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Episode 28


2 Rebecca and Kevin approach their uncle.
3 BRENDAN Rebecca?
4 REBECCA Uncle Brendan. It’s so good to meet you finally.
5 BRENDAN Yeah, I wish it were under happier circumstances. How are you holdin’ up?
6 REBECCA We’re OK. It’s Dad I’m worried about.
7 BRENDAN Does he know you called me?
8 REBECCA Yes. He wants to see you.
9 BRENDAN Can I go in and see him?
10 Rebecca nods. She, Brendan, arid Kevin go to the door of Mr. Casey’s room.
11 REBECCA Excuse me, this is my Uncle Brendan. He’d like to see my father...
12 NIGHT NURSE Yes, come in. He’s resting.
13 BRENDAN (to the nurse and Rebecca) Uh, I’d like to see him alone for a few minutes, if
14 that’s OK?
15 REBECCA Yes. Of course.
16 Brendan walks down the hail toward his brother’s room.
17 REBECCA (whispering) I hope we did the right thing.
18 Kevin doesn’t say anything.
19 REBECCA Kevin, are you all right? I’m worried about you.
20 KEVIN I’ll survive.
21 REBECCA Do you wanna go get something to drink?
22 KEVIN Naw.
23 REBECCA I’m gonna go and say goodnight to Sandy. I’ll be back.
24 Kevin sits in a chair. Rebecca watches him, feeling she can’t do much right at this moment, and she
25 back to the snack bar. She walks down a lonely corridor.

27 Brendan enters the room and looks at his brother, Patrick, lying in the dark. He walks slowly to his
28 brother’s bedside.
29 BRENDAN Patrick? Patrick. . . it’s Brendan, your long-lost brother.
30 Dad opens his eyes and smiles weakly. Brendan stands next to his brother’s bed.

32 Rebecca enters the snack bar and looks around for Sandy. But she has already left.
33 REBECCA Oh.. . Sandy. . . I can’t believe it!

35 BRENDAN Rebecca called me. She told me you asked for me to come.
36 DAD (very quietly) I’m glad. . . glad you came...
37 BRENDAN It’s been a long time. . . too long, I guess.
38 Both men are feeling nervous, uncomfortable with each other.
39 BRENDAN You know what we are? We’re two pigheaded Irishmen, so stubborn that we
40 didn’t talk to each other for almost thirty years. That’s not the way brothers are
41 supposed to be.
42 Dad agrees.
43 BRENDAN You know what they say about us Irish—short tempers and long memories.
44 Dad grins a little at this.
45 BRENDAN I’m ready to forgive and forget. How about you?
46 Dad tries to say something, but he’s unable to speak. Dad reaches out his hand and his brother takes
it. They
47 both understand the wordless gesture of sorrow and forgiveness.


49 Kevin enters and walks toward Rebecca.
50 KEVIN Where did Sandy go?
51 REBECCA I don’t know. I can’t believe she took off.
52 KEVIN What’s wrong?
53 REBECCA Looks like Jack’s been beating Sandy up.
54 KEVIN You’ve got to be kidding. Actually hitting her?
55 REBECCA Yeah. You should see her face. She has a huge black-and-blue mark right here.
56 KEVIN That pig. He should have his face kicked in.
57 REBECCA Kevin, don’t talk like that.
58 Kevin gets frustrated as he tries to put money into a vending machine.
59 KEVIN This thing won’t take my money. Do you have any change?
60 REBECCA How much do you need?
61 KEVIN Seventy-five cents.
62 REBECCA Kevin, I’m sorry I yelled at you.
63 KEVIN That’s all right. That’s all right . . . It’s all right.

65 Dad’s heart stops. The machine is quiet. Suddenly, the door to Dad’s room is flung open. Brendan
shouts for
66 help.
67 BRENDAN Nurse! Hurry! Help!
68 REBECCA What’s wrong, Uncle Brendan? What’s going on?

