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Episode 29


2 MOLLY (talking to Brendan) It’s such a shame about. . . about Patrick, though. He wasn’t
3 all that old. . . And now poor Rebecca and Kevin. . . They’ve got nobody.
4 Brendan and Anne hold Molly’s hands.
5 ANNE But they have us. . . They have you, and Brendan, and me. Two aunts and an
6 uncle. We’ll have to be their family now.
7 MOLLY Where did you find her, Brendan? She’s much too good for you.
8 They all laugh.
9 The fire chief presents Rebecca and Kevin with the Boston Fire Department’s symbol of appreciation
for their
10 father. The friends and family gather around to listen.
11 CHIEF Rebecca. . . Kevin. . . The entire Boston Fire Department wishes to express its
12 deepest sympathy on the death of your father, Patrick Casey. In recognition of
13 your father’s bravery, I’m presentin’ you with this helmet.
14 REBECCA Thank you.
15 Rebecca accepts it. Frank Wells, former firefighter, steps forward.
16 FRANK WELLS Rebecca, can I say a couple of words? Your father was a special friend to me.
17 I’m gonna miss the pleasure of his company. He probably never told you this, but
18 he saved my neck more than once. I want you to know, Rebecca. . . Kevin. . . If
19 you ever need anything, and I mean anything, please call on me. God bless.
20 Suddenly, Rebecca sees someone come in the door. it’s Matt. Rebecca is surprised to see him.
21 REBECCA Matt! It’s good to see you.
22 MATT Sandy called me. I’m really sorry about your father.
23 REBECCA Thanks for coming. How are you?
24 MATT Fine. How‘s life in San Francisco.
25 REBECCA School’s tough, but I like it.
26 MATT That’s good. Are you goin’ back. . . or staying or...?
27 REBECCA I don’t know. . . At this point, I just don’t know.
28 MATT Listen, I can’t stay. I just came by for a second to pay my respects...
29 REBECCA Thanks for coming.
30 MATT Take care, Becky.
31 The two embrace.
32 REBECCA Thank you Matt. . . Bye.
33 Rebecca watches as he disappears out the door of the funeral home. We see Kevin looking very sad.
34 Suddenly, Sandy appears in the doorway. Rebecca goes to Sandy.
35 REBECCA Sandy?

37 REBECCA Sandy, where’ve you been? I’ve been worried about you. I’ve been calling
38 and calling.
39 SANDY Sorry. . . I haven’t been home.
40 REBECCA What is it? Did Jack hit you again?
41 SANDY No, no, we talked. . . He’s promised never to do it again.
42 REBECCA You mean you’re going back to him?
43 SANDY I guess so.
44 Jack enters the front door and climbs the stairs. He sees Sandy and Rebecca in conversation, but he
stays on
45 the stairs.
46 JACK (to Rebecca) I’m real sorry to hear about your dad.
47 REBECCA Thanks, Jack.
48 JACK (to Sandy) Let’s go.
49 SANDY (to Rebecca) I’ll call you.
50 Sandy looks sad, but she leaves with Jack. They leave quickly. Rebecca’s face has a look of woriy for
51 friend. She turns and goes back inside.


53 The family and friends surround the casket just before it’s placed in the ground. The priest speaks.


55 Rebecca’s and Kevin’s heads are bowed as the priest finishes his prayers.
56 PRIEST May God bless and keep our brother, Patrick Casey. Amen.
57 The priest looks to Kevin to say a few words. Kevin has a hard time speaking.
58 KEVIN Um. . . My father. . . was a good father. He cared about us.. . He had a big
59 heart. He had a hard life after he got hurt in the fire .. . and if I added to his
60 burden, I’m sorry. . . I’m sorry if I did. I’m gonna miss him.
61 REBECCA My father had dreams, not big dreams. . . but small ones. He wanted to go
62 fishing, on one of those deep-sea fishing boats.. . but somehow he never did. He
63 dreamed of having a house. . . not a big house, just a little one with a garden.
64 That never happened either. He had dreams for Kevin and me, too. Maybe we
65 disappointed him with our crazy ideas. I’m sorry, Dad, if we did. You always cared
66 for us, and loved us, and provided a shoulder to lean on. And that has made our
67 journey easier. I hope you find your dreams now. . . maybe fishing, or working in
68 the garden with Mom. Bye, Dad.
69 Rebecca is crying and she puts her head on Kevin’s shoulder.

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