes.

Comparison of Properties for Common Pipe Materials

Copper (Type CPVC PVC PEX (Class

  Cast Iron
M) * (Schedule 40) (Schedule 40) A)
Cost N/A $3.90/ft $0.83/ft $0.20/ft $0.46/ft
Pressure Rating @
200 psi 225 psi 400 psi 100 psi 150 psi
Pressure Rating @
200 psi 120 psi 100 psi N/A 100 psi
Max Service Temp 200 °F 200 °F 200 °F 140°F 200 °F
Softening Point
N/A N/A 295 °F 250 °F 255 °F
(Vicat Test)
Melting Point 2,300 °F 1,981 °F 428 °F 360 °F 270 °F
0.000006 0.000009 0.000037 0.000028 0.000083
Thermal Expansion
in/in/°F in/in/°F in/in/°F in/in/°F in/in/°F
Tensile Strength @
25,000 lbs 34,800 lbs 8,700 lbs 6,500 lbs 1,806 lbs
Weight 12.2 lbs/ft 0.33 lbs/ft 0.23 lbs/ft 0.21 lbs/ft 0.1 lbs/ft
Specific Gravity 7.89 8.96 1.54 1.4 0.94
Corrosion Resitance Low Medium High High High
Life Expectancy 20-75 years 50-75 years 75-100 years 75-100 years 75-100 years
Flexibility None Slight Slight Slight High
Thermal 3.8 Btu in /h 19.2 Btu in /h 1 Btu in /h ft² 1.1 Btu in /h ft² 3.2 Btu in /h
Conductivity ft² °F ft² °F °F °F ft² °F
0.11 Btu/lb
Specific Heat 0.09 Btu/lb °F 0.2 Btu/lb °F 0.25 Btu/lb °F 0.55 Btu/lb °F

The data for this table was compiled from more than 100 resources including textbooks, websites, and other technical guides.

Properties given are for 3/4" or equivalent pipe except for Cast Iron which has a diameter of 3 inches.

*Joining Method and material will govern the pressure rating for copper. In this table, a 50-50 tin/lead solder is used because it is the weakest of
all the common copper joining methods

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