70 The nurse sends out a general alarm. Residents and other medical personnel show up. Emergency
gear is
71 rushed into the room. Ventilators are placed into Dad’s mouth.
72 The doctor places two large discs on Dad’s chest, and the emergency team gives him electric shock.
73 DOCTOR He’s not breathing, and he has no pulse. We’re going to shock him...
74 Everybody, stand clear. Clear! Shock! … Shock! … Shock! Begin CPR. . . Can
75 we get Lidocaine? One milligram of Lidocaine.
76 Emergency team starts CPR, pushing on Mr. Casey’s chest.
77 NURSE And one and two and three and four and five. . . and one and two and three and
78 four and five...
79 The mood changes in the room. Brendan, Rebecca, and Kevin have watched the proceedings from the
80 hallway through the open door. The doctor removes his gloves and then approaches the family.
81 For a moment, Rebecca doesn’t believe it. Then she feels as if her whole world has collapsed. Her
uncle puts
82 his arms around her. Kevin holds back his tears with all his strength and buries his head in his
84 A phone is heard ringing.
85 ANNE Hello?

87 Brendan is on a pay phone.
88 BRENDAN Oh, hi, Hon. I have bad news—Patrick passed away a few hours ago.
89 ANNE Oh, Honey, I’m so sorry. Were you able to talk to him...?
90 BRENDAN We made our peace.
91 ANNE Oh, that’s good. How are Kevin and Rebecca taking it?
92 BRENDAN Rebecca’s, uh. . . pretty upset. Kevin’s a little quiet.
93 ANNE Yeah, I understand.
94 BRENDAN I’d like you to come out to the funeral.
95 ANNE Of course.


97 Rebecca is making arrangements for the wake and funeral. She’s calling people who need to be told
of her
98 father’s death.
99 REBECCA Aunt Molly?. . . It’s Rebecca. I have some sad news. Dad passed away this
100 morning. . . a heart attack. . . Yes, it was a terrible shock. . . The wake is gonna
101 be tomorrow, from six to nine. . . It’s OK, Dad’s friend, Frank Wells, will pick
102 you up...
103 We see the newspaper obituary with Mr. Casey’s picture.


105 People arrive at the funeral home.


107 Guests sign in and move along to the room.


109 The wake. The casket is closed. Several people kneel to pray in front of the casket.
110 Rebecca and Kevin are dressed in dark clothes. A woman comes up to them to express her sorrow
at Mr.
111 Casey’s death. The funeral director comes in to place more flowers around the casket. He hands an
112 arrangement to Kevin.
113 KEVIN Thanks.
114 Kevin glances at the card and then takes it to Rebecca.
115 KEVIN Who’s this guy?
116 Rebecca looks at the card. It says: “With sympathy, Alberto Mendoza.”
117 REBECCA How thoughtful… He’s a friend from San Francisco.
118 Uncle Brendan and his wife meet Rebecca.
119 REBECCA Uncle Brendan. . . And you must be Anne. Thank you for making the trip.
120 ANNE I’m very sorry about your father.
121 REBECCA It all happened so fast. . . We can’t believe it… Thank you for the flowers.
122 They’re. . . just beautiful.
123 Anne and Brendan smile and nod in response.
124 BRENDAN I don’t know anyone here. Where’s Kevin?
125 REBECCA Over there.
126 BRENDAN Excuse me...
127 He leaves the two women alone. They sit together.
128 ANNE It was good you called Brendan. You did the right thing.
129 REBECCA It’s wrong for a family to be like that.
130 ANNE I know. Brendan can be very stubborn. . . But I guess your father was, too.
131 REBECCA (under her breath) Yeah.


133 Brendan joins Kevin. They shake hands.
134 BRENDAN How’re you holding up, kid?
135 KEVINPretty good.
136 BRENDAN I don’t know a soul here. Do you know who any of these people are?
137 KEVIN Not all. . . but some. That guy over there worked with Dad at the fire
138 department. And that’s Mrs. Peterson. She lives in our building. That guy over
139 there, that’s Frank Wells. He’s a fireman, too. He’s an old friend of Dad’s.
140 Brendan sees an old woman sitting on a couch and talking to Frank Wells.
141 BRENDAN Oh, my God! I can’t believe my eyes! Is that Molly over there?
142 KEVIN Aunt Molly. Yeah. Frank Wells picked her up at the retirement community.
143 BRENDAN You know, we used to get Christmas cards from her. . . but I haven’t seen her in I
144 don’t know how long...
145 Rebecca and Anne continue their conversation.
146 ANNE Brendan’s so sad about losing his only brother, but at least they made peace
147 before your father died.
148 REBECCA I was happy about that. . . Urn, can I ask you something?
149 ANNEYeah.
150 REBECCA Dad never told me what their disagreement was about. Do you know?
151 ANNE (shocked) You mean. . . you don’t know?
153 ANNE I think it would be better if Brendan told you himself...

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